



雅思听力小课堂第十八期开课!赶快一起练起来吧~Listening TipBecause you will hear each section once only you need to listen carefully to all parts of the test. Don’t lose careless marks in Section 1 and 2. If you are asked to write a word, listen to whether there is an ‘s’ at the end. Make sure you take the word from the recording. You won’t need to change the words.戳这里听音频:Questions 1-10Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only.The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answersheet.Now turn to section 1:You will hear a conversation between a student looking for a host family and a housing adviser.First you have some time to look at Questions 1-10.You will see that there is an example which has been done for you. So Jenny Chan has been written on the form.Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will NOT hear the recording a second time.Listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 10:

答案在下方,答完再看哦Answer1.14 Hill Road 2.between 9 and 9.30 / 9-9.303.1 year4.intermediate5.North-West6.vegetarian7.(a) (real) garden8.(the) only guest9.£10010.23rd March / Monday 23rd MarchTapescript 听力原文ADVISER: Good morning, how can I help you?STUDENT: Good morning. Umm, I understand you help fix up students with host families.ADVISER: That"s right ... are you interested in ...?STUDENT: Yes ...ADVISER: Well please sit down and I"ll just take a few details.STUDENT: Thank you.ADVISER: Right now ... what name is it?STUDENT: Jenny Chan.ADVISER: Can you spell that please?STUDENT: Yes ... J-E-N-N-Y C-H-A-N.ADVISER: Right ... and what is your present address?STUDENT: Sea View Guest House, 14 Hill Road.ADVISER: OK, and do you know the phone number there?STUDENT: Yes ... I have it here, ummm ... 2237676, but I"m only there after about 7 pm.ADVISER: So when would be the best time to catch you?STUDENT: I suppose between 9 and, let me see, half-past, before I leave for the college.ADVISER: Great ... and can I ask you your age?STUDENT: I"ve just had my nineteenth birthday.ADVISER: And how long would you want to stay with the host family?STUDENT: I"m planning on staying a year but at the moment I"m definitely here for four months only. I have to get an extension to my permit.ADVISER: You"re working on it? Fine ... and what will be your occupation while you"re in the UK?STUDENT: Studying English?ADVISER: And what would you say your level of English is?STUDENT: Umm. Good, I think I"d like to say "advanced" but my written work is below the level of my spoken, so I suppose it"s intermediate.ADVISER: Certainly your spoken English is advanced. Anyway, which area do you think you would prefer?STUDENT: Ummm, well I"m studying right in the centre but I"d really like to live in the north-west.ADVISER: That shouldn"t be a great problem ... we usually have lots of families up there.ADVISER: And do you have any particular requirements for diet?STUDENT: Well, I"m nearly a vegetarian ... not quite.ADVISER: Shall I say you are? It"s probably easier that way.STUDENT: That would be best.ADVISER: Anything about your actual room?STUDENT: I would prefer my own facilities - "en suite", is that right? And also if it"s possible a TV and I"d also like the house to have a real garden rather than just a yard, somewhere I could sit and be peaceful. ADVISER: Is that all?STUDENT: Well ... I"m really serious about improving my English so I"d prefer to be the only guest if that"s possible?ADVISER: No other guests ... Yes, you get more practice that way. Anyway, obviously all this is partly dependent on how much you"re willing to pay. What did you have in mind?STUDENT: I was thinking in terms of about £60-£80 a week, but I"d go up to a hundred if it was something special.ADVISER: Well I don"t think we"d have any problems finding something for you.STUDENT: Oh, good.ADVISER: And when would you want it for?STUDENT: I"d like to move in approximately two weeks.ADVISER: Let me see, it"s the 10th today ... so if we go for the Monday it"s the 23rd March...STUDENT: Yes.ADVISER: Right ... good, and if I could ask one last question ...


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