
巅峰实录 | 直指剑藤的高潜生如何在肯思获得不止于*的全方位支持?

作者:智慧象国际教育 来源:智慧象国际教育

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* 活动详情及报名方式请拉至文末海报处查看当Karl Gross走进肯思巅峰班数学课堂,他仿佛一秒回到温布尔登,熟悉的氛围迎面而来。Karl是英国国王学院学校(King's College School , Wimbledon,KCS )副校长,作为狄邦肯思的合作校,KCS的理事代表每年都会前来考察,就学校未来发展规划进行会谈,制定实施方案。这是Karl第二次来到狄邦肯思,的硬件设施,热情开朗又充满好奇的学生无不是其办学品质的证明,但*令他印象深刻的,还是那一节对标着KCS品质(7年25%牛剑录取*)的巅峰班数学课,Karl说道:让我惊讶的是学生们非常活跃,他们真的全身心投入在课堂中。我看到几位同学先后向全班解说着解题思路,温布尔登的老师们也会采用相同的课堂形式,重视发展数学以外的技能。培养21世纪必备技能,是在为学生毕业后的生活做准备。”John Jarvis曾担任KCS理事长,在考察后盛赞狄邦肯思校园内越发浓厚的师生归属感,以及两届毕业生优异的升学成果。值得一提的是,John是英国皇家大律师,毕业于KCS的他与学校建立了深厚情感。当他的儿孙均在KCS度过青少年的成长旅程后,他仍在为其奉献,最终将自己在KCS旅程的句点落在狄邦肯思。
Karl Gross和John Jarvis在狄邦肯思课堂深受KCS重视的狄邦肯思意图沿袭KCS卓越的教学水准和人才培养,由此推出巅峰计划——专为高潜学生打造的培养方案,来到肯思巅峰班的学生,目标直指剑藤。G9的Steve和G10的Jocelyn是巅峰班成员,前者因感觉“吃不饱”而离开原本就读的国际化学校,后者因向往更多元的学习方式而转轨。来到肯思巅峰班,小班化教学是最直观的差异,每堂课只有不到十位学生,每一个学生的需求都能被照顾。“以前很难在课堂上询问错题,现在老师能把同学们的错题拉出来一道道重新讲。”Steve分享。 出乎Jocelyn意料的是,这里没有无止尽的刷题和大到难以承受的压力,老师们总是用浅显易懂的语言和生活化的案例解释复杂的知识点,幽默风趣,不时充满欢声笑语。 当一群学术能力、热情和潜力兼具的学生遇上一群同样热爱学习、具有学术造诣的老师,巅峰班中会发生怎样的化学反应?学术,着力点不止于*人工智能兴起之初,正任职于另一国际化学校的黄颖老师很快联系了互联网大厂的AI技术总监为同事们进行一场AI在教育中的应用培训,令她意想不到的是,最终只有6人参加了这一培训,而真正将技术运用进实操的更是少之又少。如今,黄颖老师成为了狄邦肯思巅峰计划主任,过去的工作经历令她很快发现了巅峰老师们的与众不同之处:不仅所有老师都在用AI,他们还主动组成教研团队,研究如何用AI简化、润色教学。黄颖老师认为,会做这件事的老师具备两种特质——热爱学习、与时俱进。
狄邦肯思巅峰计划师资团队事实上,相较于简历背景的堆叠,还有一个更直观了解巅峰班老师的方式,不妨去搜一下他们的个人账号。你能看到经济老师陈露在视频号(@陈小鹿Lulu)上边绘画边讲述生活中的经济学;数学老师潘明越在B站上做Up主(@炖牛的牛顿),画着葫芦娃引出旋转体积的概念;而黄颖老师本人则穿着“造镍”化学式的卫衣在小红书(@克老师)讲述A Level化学*复杂的轨道杂化。视频中不难窥见这些老师不仅有丰富的学识,扎实的专业,也不乏有趣的灵魂,千里挑一,而愿意花费业余时间和精力运营学术账号,本身正是对巅峰老师们热情与专业能力的有力证明。“巅峰班的学生是怎样的,老师就该是怎样的,不然如何满足学生的学术需求?”黄颖老师反问道。
巅峰老师运营的账号 陈露老师视频号中讲述经济学于是当热爱生物和化学的学生找到黄颖老师,提出想研究制药过程中如何筛选镜像物质的课题时(分子式相同但空间排布的不同决定着物质的药性或毒性),黄颖老师脑海中立即浮现了设计的过程、研究的走向,随即决定为学生搭建脚手架,引导他推进项目。提出课题的能力并非与生俱来。当大众对A Level还停留在“英国高考”的刻板印象之时,巅峰计划的老师们都在确保学生能在获得“*入场券”之余还收获学术兴趣、高阶学术能力和解决实际问题的能力。当学有余力的学生遇上专业造诣与热情极高的老师,课堂显然很难变得“应试”。探究融于每一堂课,用黄颖老师的话来说,“这是肌肉训练”。为建立统计与分析的概念,潘明越老师曾带着Jocelyn和同学们来到校门口观察车流量和红绿灯,试图解决上下学的交通拥堵,也带着Steve和同学们以获得校内监控*高的铺设效率(监控覆盖面积/成本)为目的,来到校园监控室了解分辨率、红外效果、存储方式、覆盖范围等,研究监控铺设的合理性,而制作水火箭研究抛物线、测量楼房高度来学习三角函数等小实验更是贯穿在课程始终,每个项目最终以学生的presentation完结,过程中锻炼了团队协作能力和学术表达能力。
巅峰班G10的Jocelyn黄颖老师把研究的过程比作打联赛,喜欢打篮球和打职业联赛是两码事,后者需要经过非常枯燥的系统训练,“所以老师一定要帮助学生构建这一过程,同时提供情绪支持,最终培养学生获得科研能力。”而课堂的探究之于真正的科研则是较简化的、更偏重于思维的锻炼,对于巅峰班的学生而言,“肌肉训练”是为真正的“马拉松”——A Level EPQ或AP Capstone打底子。认真做完这两项研究性学习项目的学生既能展现学术热情,也能体现研究深度和对的深刻理解,完美匹配牛剑的学生画像。
* 扫描图片二维码,报名狄邦肯思巅峰计划暨奖学金发布会合力,多位一体规划未来步入五月,在IGCSE和A Level选课前夕,巅峰计划推出了最新的课程设置,共开设12门IGCSE,广泛的选择不仅能帮助学生保量保质地完成IGCSE大考,文理科目有的放矢的搭配更保证了未来专业选择的宽广度,保留了人文社科专业的可能性。同时,巅峰为有意美国方向的学生搭配了AP人文社科类课程。Steve和Jocelyn都是AP课的成员,谈及课程,俩人认为尽管有些难、要记的术语非常多,但他们的老师李立把原本满篇文字略显无聊的课本用案例分析的形式在课堂上讲得生动有趣,所体现的强大的语言组织能力、逻辑思维能力、辩证和反思能力无不反映着人文底蕴之于人的重要意义。
巅峰班的AP人文课堂及课后辅导浸淫于学术探索中,巅峰学生们将获得通往学校的敲门砖,但巅峰计划却绝非简单地在A Level之上拔高拓宽,就像围绕在学生身边的不只有老师。走进巅峰班,早晨和晚间有班级导师陪伴着学生,学生们还会不时窜门去紧挨着教室的升学指导办公室。升学指导老师林恩恩和巅峰班导师刘从容分别用了这样的话语来描述自己的职责:“老师看到的是某一门的发展,升学指导看到的则是全局。”“如果说老师和升学指导是良师,导师就是益友。”他们一起用午餐,聊聊学生情况,亲子关系,预测大考结果,复盘需要重点观察的事,话题点全落在学生身上。尽管老师、升学指导和班级导师分别从不同角度给予支持,却始终在通力合作,为巅峰学生的未来群策群力。升学指导选课之际,老师们会说明课程框架,给到自己对学生是否适合该课程的专业判断,升学指导则要把关高校和专业对于科目数量、质量的要求,以及学生对于科目的可承受范围;再比如,拥有多年教学经验的老师们会根据学生的高校和专业目标以终为始地把控包括课程、竞赛、牛剑笔试等在内的学习节奏,细致到月,同时,针对那些“不可规划”的部分,则更需要升学指导陪伴在左右。“升学绝不仅是约几次会,提供高校信息,做申请材料而已。”黄颖老师认为。林恩恩老师也是这么做的。她办公室里放着的小零食时常吸引学生们过来小坐(实则是倾诉),放松的空间帮助建立起彼此的信任。IGCSE大考之际,学生们不断前来求取林恩恩老师的保证,“如果我考砸了,真的不会影响我以后去好的大学,对吗?”她笑道:“就差让我写保证书了。”*越好的学生,越是难以放下犯过的小错误、疏忽的小细节。她发现,撇去那些专业支持外,升学指导更像是门心理活,她需要不断地提供心理支持,因此她会向校内的心理老师求教,也会在线上获取心理知识,还想着去修一个相关学位。优异如Jocelyn,也会过分放大自己的语言劣势,忽视数理逻辑的优势,“她需要外部的声音不断向她强化。当有些心理学内容应用到现实生活中,语言的魔法真的能够起到效果,很有意思。”
* For event details and registration, please refer to the poster at the end of the article.When Karl Gross stepped into the Summit Program mathematics class at Dipont KCS Chengdu, he instantly felt that he was back in Wimbledon, greeted by a familiar atmosphere. Karl, the Deputy Head at King's College School Wimbledon , visits annually as part of the partnership between KCS and Dipont KCS Chengdu to discuss and strategize future developmental plans and implementation.This was Karl's second visit to Dipont KCS Chengdu. He was impressed not only by the first-class facilities and the curious and enthusiastic students, who are a testament to the school's quality of education, but also by the Summit Program's mathematics class, which mirrors the standards of KCS (with a 25% Oxbridge admission rate over 7 years). Karl remarked:           What surprised me was how active the students were; they were truly engaged in the classroom. I watched several students explain their problem-solving approaches to the whole class, a method also embraced by teachers in Wimbledon, focusing on developing skills beyond mathematics. This is about preparing students for life after graduation."John Jarvis, former Chairman of the Board of Governors at KCS Wimbledon, praised the increasingly strong sense of belonging among teachers and students at Dipont KCS Chengdu and the excellent university admission results of the last two graduating classes. Notably, John, a Royal Barrister in the UK and a KCS alumnus, has deep emotional ties with the school. Even after his children went through their adolescence at KCS, he continues contributing, choosing to round off his KCS journey at Dipont KCS Chengdu.
Karl Gross and John Jarvis in the classroom of KCSCDHighly valued by KCS Wimbledon, Dipont KCS Chengdu aims to continue its tradition of exceptional educational standards and talent development initiated by launching the Summit Program—specifically designed for high-potential students, directly targeting Oxbridge.Steve from Grade 9 and Jocelyn from Grade 10, members of the Summit Class, transferred from  international school and public school respectively,  seeking more challenging, robust and diverse educational approaches. The most apparent difference here is the small class sizes; with fewer than ten students per class, individual needs are closely met. "It was hard to ask about mistakes in class before, but now teachers can pull out each student's errors and go over them individually," shared Steve.Jocelyn was surprised to study here without repeated exercises and overwhelming pressure. Instead, teachers use clear, relatable language and real-life examples to explain complex concepts, creating a classroom filled with humor and laughter.What happens when a group of students, brimming with academic capability, passion, and potential, meets a group of equally enthusiastic and scholarly teachers? The extraordinary atmosphere in the Summit Class is palpable.Academics: Focused Beyond Just GradesAt the onset of AI's rise, while working at another international school, Ms. Clare Huang quickly organized a training session on AI applications in education with the technical director of a major internet company, surprised later that only six teachers attended and even fewer applied the technology practically. Now, as the director of the Summit Program at Dipont KCS Chengdu, her past experiences helped her quickly recognize the uniqueness of the Summit teachers: not only are all teachers utilizing AI, but they also initiated research teams to explore how AI can simplify and enhance teaching. Ms. Huang believes that teachers capable of this demonstrate two traits: a love for learning and keeping pace with the times.
Summit Program faculty teamIn fact, beyond stacking resumes, there is a more tangible way to know the Summit Class teachers—check their social media accounts. You can find the economics teacher, Ms. Lulu Chen, blending art with economics on her video account (@陈小鹿Lulu); the math teacher, Mr. Ryan Pan, explaining concepts of rotational volumes using animated characters on Bilibili (@炖牛的牛顿); and Ms. Huang herself, wearing a sweatshirt printed with the chemical formula for nickel, discussing complex A-level chemistry topics on Xiaohongshu (@克老师). The videos easily reveal not only a wealth of knowledge and solid professional foundation, but also interesting souls rarely seen. Their willingness to dedicate personal time to academic channels is a testament to their passion and expertise in their subjects. "The quality of teachers should match the calibre of the students; otherwise how can we meet their academic needs?" Ms. Huang asks.
Social network accounts Mrs. Lulu Chen talks about Economics in the video platformThus, when students passionate about both biology and chemistry approach Ms. Huang with a proposal to study the screening of chiral substances in pharmaceutical processes (where molecular formulae are the same but spatial arrangements determine the pharmacological or toxic properties of substances), her mind instantly races with design processes and research directions, quickly deciding to scaffold their project and guide its progression.The capability to propose such topics isn't innate. While many still perceive A Levels as merely a British version of college entrance exams, Summit Program teachers ensure students not only secure their "entry tickets" in terms of grades but also cultivate academic interests, advanced academic skills, and the ability to solve real-world problems. When students with high potential meet teachers with high professional and passionate standards, the classroom is anything but exam-centric. Inquiry is integrated into every lesson, or as Ms. Huang puts it, "It's like muscle training."To establish concepts of statistics and analysis, Mr. Pan took Jocelyn and her classmates to observe traffic patterns and traffic lights at the school gate to address congestion during school hours, and with Steve and others, he explored the most efficient setup for school surveillance systems (balancing coverage area against cost) by studying resolution, infrared capabilities, storage methods, and coverage in the school's surveillance room. Smaller experiments, like constructing water rockets to study parabolas or measuring building heights to learn trigonometry, are interwoven throughout the course, culminating in student presentations that build teamwork and academic expression skills.
Steve from G9 of Summit Program in Math ClassJocelyn, who previously attended a public school, recalls her first experiment in the Summit Class—building a homemade thermometer. Faced with a challenge right from the start, she discovered after assembly that no matter how she tried, she couldn't record any data. After fruitless attempts and finally seeking help from a teacher, she learned that a mere short circuit caused by two touching wires was impeding her experiment. "I was a bit overwhelmed at first; I realized that experiments aren't as simple as I had imagined—they require rigorous attention to detail, extensive analysis, and reflection," she concluded. This hands-on experience yielded insights far deeper than any textbook could provide.
Jocelyn from G10 of Summit ProgramMs. Huang likens the research process to playing in a league: enjoying basketball and playing professionally are two different things—the latter requires rigorous, often monotonous training. "Therefore, teachers must help construct this process while also providing emotional support, ultimately nurturing students' ability to conduct scientific research." Classroom inquiries, as simplified versions of real scientific research, focus more on cognitive exercises, serving as "muscle training" for the "marathons" of A Level EPQ or AP Capstone. Students who earnestly engage in these research-oriented projects not only demonstrate their academic passion but also showcase their research depth and profound understanding of their subjects, perfectly aligning with the Oxbridge student profile.
*Scan the QR code to register KCSCD Summit Program and Scholarship Launch EventCollaborative Planning for the FutureAs May arrives, just before IGCSE and A Level course selection, the Summit Program introduces its latest curriculum setup, offering 12 IGCSE courses. The broad selection not only ensures that students complete their IGCSE exams with both quality and quantity but also guarantees a wide range of future major options, preserving possibilities in the humanities and social sciences. For students interested in the American educational direction, the program includes AP courses in humanities and social sciences.Both Steve and Jocelyn are members of the AP courses. Discussing the curriculum, they acknowledge its difficulty and the vast amount of terminology to remember. However, their teacher, Ms. Li, makes the otherwise text-heavy and somewhat dull textbook come alive with case studies, demonstrating formidable skills in language organization, logical thinking, dialectics, and reflection, all underscoring the significance of the humanities to personal development.
Summit Program AP Humanities classroom and after school tutoringImmersed in academic exploration, Summit students gain the credentials to access top universities, but the program aims far beyond merely enhancing A Level studies—it encompasses more than just subject teachers. Entering the Summit Class, students find morning and evening tutors alongside them, and it's not uncommon for them to pop into the adjacent college counselling office. College counsellor Ms. Ann Lin and Summit class tutor Ms. Liz Liu describe their roles in these terms:"Subject teachers see the development of specific disciplines; college counsellors see the big picture.""If subject teachers and college counsellors are wise mentors, tutors are good friends."They dine together, discussing students' conditions, and parental relationships, predicting exam outcomes, and focusing the conversation entirely on students. Although subject teachers, college counsellors, and class tutors provide support from different angles, they consistently collaborate, jointly strategizing for the futures of Summit students.College CounselingDuring course selection, subject teachers outline course frameworks and provide their professional judgments on whether students are suited for certain courses, while college counsellors ensure that university and major requirements regarding the number and quality of subjects are met, as well as assessing students' capacity to manage these courses.For another example, seasoned subject teachers tailor learning paces—including courses, competitions, and Oxbridge tests—based on students' university and major goals, meticulously planning down to the month, while college counsellors accompany students through the unpredictable parts of their journeys. "College counseling is not just about scheduling a few meetings, providing university information, or preparing application materials," Ms. Clare Huang asserts.Ms. Ann Lin operates similarly. Her office, often stocked with snacks, becomes a casual spot for students to sit (and vent), fostering a relaxed environment that builds mutual trust. Around IGCSE exams, students frequently seek reassurances from Ms. Lin, asking, "If I mess up, it won't affect my chances of getting into a good university, right?" She laughs, "I'm almost expected to provide a written guarantee." The better the students' grades, the harder it is for them to let go of minor errors or overlooked details.Ms. Lin has found that beyond professional support, college counseling is akin to psychological therapy. She consistently provides emotional support, consulting the school's psychologists and seeking online psychological resources, even considering earning a related degree. Jocelyn, for example, tends to magnify her perceived linguistic disadvantages while overlooking her strengths in mathematical logic. "She needs external voices to reinforce her strengths. When some psychological concepts are applied in real life, the magic of language can truly have an effect—it's fascinating."
Mrs. Ann Lin provides professional support to studentsCommunity contribution is pivotal in American university applications, and not only do subject teachers guide students to apply their knowledge to improve the community—such as students with a programming ambition proposing projects to support the school's IT needs—but college counsellors also observe students to match or create resources to fill the gaps. Ms. Ann Lin is capable of building platforms for university resources and has initiated and consistently managed educational and library projects in the Sichuan mountain areas, which have even received recognition from local governments. Simultaneously, she notices some students' unclear interests or lack of leadership skills. Whenever she uncovers a small interest, she's eager to mobilize school resources to encourage students to take small steps forward. Jocelyn, who enjoys baking, partnered with a senior student under Ms. Lin's guidance to make crispy snowflakes for boarding students using the cafeteria's facilities on Christmas Eve, and she bravely performed on stage during a school assembly with encouragement. These seemingly minor activities significantly help students step out of their comfort zones.
Summit Program students participated in community contribution projectsKCSCD believes that senior school is a time to gauge one's position through external assessments, make adjustments, and ultimately make informed choices. In this dynamic process, only with college counsellors by their side can students truly unearth their individuality and strengths, accurately navigate their direction, and authentically appeal to top universities.Class TutorThe care from class tutors is subtly profound. When students say, "The pressure isn't as bad as I thought," a significant reason is that tutors like Ms. Liz Liu and Mr. Kelvin Wang stand by the philosophy of holistic development, providing essential support from a stance of equality. When Thursday afternoon's reading class and soccer practice conflicted for Steve, it was the tutor's negotiation and persistence that led to a timetable adjustment by the subject teacher. Often, the tutors would pause by the soccer field, feeling the boundless energy of Summit students running on the green. Recalling a teacher-student soccer game on a Friday, Ms. Liu said proudly, "It was no surprise—the teachers lost to the students by a large margin." Whenever study hall coincided with a game, she would also ask if students wanted to watch, ensuring their safety by running between the classroom and the field. This dedication ensures that students' interests and well-being are prioritized, and of course, that leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, often fostered through sports, are developed.Swipe left for more pictures
Summit Program students participated in inter-school activitiesIn this optional class, the tutors also make small experiments: they encourage Summit students to decorate the classroom to express their individuality; they implement a rotating leadership system responsible for attendance, organizing discussions, etc., gradually aiding students in developing a service mindset and using their abilities and influence to change their environment and society. They also collaborate with college counsellors, leading by example by posting university profiles on classroom walls and playing documentaries about successful Dipont graduates during morning tutor time, inspiring and absorbing experiences. The unique application stories and university experiences easily motivate students in the classroom.
曹老师 @成都智慧象


如何通过国际教育实现全人教育 留美家庭: 2024,保饭碗,还是保留下? 巅峰实录 | 直指剑藤的高潜生如何在肯思获得不止于*的全方位支持? 他用3个月职场!这个留美学生的故事值得借鉴。 【报考指南】2024成都国际学校招生信息汇总