点击上方公号卡片,获取更多留学考试资讯9月雅思口语换题季到来,考试新题出现啦。这次题目更换时,会有30%-40%的新题填充到该季度的题库中。考鸭们要及时查看更新的口语题库哦。今天为考鸭们汇总了近日更新的9月雅思口语考试的部分新题。01Part 1Talk1.Do you like to talk a lot with others?2.Did you like to talk with others when you were a child?Coin1.Do you often take coins with you ?2.Have you collected coins?3. Is it convenient to use coins?Laugh1.Are you a funny person?2.Do you like interesting movies?3.When was the last time you laughed?Bike 1. Do you often ride a bike ?2. Did you have a bike when you were little?02Part2A friendDescribe a friend that you recontact after a long timeYou should say:How did you recognize the othersWhy did you lose contactHow did you recontactAnd explain how do you feel about itFoodDescribe a food that you like to eat at special eventsYou should say:What the food isWhere you had itHow to make this type of foodAnd explain why you like itStrong opinionsDescribe a person who always has strong opinionsYou should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhy you think he/she is an opinionated personAnd explain how you feel about him/her03换题季的首场雅思考试难度大不大?雅思口语换题季即将到来,雅思考试会变难吗?启德考培济南学校会在换题季第一场雅思考试后举办线下「9月雅思新题发布会」。时间:9月8日下午13:30地点:济南市历下区文化西路15-1号千佛山大厦南楼5层启德星师将和大家分享雅思首考新题,规划未来备考方向。雅思新题发布会新题+预测雅思9月首考新题回顾预测9-12月考试新趋势备考新策略传授雅思备考核心技巧解读各阶段备考全攻略星师新规划9-12月雅思考试备考规划指引备考方向,助力备考下方扫码即可预约发布会
-END- 考鸭们有任何问题 都可扫描图中二维码,添加小助手微信 (咨询课程、领免费资料、预约模考等)