

ADA老师 @艺术留学




Art Design Overseas ShortTermSchool; 它的与众不同/Its Unique Feature; 完美的设计进阶课程体系设计及发起者/Perfect course design and its initiator ;


摩德纳是一座古城,是总主教驻地,但是现在以「引擎之都」而著称,因为有许多意大利著名的跑车制造商如法拉利(Ferrari)、布加蒂 (Bugatti)、德托马索 (De Tomaso )、兰博吉尼(Lamborghini)、马塞拉蒂(Maserati)将工厂设立于此,而且除兰博吉尼之外,它们的总部也都设在摩德纳市内或附近。 Modena is an ancient city, it is well known as“ The Capital of Engines” for it is the home of many world class Italian racing car brands like Ferrari, Bugatti, De Tomaso, Lamborghini and Maserati. Except for Lamborghini, In Modena or close to Modena are theheadquarters of all the rest companies. 摩德纳大学全称摩德纳?雷焦?艾米利亚大学,位于意大利摩德纳市。它创办于 1175 年,是意大利较早建立的大学之一。经过 800 多年的发展,摩德纳大学已经被建设成为不仅仅是意大利国内的高等大学,而且在国际上也有较大影响的国际化综合型和研究型大学。 UNIMORE,the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,is located in the city of Modena, Italy; UNIMORE was founded in 1175; 800 years later, UNIMORE has been become only only the first class university of Italy, but also an international comprehensive and researching University. 到摩德纳不得不提的就是著名的意大利汽车品牌法拉利。法拉利(Ferrari)是一家意大利汽车生产商, 1929 年由恩佐??法拉利(EnzoFerrari)创办,主要制造一级方程赛车,赛车及高性能跑车。法拉利是世界闻名的赛车和运动跑车的生产厂家,早期的法拉利赞助赛车手及生产赛车,1947 年独立生产汽车。 When in Modena, Ferrari, one of the most famous Italian automobile brand must be mentioned. Ferrari was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, it is the producer of the high performance racing cars. 从法拉利到兰博基尼,为什么高端汽车设计、产品设计出在意大利?究竟意大利的传统经典文化对于设计本身起到了什么作用?本次课程请到了法拉利的设计总监亲临授课。 From Ferrari to Lamborghini, what has made Italy the founder of the top class car design, as well as the product design? What has the traditional culture contributed to the design itself?In this course of ours, the students will have the honor of listening to the lecture given by the design supervisor of Ferrari.

艺术留学罗马中心 艺术留学 International Art Education Roma Center 由多位国际资深艺术教育专家和产业专家联合在华创建。作为国内规模较大的国际艺术教育交流中心,中心致力于推动三元文化的推广,交融。 The Center is founded by a group international art education promoters and the industrial professionals in China. The center is devoted to promote the exchange and fusionof the Delta Force.

靳埭强 Kan DaiQiang 靳埭强平面设计界当之无愧的大师级人物。他曾获得过 300 多个设计类的奖项,其中很多是国际平面设计界高等的大奖。 1999 年靳埭强因为对设计界的杰出贡献,被授予香港紫荆勋章。特别强调设计师的专业精神,他认为漂亮的设计并不一定是好的设计,较好的设计是那些适合企业、适合产品的设计。 The Master in graphic design, has achieved over 300 awards for his design work, and many of them are the first class graphic design awards. Mr. Kan was awarded HK Purple and Gold Medal for his outstanding contribution to the design industry. Mr. Kan emphasize on the professionalspirit in a designer; he does not consider a beautiful design must be a good design, while a good design must be suitable for the industrial enterprises or the product itself. 靳棣强是靳羽西和靳羽屏家族的成员;他们坚信三元文化概念(中国,美国纽约,意大利)的力量,相信学生必须要亲自前往纽约和意大利进行文化体验,特别是意大利;学生可以通过设计大师的课堂学习如何将创造性,感性和美学相结合,并将这个结合的概念应用到所有的产品设计上; 学生们通过在当地亲身的学习和考察来拓宽他们的视野,领略文化的深度,人文艺术和美丽的周围环境。 Mr. Kan is the family member of Ms. Yue Sai Kan and VickieKan, who strongly believes in the Delta Force ( China, America New York, Italy) Concept that the students must personally go to experience the culture in New York and Italy , particularly in Italy. . In here, by listening to the lecture of Masters’, the students shall learn how to have creativity, sensibility and aesthetics when starting the design for a particular product; and by physically there experiencing, learning, inspection and visiting, the vision of the students will be broadened, the depth of culture and the beauty of the surrounding will be appreciated. Official Course description-?‐ Delta Force -?‐ 3-?‐ Dimensional Cultures 1) 三元文化新概念汇集了来自中国,美国,意大利的力量,认为学生应该要亲自前往美国(纽约)和意大利进行文化体验,特别是世界艺术的中心-?‐意大利;学生可以通过参加设计大师的课堂学习如何将创造性,感性和美学相结合,并将这个结合的概念应用到所有的产品设计上。 The cultural power of China, the United States and Italy is integrated in ourconcept of the “Three-?‐dimensional culture” which we call it the “Delta Force”. The students shouldphysically experience this culture in New York and Rome, the center of the art, design and fashion world; In class,the students will learn the Italian concept that combines creativity, sensibility and aesthetics from the great masters. They are able to apply this concept toall the product designs. La potenza culturale della Cina, degli Stati Uniti e dell'Italia ? integrato nel nostro concetto di “La cultura tridimensionale” che noi chiamiamo il "Delta Force". Gli studenti dovrebbero sperimentare fisicamente questa cultura a New York e Roma, il centro del mondo dell'arte, del design e della moda; In classe, gli studenti imparano il concetto italiano che unisce la creativit?, la sensibilit? el'estetica dai grandi maestri. Essi sono in grado di applicare questo concetto a tutti design di prodotti. 2) 去意大利跟世界高等大师学的是艺术的精髓: The students will learn the essence of the art and design from the great masters in Italy: Imparerete l'essenza dell'arte e del design dai grandi maestri in Italia: Italy 意大利 Italia — Art and humanities 人文艺术 Arte e umanistiche, Creativity 创造性 creativit?,Sensibility 感性 Sensibilit?,Depth of culture and beauty 文化与美的深度 Profondit? di cultura e bellezza United States(New York)美国纽约 Stati Uniti (New York)-?‐-?‐-?‐-?‐ Science 科学的 scientifico Marketing 市场 Marketing Management 管理 Gestione Commerce 商业 Commercio China 中国 Cina-?‐-?‐ Chinese traditional culture 传统文化 la cultura tradizionale cinese Respecting elders 敬老 Il rispetto degli anziani The correct values of life 正确的人生价值观 I valori correttidella vita Diligence 勤劳 Diligenza

充满艺术设计感的营地环境 Learning environment full of the sense of the art desi gn 包含住宿、餐饮、教学、娱乐、游览参观于一体的海外小学期设计学习项目!

课程特色 纯干货课程 / Pure Master Course 移植意大利高等大学产品工业类的设计课程,结合法拉利等高端设计企业,经过 艺术留学 课程研发导师团和平面设计届大师靳埭强的精心挑选和改良,将更能帮助学生就业、海外深造的干货课程,我们想解决 1.如何界定中国工业设计的设计风格 ?2.中国设计风格可以找寻的 突破口在哪里 ?3.如何面对中国的山寨设计问题 ? By applying the product and industrial design course of the first class Italian University, by involving the top level design enterprise like Ferrari, the courses have been carefully designed which shall be able to best help the students in learning, in job finding, as well as in overseas further study. With the designed courses, we hope to find the answers for: 1. How to define the design style of the Chinese Industrial design? 2. What can be the breakthrough point for the Chinese design style?3) how to confront the fake issue in China design field. 无缝隙对接 /Seamless connection 独特的课程设计和能力培训,让本科后一年至研究生学生都可以一同进行学习,先进的创意设计理念无需专业基础与背景,同样可以突破自我迎接拔高挑战。 The unique course design and capability training allow the senior student and graduate school to learn in one classroom; the advanced creative design philosophy encourages self improvement and br acing the challenges. 针对性教学 /Tailor made teaching 学生在意大利学习的过程中,除了学习利用专业的工具和材料进行创作之外,更要学到使用当今较先进较受认知的设计知识,以法拉利汽车设计为核心,涉及从汽车零件设计到驾驶体验的设计,更会探索司机和汽车之间的交互元素。学习过程中每一个重要节点,都将邀请外来专业人士进行评图鉴赏,让学生得到客观且多方面的评价与反馈,以及获得更多机会。 During their learning process in Italy, aside from learning to do the creative work by utilizing the professional tools and materials, the students will learn the most advanced design knowledge of the current world, based on Ferrari design, from the spare parts design to the driving experience design; what’s more, the students will have the opportunity to explore the interfering elements between the driver and his car. At each of the key step of the leaning process, the experts of the industry will be invited to come for evaluating the design drawing of the students, so that the students will have more opportunities to learn from the industrial masters by listening to their objective evaluation and feedbacks. 学与做完美匹配 / To learn from to make 在课程中穿插各类 workshop 配合课程的学习,进行专项能力的突破训练,第一时间把学到的知识应用于项目创作中,较大限度的提高学生的动手能力,让学生能够做出高水准的作品,直接应用到申请作品集中。 Various Workshop activities are inserted into the whole course learning process, to carry out the breaking training for the specific type ofthe ability, and to apply the knowledge learnt first handedly to the project design work, to improve as much as possible the manipulativeability of the students so as to enable them to come up with a high standard work.

海外小学期课程规划 / Overseas Short Term School Project 1: Management 设计管理 作为研究生和本科后想申请设计管理类的学生,可以系统的理解在设计管理领域里面的业务管理、人才管理、项目管理等。 For the master degree students and the undergraduate students who wants to apply for the design management major, they can systematically understand the design management field of business management, human resource management, and project management, etc. 学习成果/ Result of the study: 话题一:Project management 话题二:Business Process Engineering and design thinking Project 2: Design 设计 课程经典进阶模块,以世界高端企业法拉利的设计模式为标杆,结合意大利著名公立院校摩德纳大学的教学体系为依托,从设计趋势到外形设计,从零件设计到体验感设计,探索未来交互设计的方向。 The course model is based on the Ferrari design model, supported by the teaching system of the well known Italian public university of Unimore, from the design trend to the outer appearance shape design, from the spare parts design to experience feeling design, to explore thefuture design direction of the interference. P2 Topic 1: Automotive style and design P2 Topic 2: Trend anyalysis of the color of the cars and its degisn P2 Topic 3: How to match the color and design for the interior parts and the exterior parts of a car P2 Topic 4: The choices on the material for the interior parts of the car P2 Topic 5: The design methodology of the worlk calssic automobile recognition system, like why the kidney-?‐shaped front design of the BMW, etc P2 Topic 6: The design about the car driving experience P2 Topic 7: How to design the interactive elements between the driver and the car for a better driving experience Project 3: Seminars 研讨会 为什么意大利是世界高端品牌的聚集地。是什么样的方式和文化,能让艺术设计提升到新的高度,成为具有创新意识的设计师? What makes Italy the rallying point of the worldtop brands? What kind of method and culture can improve the art design to a higher level, as well as to become a design with a sense of creativity. P3 Topic 1: Composites for racing cars P3 Topic 2: Tyre design and manufacturing Project 4, Final project 终作品 作为学生的终作品,学生将着手设计一个”终点站”。依据对“终点站”的理解创造一个团队设计作品,深度发掘设计的意义。并设计一个真正意义上的汽车,并在摩德纳的工厂实验室,进行检验 As the finishing product of the course, the students will be asked to design a“station of destination”. Based on their understanding of the “ station of destination”, the students are to create a group design work, to find the deeper meaning of design, and to design anautomobile of a real sense, which shall be tested in the Modena factory lab. Project 5, Visits 访问和日常行程 P5 Topic 1: Visit to Ferrari factory P5 Topic 2: Visits to musesums and gallaries


Bao PeiPei 平面设计培训

教学*: 成功辅导了36名学生艺术成就硕士期间: 1、《Zest - the world of spice》 香料品牌视觉设计,品牌APP动态展示设计入选院Gallery 展览。 2、 两人合作项目《Jack Beans》-儿童培育植物手机Application教程; 互动设计,同时入围院校Gallery展览。 3、2015年 第7届CIPB中国国际海报 双年展 参与文案翻译以及标签等设计工作; 4、2015年 第16届白金创意国际大学生平面设计大赛参与书籍装帧等设计工作; 教学理念 “设计好似加盐 放少了淡 放多了则咸,尺度很重要。

Jing Shiwen 艺考培训

教学*: 成功辅导了54名学生。 艺术成就: 接触艺术近十年,多次在国内外举办展览,数幅作品被学校及美术馆收藏。 教学理念: 用艺术的行为方式来传递观念、表达内心,创造当代艺术与生活的共鸣。









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