
  • # 英语四六级培训
  • # 英语培训
3400人阅读 2024年01月03日



第 一套

【Section A】

Conversation 1

M: Hello, Doctor.

W: Hello, please take a seat. I have your test results here, and it's good news. The blood test came back clear. There is no indication of any digestive issues.

M: So then, why do I feel so poorly all the time?

W: It's probably due to overwork and stress.

M: No, it can't be. I've always been working hard, but I've never felt stress. Other people suffer and complain about that, but I don't. It must be something else.

W: What you have just described is a common sentiment. Many people who suffer from stress fail to recognize it. You told me you often work long into the night, right?

M: Yes, most days in fact. But I've been doing that for about 20 years now.

W: That doesn't matter. You could have been suffering from stress for 20 years without knowing it. And now it's catching up to you.

M: But what about my feeling tired all the time, and not being able to sleep well at night?

W: Those are common consequences of stress. And if you don't sleep well, then of course you will feel fatigued. I'm going to prescribe some special sleeping pills for you. They have a soft, gentle effect, and are made from natural ingredients. So your stomach should tolerate them fine, and there shouldn't be any negative side effects. Take one with your dinner, and come see me after a month. If there is no improvement, I'll give you something stronger.

M: Thank you, Doctor.

W: That's not all. You should try and work less. Is there any way you can decrease your workload?

M: Um, I'd have to think about it. I'm a restaurant manager, and this industry is very competitive. There are many things to keep track of and stay on top of.

W: I recommend you think about delegating some responsibilities to someone else. I'm not asking you to retire, just to slow down a bit. It's for your own health.



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  • 2023年12月英语六级真题及参考答案 doc
    339.000 KB 2130人下载
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