
  • # 考研英语培训
  • # 考研公共课培训
3582人阅读 2023年10月19日


(总分100, 考试时间90分钟)

Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.

 Today, a high-level finance manager is just as likely to be a casual-looking 21-year-old as a balding executive. They have all either started their own companies or head a division within an existing firm. Most are under 30.
 Many of them share a tendency to think, speak and act fast. A detailed psychological study carried out recently on young business start-uppers aged over 25 revealed some common characteristics.
 The head psychologist at the University of Northumbria, Dr. Martyn Dyer-Smith, says "We found that they are opportunists. They have that entrepreneurial ability to take whatever is in front of them and turn it to their advantage. Any fool can make US $ 2 if they are in the right place at the right time, what is much harder is to actually plan their business. Originally I had a hypothesis that they planned a long time ahead, but I was wrong. What came across was a surprisingly short planning time. They took the opportunities as and when they came up."
 What cannot be underestimated, though, is self-confidence.
 "There is an amazing, almost abnormal, belief in themselves and (they) go very much on intuition." Says Dyer-Smith.
 While there is no typical pattern to what puts someone in the fast lane, there are some common threads: living up to the expectations of parents, channeling excessive amounts of energy into business, or finding a way to overcome personal barriers such as dyslexia (a reading disability) or learning difficulties, for example.
 The biggest surprise was the lack of young women. This was particularly unexpected, given the recent publicity about how girls are performing better than boys at school and becoming more confident and ambitious.
 But young women are opting for more secure careers rather than gambling with their future. With only a handful of female role models, some girls are not even considering being their own boss, let alone working on a concept fresh out of school, according to Dr Susan Vinnicombe, director of the center for the Development of Women Business Leader. "Women are going more into the corporate structure and doing well there. But perhaps the reason that they are not doing business for themselves at an earlier age is because women's attitudes are different. They perceive risk in a different way to men, who are not worried about borrowing huge amounts of money if it's going to help their business in the long term. Women are more cautious and more hesitant ," she says.
  Vinnicombe sees the lack of female entrepreneurs as part of a larger problem about women and the IT industry. Given that the computer world is one of the key areas for growth, where youth is an asset, it is "remarkable" that so many women are missing out on it.
 "The number of women in IT has actually dropped in the past 10 years. There is a real problem with attracting them to the IT industry, as girls don't seem to want to do it at university. It's become such a worrying issue that I know the government is looking into ways to attract them."

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A Lack of young managers all over the world.

B Features of high-level finance managers.

C Origins of the decline in female-dominated industry.

D Aims of a young woman fresh out of school.

2. Which of the following does not account for the success of the young businessmen?

A They never hesitate to take full advantage of the approaching opportunities.

B They have a strong confidence in their own abilities.

C They often base their work on long-term planning.

D They deal well with their personal advantages.

3. What is suggested as a reason for the shortage of business women?

A Girls do not perform so well as boys at school.

B Most companies are reluctant to employ women.

C Banks often refuse to give women large loans.

D Women are very worried about the risk-taking in their careers.

4. From the text we can learn that ______.

A some managers are very young but already have their own business.

B some managers are as casual and irresponsible as energetic young people.

C the government is concerned about the lack of women in such a field as IT.

D IT remains a minor area for growth.

5. The passage shows that the author is ______ the present situation.

A critical of

B amazed at

C disappointed at

D puzzled by



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