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还有正在热映的《姥姥的外孙》(How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies),看到英文片名应该就知道剧情了吧:如何在姥姥去世前赚到几百万。据说很多网友都已经哭晕在厕所!
图源 | 网络不少网友表示:“好像从来没有注意到座椅的颜色”……
In a full-light situation, the red flower of the geranium pops out from the green background. But when the light dims, the flower quickly fades from a vibrant red to a much duller, darker shade. 在光线充足的情况下,天竺葵的红花从绿色背景中脱颖而出。但是当光线变暗时,花朵迅速从鲜艳的红色变为更暗淡、更深的色调。The greenery behind it, while also losing its vibrance, does so less quickly, arguably becoming more noticeable than the previously-dominant red flower. As even more light leaves, the entire scene becomes black and white.其背后的绿色植物虽然也失去了鲜艳的色彩,但褪色的速度较慢,可以说变得比之前占主导地位的红花更加显眼。当光线进一步减弱时,整个场景变成了黑白色。电影院内的观影体验也是同样的道理。随着电影院灯光变暗,座位以及墙壁和窗帘(通常也是红色的)很快变得漆黑一片。这有助于我们将注意力集中在屏幕上,让观影体验更加愉快。
当然,除了红色座椅,可能也有同学发现自己曾看到过黑色座椅。是的!并非所有影院都使用红色座椅,黑色座椅也不错。But you'll rarely if ever, see green or blue seats in theaters; those colors simply take too long to fade away, and would distract from the viewing experience.但你很少会在影院看到绿色或蓝色座椅;这些颜色消退的时间太长,会分散观影体验。既然说到“座椅”,我们通常会想到seat这个单词,那么与seat相关的英文表达你知道几个呢?趁这个机会一起来看看! take a seat 先来个简单的~没错,take a seat意思就是“坐下”,英文释义为sit down。那么这就有人要问了,seat与sit之间的区别又是什么?在作动词时,两者均有“就坐”的意思,区别是:sit表示“坐下”,是不及物动词,后面不可以接宾语。seat则意为“使...就坐”、“使...坐下”,是及物动词。🌰举个例子:We found a cool place to sit.我们找了个凉快地方坐了下来。She seated the guest at the table. 她请客人在餐桌入席。注意咯!用作动词的seat还通常用于be seated和seat oneself这两个搭配。🌰例如:Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们,先生们,请就坐。She seated herself next to me. 她坐在我旁边。而seat作名词时,就是座位的意思了~
图源 | 网络on the edge of one's seat 在座位的边缘?这又是啥?这个英文表达其实表示“紧张地,迫不及待地(想知道)”。在《牛津辞典》中的英文释义为:very excited and giving your full attention to something.
图源 | 网络🌰举个例子:The game kept the supporters on the edge of their seats.这场比赛使支持者们一直十分紧张。(是不是很形象,你焦急等待的时候是不是也会坐立不安~) (fly) by the seat of one's pants 最后来看个长的~这个意思其实是“凭感觉;凭直觉”!这里的pants就是裤子。它在《牛津辞典》中的英文释义为:to act without careful thought and without a plan that you have made in advance, hoping that you will be lucky and be successful.
图源 | 网络🌰举个例子:We started the business in 1996, and for the first couple of years we were flying by the seat of our pants.我们1996年开办公司,最初几年我们是凭直觉做事。好啦,今天与seat相关的英文表达就分享到这里了!你去影院时注意过座椅的颜色吗?欢迎在评论区一起讨论哦!