【时间】8月19日 周一晚上19:30-20:30【话题】...
【时间】8月19日 周一晚上19:30-20:30【话题】Justice ——The Jury CaseAs a citizen of this sacred land, you are chosen as a member of the jury to be engaged in this criminal casebecause you are believed acting as a good man or woman with common sense, good heart and reasonable judgement.Under the law, you will have the right to discuss internally. For the sake of justice, and representing the justice of this land, you are required to make your vote in your good faith and therefore decide the case.【场地】??惠城区文昌一路江北华贸天地中央广场-功夫咖【特别鸣谢】KUNGF COFFEE 功夫咖-中国咖啡