春季伊始,万物复苏,新一届的小伙伴们即将踏上25考研的征程。对于艺术考生而言,现在开始备考文化课就是在为自己提前蓄力,只有前期下足功夫、打牢基础,后期才能实现厚积薄发的突破。致美的文化课春季班聚焦英语、日语、政治备考基础,针对艺术考研情况制定文化课备考规划、培养复习习惯,通过深入各科目核心重点夯实筑基,帮助大家在备考初期树立高效学习状态。循此苦旅,终抵繁星,2025届致美文化课春季班正式启动! 欢迎扫码咨询: At the beginning of spring, everything is reviving, and the new generation of friends is about to embark on the journey of taking the postgraduate entrance examination in the 25th year. For art candidates, starting to prepare for cultural courses now is to accumulate energy in advance. Only by putting in enough effort and laying a solid foundation in the early stage can they achieve breakthroughs in the later stage.转塘校区ZHIMEI EDUCATION IN ZHUANTANG良渚校区ZHIMEI EDUCATION IN LIANGZHU关于致美ABOUT ZHIMEI EDUCATION ➾ 一键四连,感谢关注