点击上方公号卡片,获取更多留学考试资讯在雅思口语考试中,如果描述童年喜欢的活动,你会怎么进行描述呢?一起来看看老师给出的示例回答吧。 01 口语题目 Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were youngYou should say:What it wasWhere you did itWho you did it withAnd explain why you enjoyed it 02 示例范文 An activity I enjoyed in my free time when I was a kid was going on walks with my grandmother.We would often take walks at a park that’s pretty close to where I live, just ten or fifteen minutes away. The park was big and spacious, and it was very beautiful, with lots of trees and flowers. It was also well-maintained, as I don’t remember seeing a lot of trash on the ground.Anyway, as I said, I usually went with my grandmother. I enjoyed going on these walks for lots of reasons. First, I got to run around and just burn up all the energy I had stored throughout the day. I think that was important, as it helped me sleep better at night. Also, since the park was so peaceful and scenic, it felt relaxing to spend time there. I enjoyed the trees, the grass, the open space and the sunshine, and I definitely felt closer to nature. It was basically a welcome break from being stuck inside buildings all day.And finally, I enjoyed these walks because I got to spend more time with my grandmother. My grandmother is an interesting person who’s old but still has a very clear mind and a great sense of humour. Whenever we went on walks, she would tell me all these stories about the past, like her childhood and what the city was like back then. I always enjoyed listening to her stories and imagining the past. So yeah, these walks were very enjoyable and helped me bond with my grandmother.-END- 考鸭们有任何问题 都可扫描图中二维码,添加小助手微信 (咨询课程、领免费资料、预约模考等)