



Part 1 旅游场景


1. 1803

2. furniture

3. library

4. school

5. bank

6. electricity

7. market

8. dinner

9. Barret

Part 2 志愿者项目


Part 3 互联网对心理的影响


21-26 选择

21. why many lectures from different departments are interning?

C. the principles

22. how to start the introduction of the data

A. by using the bar chart

23. According to personal experience, what negative impact arises with internet?

B. people become less creative

24. where to get further information about XXX?

A. contact with the tour consultant

25. where to get further information after the lecture?

B. from the website

26. what surprise the students most

A. help people understand each other

27-30 匹配

27. Bad noises: difficult to find information on the internet

28. the starker test: lots of participants

29. personality plus: is very useful

30. face-up: recommended by professionals

Part 4 美洲霸王蝶的冬眠和迁徙


31. Some butterflies in South America hibernate in the form of an egg

32. Save energy accumulated for formative stage

33. Certain caterpillars in the far north produce a chemical of blood similar to anti-freeze to protect larva

34. Can’t live for long at cold condition, some mechanism can only operate warm weather

35. Monarch butterflies in winter stay in North America

36. Survival skill help can last for up to 6 months for long journey

37. At night they stay on the trees

38. Finding their ways for following the rivers

39. They also orient by using sun and the possibility of flowers

40. Watching the migration can be good interest to the increasing number of tourists






Task 1: diagram (流程图,橄榄油的制作)

Task 2: Students in some countries leave school without good understanding of how to manage their money. Why do you think are the reasons? What are the solutions to this problem.(新题)


地址:郑州市大学路80号华城国际中心8层0822室,联系人:李老师,18037326700(微信同号), QQ: 115456562

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