社交媒体也可以是一个非常好的英语口语学习媒介雅思口语part 1常考话题 - Travelling让我们听一段外网路人采访https://www.douyin.com/video/7341766730244476170Traveling is the best thing to get out of your bubble to see different ways of life, to just know yourself in different kind of situation. You get to know many different people, and it's just like at the one time you explore the world, but at the other time, you can also explore kind of yourself, how you handle it. And after travelling, you will get more self-confident and just like that you know you can handle things. That's kind of cool.这是一段非常好的口语素材,大家一起来看一下其中的地道表达吧!get out of your bubble走出你的舒适圈see different ways of life看看不同的生活方式get to know many different people认识许多不同的人explore the world探索世界explore kind of yourself探索自己的性格get more self-confident变得更加自信往期精选想快速考出理想*?想刷中雅思原题?想找到你屡屡考试失利的原因?想找到一家长沙性价比*好的留学雅思工作室?关注我们这里有你想知道的一切▲向上滑动荷学微信号hoistudy荷学知乎号长沙荷学雅思荷学新浪微博长沙荷学雅思托福工作室地址五一大道袁家岭佳兆业广场5楼电话0731-85099964长按右方二维码关注我们 ►