新年是我国重要的传统节日 也是家庭团聚的重要节日 在新年的时候,除了有重要的习俗之外 还有一些庆祝活动 跟随途途一起来看看吧
Time&Duration of Spring Festival
Customs of Spring Festival
Paste couplets ( Chinese: 贴春联 ) It ’ s a kind of literature. Chinese people like to write some dual and concise words on red paper to express their new year’s wishes. every family will paste couplets.
Family reunion dinner ( Chinese: 团圆饭 ) People travelling or residing in a place far away from home will back to their home to get together with their families.
Stay up late on New Year’s Eve ( Chinese: 守岁 )
Hand out red packets(Chinese:发红包)
Set off firecrackers(Chinese:放鞭炮)
Celebration Activities on Chinese New Year’s Eve
A new beginning on New Year’s Day
Pasting couplets on the do ors
Special Food for Spring Festival
Nian’gao( 年糕 ) Jiaozi( 饺子 )
爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。 千门万户曈曈日, 总把新桃换旧符。 新的一年, 英途愿你: 虎尽甘来好运转, 扬眉“兔”气笑颜展, 兔年新春快乐!
扫描添加途途吧~ 往期回顾 点击 文字 回顾往期热文
国内考研竞争日趋白热化! 第二赛道来了: 考研留学两手抓!
海外口语课程2月上线! 工作、旅游、移民、陪读都用得着!