2. 学会管理自己,走自己的路,并承担带来的后果。 每个人的...
2. 学会管理自己,走自己的路,并承担带来的后果。 每个人的成长,都会有一段或长或短的迷茫期,如何走出迷茫期,就成为了所有人关心的话题。身处迷茫期的时候,总会想自己的应该怎么办,人若没有信仰,是很可怕的一件事。现在的中国,越来越开放和包容,能走的赛道也很多,你需要做的就是收集周围的信息,然后从俩方面看俩个东西:从好处和代价看付出和结果,做出优选,坚定的走下去就行。 Suggestion 2: Manage yourself andafford the outcome which you create. People always feel confused as longas they keep thinking. It is obvious that we can notbe God who is omniscient andomnipotent. Fortunately, we live in a golden age. It provides you withopenatmosphere and diversified choice. The thing you can do is collecting theinformation from your surroundings and the internet, then judgingthem by revenueand cost. Finally, making a decision and insisting it. Keywords: confuse 困惑的 omniscient 全知的 omnipotent全能的 diversified多样化的 make a decision 作出决定 insist 坚持 Finally 最终地 information 信息