7.学会接受努力之后没有结果,但也要知道不努力肯定没有结果世间所有事情,如果努力一定要有个结果,很多事情需要看重的是事情的本身,而不是事情的结果。结果固然重要,但如果担心结果而放弃努力,自暴自弃,那就是典型的本末倒置了。We should learn to accept that there is no result after making an effort, but also know that there is certainly no result without making an effort. All things in the world, if the effort must have a result, many things need to look at the thing itself, rather than the result of the thing. The result is important, but if you worry about the result and give up the effort and give up on yourself, that"s typically putting the cart before the horse.accept 接受result 结果give up 放弃