简介:中籍老师Winnie创新是老师必备的素质,让孩子真正掌握英语的同时又能享受全英文环境带来的快乐尤为重要。 让孩子成为一名小绅士、小淑女。品格教育应渗透到教学的各个方面,成为孩子的榜样,教会孩子做人的基本道理是每个老师应尽的义务.Teachers should develop the full potential of every child equally. We encourage each one to be a happy and active participant, while helping him to progress rapidly in cla****very child is his parents' pride and joy, so teachers pay attention to every child closely and fairly, with lo***We create interesting, creative, goal-oriented activities so that each child can speak English well in a unique, supportive English env*******t.We train children to be young, respectable ladies and gentlemen. The teaching of ethics is instilled into every aspect of teaching. We are good models to each child by teaching him to be a responsible and honorable citizen.