





《大作文模板》考研英语大作文(即短文写作,占20分,要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。1. 图画描述段As is vividly shown in the picture, …It is clearly depicted in the picture that…This picture depicts a thought-provoking scene of…According to the figures given in the chart, …The chart above provides a series of essential figures, illustrating the changes taking place in a time span of… years.The graph demonstrates that the number of... is growing/declining rapidly in...2. 话题引出段Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue of…People in growing numbers are directing their attention to…When it comes to…, people’s notions may vary from one to another.Traditional virtue/value has it that…, yet people are… currently.3. 观点对比段Opposite voices are now rising in the debate. Some people firmly believe that…. On the contrary, quite a few people argue that…The controversial issue has aroused opposite opinions. One focuses on…; the other opinion revolves around…4. 利弊列举段Every coin has two sides, and this issue is no exception. Above all, … In addition… More importantly… However, the negative influence it renders should not be neglected.… not only… but also...Is this phenomenon a blessing or a curse? The following list of advantages and disadvantages can explain everything.5. 举例论证段For instance, ...Take… for an exampleA case in point is…The following illustrations can serve as strong evidence of the phenomenon.6. 原因列举段Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.Having taken everything into consideration, we may attribute the sharp change to three aspects.7. 意义阐释段The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to…The fact/phenomenon that… indicates that…Having scrutinized the details of the picture, we can discuss the implications subtly conveyed from it.8. 归纳结论段In conclusion, ...In my opinion, ...As far as I am concerned, ...Taking into account all the analyses above, we may confidently come to the conclusion that…9. 预测趋势段There is no denying that… will continue increasing/decreasing in the better/worse direction.Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the chart will undergo a continuous increase/decrease in the near future.10. 建议措施段Therefore, it is imperative that we should take some drastic measures.As far as I am concerned, two effective measures must be immediately taken to pull through the crisis.As a result, it is advisable to settle the problem by two means.


《小作文模板》考研, 要求考生根据所给情景写出约100词的应用文,近来考的都是书信。无论是什么样的话题,都可以套用开头、结尾、表示感谢或道歉的句型。1. 一般开头句型I"m writing to… 开门见山的开头模式I"m writing to inform you that…(通知类型)I"m writing to seek your assistance in…(请求类型)I"m writing in response to your advertisement in… (回应类型)I"m writing to express my views on…(建议类型)I"m writing to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students from other countries. (申请类型)I"m writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding… (咨询类型)I"m writing to express my disappointment/dissatisfaction about… 2. 感谢类句型I"m most grateful to you for your…I"m writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for…I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks for…I feel greatly indebted to you for…I"m writing to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me…But for your kind assistance, I would have…I must thank you again for your generous help.Please accept my deepest gratitude.3. 道歉类句型I feel really sorry to you for…I must apologize to you for…I would like to express my deepest apology / regret for not being able to…Please accept my sincere apology for…I want you to know how badly I feel about…4. 一般结尾句型Any favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated. (申请/求职)We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your presence. (邀请函)Best wishes for your greater success in your career. (祝愿)Thank you for your patience and concern in reading this letter. I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


《经典写作??高级句式》1) Another (good/ideal) case in point is that of...关于这一点/这方面还有一个(好的/理想的)实例,就是……2) To the already well-known/familiar examples/cases of..., another may/can be added:...关于……的实例,除了这个众所周知的/大家都很熟悉的例子/事例以外,不妨再举一个:……3) As another illustration/example, let"s take/see (the case of)...作为另外一种阐述方法/实例,我们来看看……4) A very similar case/example/story can be cited/told from...我们还可以从……找到/举出非常类似的事例/例子/事件。5) Perhaps it will suffice to mention another example/case/story of..., which unfolds as follows:...也许再举一个……例子/实例/事例问题就能水落石出,就是:……6) It is only by/through...that...只有用/通过……才能……7 ) From the exemplifications above, it turns out that...以上例证的结论就是……8) As the foregoing turns out, it matters not...but...以上(论述/阐述)说明,……并不重要,重要的是……9) Indeed, the evidence upon all sides justifies/confirms/supports/points to/is in favor of the truth/view/maxim that...的确,各方面证据证明/证实/支持/表明/赞同这一真理/观点/格言,即……10) Judging from all evidence offered/From what has been mentioned above, we may reasonably/safely arrive at/come to/reach/draw/deduce/assert the conclusion that...从所有证据可以推断/从上面提到的内容我们可以自然而然/不难得出/得出/推出/推断出/断定这样一个结论:…… 11) If there is anything more/well worthy ofmention/consideration/attention/careful study, nothing comes close to...如果有什么更/很值得一提/考虑/关心/认真研究的话,那就非……莫属了。12) To make the better (clearer/easier) best (clearest/easiest), a further/deeper/wiser step/way/study/method/measure/plan is/should be...为了精益求精(更加清楚地……/使……更加容易),(我们)应该……进一步/更深/更明智的步骤/方法/研究/方式/措施/计划。13) If you are. to..., it is vital/ideal/important/essential that...如果你(是)……/想……,关键在于/理想的……是……/(……非常重要/至关重要。)14) The most important/essential/substantial/critical thing/matter worth pointing out, however, is...然而,值得指出的最重要/本质/实质/关键的事情/问题是……15) Following/Abiding by the above instructions/advice/directions/rules can...but you will achieve/gain/do better/more if you...采纳/遵照上述指导/建议/指示/规则(固然)能……但如果你……你将会更有所收获/做得更好。16) The comparison/contrast that calls for deepest thought lies/consists in...这种引人深思的(鲜明)对照/对比在于……17) The most striking/sharpest/shocking/instructive contrast between A and B can be found in...A和B*引人注目的/尖锐的/令人震惊的/具启发意义的对比(不同点)在于……18) If standing in contrast to..., the thing/matter/person (of one"s concern) differs essentially/greatly/radically/profoundly from the reference in...(如果)与……相比,(某人所关注的)这件事/个问题/个人与……存在本质/很大/根本/深刻的区别(不同)。 19) The effect of comparison/contrast between both is heightened most by the difference in...二者相比/将二者相对照,*大(显著)的区别在于……20) Still under/in similar/the same circumstances/conditions/situations, however, the two things can turn out quite/most differently(或A turns out to be radically/utterly/totally different from B).然而,(尽管仍然)在相似/同样的环境/条件/情况下,二者的结果截然不同(或:A与B的结果根本不同/截然不同/完全不同)。


《写作复习三点注意》首先,考试时大家要特别注意语法、语气、标点符号等,为了避免太多单词拼写错误、语法错误,不要为了追求词语的华丽而堆积一些自己也没把握的单词,不要刻意追求长句而写一些自己不知对错的有多个从句组成的长句。考试时*好选择自己*有把握的词汇,短语,句式。1、词汇:包括连接上下句或段落的关联词,习惯用语,固定搭配,词类混淆,误用及物不及物动词等。2、语法:包括时态是否一致,主谓是否一致,名词单复数是否对应,被动主动语态是否错用等。3、拼写和标点符号:不要小瞧标点,一个标点可能导致意思完全颠倒。其次,选择那些*能体现中心思想、*具代表性的材料,这些材料要共同表达一致的信息。前后及段落之间在逻辑关系上要紧密衔接,不能把没有任何逻辑关系的词放在一起。可以用恰当的关联词把思想连贯地表达出来。最后,注意字数,卷面整洁。不能字数不够,即使一句话颠来倒去说也要凑够字数。字数不够,即使写得非常精彩,也不能拿高分。《还应该注意什么问题?》第*点、尝试着对名词的同义替换,比如picture,通篇都用picture,有些老套,不如换成cartoon,drawing等等词汇,在不同的位置用不同的词,但是意思没有变。还比如,人们,people,persons,folk等等。第二点、尝试着会用“一句谚语”等套用短语或者连词之类的。比如,one, another;some, others等等表达观点。当然针对以一个句型,还可以背一些谚语,或者临场发挥。第三点、语法的或用。要尝试着使用,强调,双重否定,感叹,疑问,插入语,从句,倒装,排比等多种语法现象。以强调为例,do not +vt/vi,本身就是一种否定的强调,对于do not +v= fail to +v,感叹句也可以用,建议这个形容词,一定要用别人想不到的,并且比较通俗的说法。插入语,比如表达想法。The 主语,I think,谓语等等,将I think或者i believe等插入主谓之间或者放置在句子末尾等等都可以使用。高途考研热门课程如下:1??25考研公共课秋季【刷题班】2??26考研先锋领跑班【政数英】3??25考研公共课VIP班【一对一】4??25考研冲刺/百日集训【北京/沈阳/郑州/武汉】5??25、26考研专业课一对一6??同等学力申硕7??在职考研MBA/MEM/MPA、科研背提产品项目......班型众多,针对课程想要咨询&了解,请扫二维码,老师立即与您沟通并为您详细介绍。↓



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