



众所周知,英国研究生一直以学制短、花费少而著称。在英国,你可以用一年就拿下一个硕士学位。殊不知英国又闷声憋出大招: 英国大学或将于2019年9月推行两年制本科学位。 这就意味着,如果你在英国本硕连读,当你在国内的同学还在念大三时,你就已经硕士毕业了…… 部分原文及译文内容如下: Parliament has approved legislation to support the expansion of two-year and other accelerated degrees, giving students starting university from September 2019 more choice than ever before. 议会已批准立法,以支持扩大两年制和其他加速学位,学生从2019年9月开始上大学的选择比以往任何时候都多。 Legislation has been passed in the House of Lords, following approval from the Commons last week, which means students studying shorter university courses – such as three-year courses condensed into two – would save 20 per cent on tuition fees compared to traditional courses. For example, students who opt for a two-year degree will save at least £5,500 in total tuition costs compared to a standard three-year course. The regulations will now go to the House of Lords for approval. 在上周下议院批准后,上议院通过了立法,这意味着与传统课程相比,学习较短大学课程(如三年制课程浓缩为两年制课程)的学生将节省20%的学费。例如,与标准的三年制课程相比,选择两年制学位的学生将节省至少5500英镑的学费。这些规定现在将提交上议院批准。 In addition to a saving on tuition fees, students will also benefit from a year without paying any maintenance costs through an accelerated course, which would allow them to access the workforce quicker. 两年制课程的学生不但可以节省一年费用,也能更快地进入职场。 Universities Minister Chris Skidmore said: The passing of this legislation is one of the great modern-day milestones for students and breaks the mould of a one-size-fits all system for people wanting to study in higher education. 大学部长克里斯•斯基德莫尔说: 对于学生来说,这项立法的通过是一个重要的里程碑,打破了人们想要在高等教育学习的一刀切的模式。 For thousands of future students wanting a faster pace of learning and a faster route into the workplace at a lower overall cost, two-year degrees will transform their choices. 未来,对于成千上万的学生来说,想要以更低的总成本更快地完成学习,更快地进入职场,两年制学位将改变他们的选择。 Accelerated degrees have been a key part of the Government’s ambition to maximise choice and flexibility for people wanting to study in higher education, and are expected to remove barriers for a number of underrepresented groups, including mature students. 加速学位一直是政府为想在高等教育中学习的人提供灵活性选择的一个关键部分,预计将为一些代表性不足的群体(包括成熟的学生)消除障碍。 Accelerated degrees offer the same qualifications and are quality-assured in the same way as a standard degree, but delivered over a shorter, more intensive timespan. For example, a two-year accelerated degree will condense 3-year degrees with 30 weeks’ teaching into 2 years with 45 weeks'teaching. 加速学位提供与标准学位相同的资格和质量保证,但交付时间更短、更密集。例如,一个两年制的加速学位将把3年制的30周教学的学位浓缩为2年制的45周教学的学位。 Proposals allow institutions to charge up to 20 per cent more per year for accelerated degrees (in recognition of the increased teaching time required), but the overall tuition fee cost to the student is at least 20 per cent less than the same degree over three years. 提案允许学校每年收取20%的加速学位费(以确认所需的教学时间的增加),但学生的总学费在三年内至少比同等学位少20%。 亮点汇总: 1、与三年制学位相比,“快速学位”可以节省20%的学费。 2、两年就能毕业,除了节省学费之外,学生还可以节省一年的生活费及住宿费等额外开支,并且还能提前进入社会,得到更多的工作经验。 3、课程更短、更密集。两年制“快速学位”将三年30周的课程缩短为两年45周教学时间。

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