


高中英语听力专项训练(1) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1...

高中英语听力专项训练(1) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出*佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1. Why did the woman get a ticket? A. She parked in the wrong place. B. She drove too fast. C. She made a wrong turn. 2.Who"s Jenny? A. She is a student. B. She is a teacher. C.She is a doctor. 3. Where are the two speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a book store. C. In a post office. 4. What do we know about the woman? A. She has been ill for a few months. B. She isn"t worried about the exam. C. She is self-confident. 5. Where did this conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. At a theatre. C. At a hospital. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 、 、 三个选项中选出*佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。 6. When did the woman go to see Kate? A. Two or several days ago. B. A week ago. C. Two weeks ago . 7. What do we know about Kate? A. She"s too busy to see a doctor. B. The doctor"s advice does her no good. [ C. She hasn"t got well though she saw a doctor. 8. Who will go to see Kate? A. The man. B. Both of the speakers. C. The woman. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。 9. What are they talking about? A. Buying the game tickets. B. Watching the NBA game. C. Watching a dance performance. 10. Why should they get there a little earlier? A. Because they can get a better seat. B. Because they can avoid the traffic jam. C. Because theycan watch a warm-up. 11. When will they get there? A. 6:15.B. 6:45.C.6:50. 听下面一段对话,回答第12至第14三个小题。 12. Who are the two speakers? A.Husband and wife. B. Student and teacher. C. Brotherand sister. 13. What does the man usually do in the weekend? A. Have a picnic. B. Watch football games. C. Meet with friends. 14. Why is the man unsatisfied with their friend? A. They invite too many friends over. B. They seldom go out for a picnic. C. They seldom spend the weekends together. 听下面一段对话,回答第15至第17三个小题。 15. Why does Julia want to leave her present job? A. She does not like the job. B. She wants to do something different. C. She wants to travel and teach English. 16. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. Julia will move out of London. B. Tom will refuse to let Julia leave. C. Julia will go abroad soon. 17. Who is Tom? A. Julia"s husband. B. Julia"s brother. C. Julia"s boss. 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。 18. When did the man most probably lose his wallet? A. When he was having dinner. B. When he walked into the restaurant. C. When he was ordering his dish. 19. Why was the man in a hurry? A. Because he had to meet his doctor. B.Because he wanted to report to the police. C. Because he had to go to the bank. 20. What was the man"s biggest worry? A. He lost his ID card. B.He couldn"t pay for the dinner. C. He got a lot of people included in his problem. 原文及答案:

听力原文: 1. W: I got a traffic ticket this afternoon. M: Were you parking in the wrong place? W: No, I was driving too fast. 2. M: Does Jenny plan to go to summer school? W: No, she wants to work and save some money in the summer. M: That"s good. Maybeshe can help and pay some of the university fees next time. 3. M: I"ll answer your question as soon as I finish wrapping the books for the gentleman. W: Don"t worry about it. I"ll have a look at your new books. 4. M: You look worried, what"s the matter? W: Having been ill for a few months, I have a hard time passing the exam. 5. M:Excuse me, do you know if this seat is taken? W:I don"t think so. The fellow who was here finished his lunch and left. 6. M:Have you seen Kate lately? W:Yes, I have. I saw her a couple of days ago. She hasn"t been very well in the past couple of weeks. M:Has she seen a doctor since she"s been ill? W:Yes, she has. The doctor told her to take it easy for a while, but she hasn"t been following his advice. She"s as busy as usual. M:Do you think it useful for me to have a chat with her by myself when I go to see her? Or shall we go together? W:I think you can go yourself and show your concern to her since she sometimesdoestake our advice. So, it"s unnecessary for me to go with you. And what"s more, I"ve got some other things to do. 7. M: Great! It"s settled. We can pick up the tickets at the box office tonight. W:Great! M: I guess you haven"t been to an NBA game. W: Yes, you are right. But I"ve read a lot about it in the papers. What time does it start, David? M: Seven o"clock sharp. But we should get there a little before that if we want to see a warm-up. W: Warm-up? M: The cheerleaders and players prepare for the game by doing some dancing and shooting before it starts to loose up. W: OK! We"ll have an early dinner and meet outside the front entrance. How about 6:50? M: That"s fine. 8. M: What shall we do this weekend? W: Did you have something special in mind? M: No, not really. I just thought it might be fun to do som ething new. W: Do something for a change you mean? [ M: Yes, something different. We need a change. W: I usually go shopping and have my hair done during the weekend. And you usually watch the football match on TV. M: Yes. But we used to do some things together during the time we got married. W: Now, I"ve got an idea. Autumn is the best season in Beijing. Why don"t we go for a picnic this weekend? You"ll invite your friends, and I"ll invite mine. We"ll go together. M: Good idea. I will see about the car, and you will prepare the foods. But are you sure you really want all our friends to come along? 9. W:Can I talk to you for a moment, Tom? M:Of course, Julia. Sit down. What is it? [ W:I"ve decided to leave. M:Leave? W:Yes. M:Oh, no. Is it because we"re moving out of London? W:Well, yes. But there are other reasons. M:I see you never liked working here. W:No, no. I"ve enjoyed working here, but… M:But what? W:Well, I haven"t had time for other things. I"ve worked here for four years. And I"d like to do something different. M:What do you mean, something different? W:I want to travel. You know, I have never been to other countries. M:Haven"t you? W:No, I haven"t. I want to live abroad and learn to speak a different language. M:Well, what can I say? I"m really sorry. But I understand. W:Thank you, Tom. 10. I don"t often lose things and I"m especially careful with money, so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasn"t there. At first, I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the restaurant. I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that possibility, I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. 参考答案 1–5BABAA 6 –10ACABC 11–15CABCB 16–20CCAAB 高中英语听力专项训练(2) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面5段材料,回答第1~5五个小题。 1.Why does the womanwant to go to America? A.To take language courses. B.To attend a conference. C.To visit some friends. 2.What do we know about Peter Smith? A.He is having lunch at home. B.He is out at the moment. C.Heis talking with Mary. 3.What is said about the woman? A.She spends more than she earns. B.She saves a lot each month. C.She has a tight budget. 4.What do we know about the speakers? A.They are now traveling in Mexico. B.They have been to a festival in Mexico. C.They painted some pictures in Mexico. 5.What is the woman doing? A.Helping children with AIDS. B.Raising money for African children. C.Collecting information on African children. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7两个小题。 6.What was the man doing during the earthquake? A.Shouting.B.Running.C.Sleeping. 7.How was the man when the earthquake took place? A.He was ill.B.He was helpless.C.He was frightened. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9两个小题。 8.Why does the boy love Sundays? A.He can play basketball. B.He has no classes at school. C.He can watch sports on TV. 9.What is the boy expected to do? A.To help with housework. B.To watch a game on TV. [ C.To have a good rest. 听第8段材料,回答第10~12三个小题。 10.What is said about medical development in the future? A.Health care will be free. B.Cancer may be cured. C.AIDS may disappear. 11.What will make distant places more popular for holiday? A.Better air service. B.Faster air transport. C.Lower cost for air travel. 12.What is the topic of this conversation? [ A.Future ways of traveling. B.Medical progress in the future. C.Changes of life in the next decade. 听第9段材料,回答第13~16四个小题。 13.Where is the woman going now? A.To an art museum. B.To a Chinese restaurant. C.To an underground station. 14.Why does the woman come to the city? A.For business. B.For traveling. C.For shopping. 15.Why does the man recommend the restaurant to the woman? A.The service there is good. B.The food there is tasty. C.The price there is low. 16.According to the man,which is the best means of transport to the restaurant? A.The bus.B.The taxi.C.The underground. 听第10段材料,回答第17~20四个小题。 17.What kind of passage have you just heard? A.A public lecture. B.A radio announcement. C.A government statement. 18.What is the main purpose of the event? A.To increase people’s sense of environment protection. B.To invite people to join an environmental organization. C.To persuade families to have an outing in the mountains. 19.How many trees are going to be planted today? A.700.B.2 000.C.4 000. 20.What does the speaker advise volunteers to do? A.To have some tree-planting skills. B.To come along any time they like. C.To bring along their gloves. 原文及答案:

听力原文: Text 1 M:What’s your name please? W:Zhang Ling. M:What’s the purpose of your visit? W:I am a student.I would be attending an English program at the university of Chicago. Text 2 M:Hello,this is Peter Smith,I am not in at the moment,please leave your message on the answering machine. W:Hi,Peter,this is Mary here.How about having lunch sometime next week?Call me back,thanks. Text 3 M:How do you spend your income? W:About 30% for shelter,30% for clothing,40% for food and 20% for entertainment. M:But that adds up to 120%. W:That’s right. Text 4 W:This painting reminds me of something. M:Let me see,something to do with the colors. W:Oh,I know,our travel to Mexico. M:Right,all those bright colors at the festival. Text 5 W:Excuse me,sir.I am collecting for international aid,would you spare some money? M:Er...What’s international aid? W:It’s an organization to help starving children in Africa. M:OK,I’ll see what I’ve got. W:Thank you very much. Text 6 W:What did you do during the earthquake,James? M:Stayed in bed. W:What do you mean?Didn’t you try to get outside? M:No,I had got terrible flu,so I just stayed in bed. W:So what happened? M:Well,I must have been flat through the earthquake,although nobody believed me.They said it was noisy,then I woke up at 4:00 in the morning,still feeling terrible with the flu,eyes running,nose running.You know how you feel when you’ve got the flu. Text 7 M:Do you know why I love Sundays,mom? W:Sure,Joney.You don’t go toschool today. M:That’s true,but I don’t go to school on Saturdays either. W:Then don’t tell me there are sports on TV all day. M:You’re so right,no one knows me better,mom. W:Oh,come on,don’t even think about it.You’ve promised to clean your room today. M:I will,all I need is only 30 minutes just toknow who will win the basketball game,please. W:All right,but not before you finish the cleaning. Text 8 W:David Horkings believes the next 10 years will be a time for rapid progress.Mr.Horkings,is that right? M:Yes,that’s right.In fact,I think we’ll see some pretty amazing changes in the next 10 years in just about every area of life. W:Can you give us some examples? M:Yes,health care will improve.In fact,scientists may finally find a cure for cancer and AIDs in the next 10 years.One thing is certain,everyone will be living much longer. W:It’s good news,but does it mean we’ll have to work longer? M:Oh,no,we’ll have much more free time.By the year 2015,we’ll be working just 30 hours a week on average and we’ll have 15 weeks holiday.Air travel will be cheaper and far away destinations will be more popular. Text 9 W:Hey,taxi! M:Where to? W:Well,I am going to the National Museum of Art. M:Sure.Get in. W:Do you know what time the museum closes? M:Well,I would guess around 6 o’clock. W:Thanks. M:Er...This is your first time to the city,right? W:Yeah.How did you know? M:Well,you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city,because they walk down the street and look around curiously. W:Was it that obvious? M:Well... W:Oh,before I forget,can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price? M:Well,Shanghai Restaurant is wonderful. W:Oh? M:It’s not as expensive as other places as I know,but the food is delicious. W:Sounds great.How do I get there from the museum? M:Well,buses are always crowded by then,but you can take underground right outside the museum.There are taxis too,but they don’t pass by the museum that often. W:OK,thanks. Text 10 参考答案 1~5ABABB 6~10CACAB 11~15CCABB 16~20CBAAC

滕老师 @学业帮


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