
绘本故事丨《Down by the Station》


让孩子因我们而爱上语言|| 点击右上方关注适读年龄:3-6...

让孩子因我们而爱上语言 || 点击右上方关注

适读年龄:3-6岁Down by the Station是一首韵律感极强的儿歌绘本,绘本中出现了各种交通工具,包括火车、公交车、拖拉机、出租车和消防车,丰富的插图和独特的洞洞设计,让孩子们可以透过这个洞看到下一页的图,有趣的呈现方式保证让小朋友们看得津津有味。再搭配完美的JY音频,惟妙惟肖地展现了交通工具所发出的声音。相信每一位见到这本书的宝宝,都会爱上它,因此是的幼儿英语启蒙绘本。 ·  正  ·  文 ·  来  ·  啦  ·

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the little puffer trains All in a row.瞧,喷气小火车排成排。See the engine driver,Pull the little handle;看,火车司机拉开小把手;CHUFF!CHUFF!CHUFF!嚓呋!嚓呋!嚓呋!And off we go!我们出发!

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the busy buses,All in a row.瞧,忙碌的公交车排成排。See the bus driver Calling to the passengers;看,公交车司机呼喊着乘客;BRRM! BRRM! BRRM!嘀! 嘀!嘀!And off we go!我们出发!

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the muddy tractors,All in a row.瞧,沾满泥的拖拉机排成排。See the tractor driver,Loading up the trailer;看,拖拉机司机装载货物;CHUG! CHUG!CHUG!恰咯!恰咯!恰咯!And off we go!我们出发!

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the shiny taxi cabs,All in a row.瞧,闪亮的出租车排成排。See the taxi driver Polishing the windows;看,出租车司机擦亮车窗;BEEP! BEEP!BEEP!哔!哔!哔!And off we go!我们出发!

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the great big trucks,All in a row.瞧,大卡车排成排。See the truck driver,Loading up the parcels;看,卡车司机装载货物;HONK! HONK! HONK!哈克!哈克!哈克!And off we go!我们出发!

Down by the station,Early in the morning,大清早,到了车站,See the fire engines,All in a row.瞧,消防车排成排。See the fire fighter,Climbing up the ladder;看,消防员爬上梯子;NEE NOR!NEE NOR!呢欧!呢欧!呢欧!And off we go!我们出发!

? END ?(文章内容转载自网络,侵删)

Vivi @布朗英语


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