
  • # 考研公共课培训
  • # 考研英语培训
2302人阅读 2023年10月19日




Part 1. Vocabulary

Directions: In this part there are 30 incompletes. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then put your choice in the corresponding blank on the Answer Sheet.(15%,0.5point for each )

1. When she was a student, his father gave him a monthly         towards his expense.

A currency            

B pay              

C allowance          

D permission

2. The newly built Science Building seems           enough to last a hundred years.

A spacious            

B sophisticated      

C substantial          

D steady

3. There is an undesirable         nowadays to make firms showing violence.

A direction            

B tradition          

C phenomenon      

D trend

4. Competition, they believe,            the national character rather than corrupt it.

A enforces            

B confirms          

C intensifies          

D strengthens

5. Man closes his eyes quickly when a fly suddenly rushes to his face, we can call it the

       of human being.

A volunteer          

B stimulation        

C instinct            

D nature

6. Without a wholehearted          to a keen forward-looking vision and a deep insight, you can not be a leader.

A obligation          

B determination      

C resolution          

D commitment



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