



雅思小作文中,常出现的题型有一类是线型图题。线型图主要用于描述某个变量随时间的变化趋势。理解其基本结构对于有效解题至关重要。在线型图中,x轴通常代表时间或处理过的数据类别,y轴则代表所测量的变量。描述线型图时常关注以下4点:?? 按照时间或类别分段:如果横轴是时间,可以按照时间段(如上半年、下半年或季度)来分段描述;如果横轴是类别,可以按照类别来分段。?? 描述重要数据:包括起点、终点、转折点、*高点、*低点、特殊值等。?? 描述趋势:使用准确的动词和短语来描述趋势,如“increase/decrease/remain stable/fluctuate”等。注意时态的使用,通常使用过去时来描述已发生的数据变化。?? 比较和对比:对于多线图,注意比较和对比不同线条之间的趋势和变化。今天小曼老师带大家来看看两篇高分范例作文,快收藏起来先!【范例1】

The line graph shows the different levels of carbon gas emissions in four European countries over a forty-year period, with a notable decrease in emissions in both the UK and Sweden.The UK remained the highest emitter of carbon dioxide throughout the measured time frame, yet fell from a high of about 11 metric tonnes in 1967 to around 9 tonnes by 2007. Sweden almost reached parity with the UK in 1977, before emissions fell sharply to reach around 5 metric tonnes in 2007. Both Italy and Portugal witnessed an increase in gas emissions between 1967 and 2007, with Italy eventually over-taking Sweden to occupy second spot by the nineties. Portugal rose from a low of 1 metric tonne to the same level as Italy in 2007, remaining on an average of just over 5 metric tonnes per year.Overall, it is clear that the UK and Sweden reduced their carbon footprint, yet despite the rise in emissions in Portugal and Italy, the other three nations still perform better than the UK. (173)这张线型图显示了四个欧洲国家在40年内不同的二氧化碳排放量,其中英国和瑞典的排放量显著减少。在整个统计的时间范围内,英国一直是二氧化碳排放量*高的国家,尽管其二氧化碳排放量从1967年的高达11立方公吨左右跌落到2007年的9吨左右。瑞典在1977年几乎达到了与英国的同等排放水平,在2007年急剧下降到大约5立方公吨。在1967年至2007年间,意大利和葡萄牙的二氧化碳排放量都有所增加。到了90年代,意大利最终超过瑞典成为二氧化碳排放量第二的国家。葡萄牙从1立方公吨的低排放量上升到2007年与意大利相同的水平,保持在每年稍高于5立方公吨的平均水平。总体而言,英国和瑞典的碳排放量有所降低。尽管葡萄牙和意大利的排放量有所上升,但其他三个国家仍比英国的排放量少。?亮点词汇与短语:emission [i?m??n] n. 排放物;散发notable [?n??t?bl] adj. 值得注意的,显著的;著名的【同】 remarkableemitter [i'mit?] n. 发出者;排放者;发射体throughout [θru??a?t] prep. 贯穿,遍及 adv. 自始至终,到处;全部footprint [?f?tpr?nt] n. 足迹;脚印metric tonne 公吨on an average 平均而言;一般说来carbon footprint 碳排放量【范例2】

The line chart gives a clear indication that the proportion of people at retirement age will increase markedly in three countries by 2040.All three of Japan, Sweden and the United States started from the low position of having less than 10% of their total population consisting of over-65s.In Japan, the proportion actually fell between 1960 and 1980, before rising in 2000, with an exponential increase to more than 25% expected by 2040. Similar patterns emerge in the USA and Sweden, both of which remained relatively neck-and-neck until 2000, rising to a peak of about 15% in the 1980s, before Sweden overtook the US in dramatic fashion in 2000, with a projected 25% of its population expected to be over-65, a similar figure to that of the USA which lags only slightly behind.Astonishingly, Japan, which had the lowest proportion of over 65s in 1940, is expected to have the highest proportion by 2040. (155)该线型图清楚地说明了到2040年,三个国家到达退休年龄的人口比例将显著增长。日本、瑞典和美国这三个国家,65岁以上的人口都是从占人口总数不到10%的低比例开始变化的。在2000年,日本的这一比例有所上升,而之前的1960年到1980年间实际上却下降了。到2040年,这一比例有望将呈指数上升到超过25%。类似的模式出现在美国和瑞典,它们的比例在2000年之前保持相对持平。1980年,瑞典上升到大约15%的峰值。之后的2000年,瑞典戏剧性地超过了美国。预计瑞典将会有 25% 的人口超过65岁,而美国的比例将会比瑞典稍微低一点。令人惊讶的是,1940年,65岁以上人口比例*低的日本,预计将在2040年达到三个国家中*高的比例。?亮点词汇与短语:markedly [?mɑ?k?dli] adv. 明显地;显著地;引人注目地pattern [?p?tn] n. 模式;图案;样品 【同】 modeovertake [???v??te?k] v. 赶上;超过project [?pr?d?ekt] v. 预计,预测;计划,打算consist of 由……组成;包括exponential increase 呈指数增长lag behind 落在……后面be expected to do 期望做某事

S老师 @曼哈顿英语


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