



“很开心能有这么多现场观众来看我比赛,今天我做到了身体状况允许下的*好表现。这个结果不是观众想要的,当然也不是我想要的,希望下一次我能做得更好。”10月13日晚,武汉网球公开赛女子单打决赛上,中国金花郑钦文与白俄罗斯名将萨巴伦卡展开激战。尽管郑钦文顽强地挽救了两个赛点,但仍以大比分1比2不敌老对手萨巴伦卡,获得亚军。郑钦文创造历史,成为武网赛会历史上第*位站上单打领奖台的中国选手。On Sunday night, despite saving two match points, Zheng fell to top-seeded Aryna Sabalenka in a hard-fought contest. Her runner-up finish now stands as the best result by a Chinese player in the tournament"s history.

赛后,郑钦文接受采访时说:“我很开心能够进入武网的决赛,虽然说结果不是如意的,但是我也做到了我所能发挥出的*好状态,尤其是在身体不好的情况下。我也非常感谢来现场为我加油的观众朋友们。”郑钦文透露,她是吃了退烧药上的决赛,相关话题也冲上热搜。"I"m happy to have reached the final," Zheng said after the match. "While the result wasn"t perfect, I gave the best performance I could today. I"m incredibly grateful to the fans who came out to support me," she said, adding that she had been battling a fever throughout the tournament and had to take medication before the final.

郑钦文也在社交平台发文,追梦的路没有终点 ??

进入今年的网球中国赛季,郑钦文在中国网球公开赛闯入女子单打四强,随后又在武汉网球公开赛进入单打决赛,这是郑钦文WTA1000级别网球赛事的决赛。此外,这场决赛也是郑钦文与萨巴伦卡职业生涯的第四次对决。在去年和今年美网女单1/4决赛,今年澳网决赛上,郑钦文都是以0比2告负。Zheng"s run marked a breakthrough Chinese season, in which she consistently shattered her previous records at WTA 1000 events. After making her first semifinal at the China Open, she went one step further in Wuhan, reaching the final. Sunday"s match was Zheng"s fourth meeting with Sabalenka, following encounters at the 2023 and 2024 US Open and the 2024 Australian Open, all of which Sabalenka won in straight sets.“我觉得自己今天的比赛,至少比上次的表现好了不少,我也发现了自己的一些缺点和需要改进的地方。今天的比赛,我给自己打5-6分。”郑钦文在赛后称,自己在最近两周内感冒、发烧两次,身体免疫能力显著下降,在前一天的比赛中身体还一直冒冷汗。“我很开心能够进入武网的决赛,虽然说结果不是如意的,但是我也做到了我今天所能发挥出的*好状态,尤其是在身体不好的情况下。”"I played better today than the last time we met, and I"ve identified areas for improvement," Zheng said, rating her performance a modest "five or six (out of 10)". Zheng said that she had caught a fever twice in the past two weeks, significantly weakening her immune system. She was still breaking out in a cold sweat during the match the day before."I"m very happy to have made it to the final of the Wuhan Open although the result wasn"t exactly what I hoped for, I gave my best performance today, especially considering I wasn"t feeling well physically," Zheng said after the match.  “能来到第*个WTA1000赛事决赛很不容易,尤其是发生在武汉,这也是我梦开始的地方。虽然说非常遗憾,这次没能把这个奖杯带走,但是我希望在未来职业生涯的某一天,我可以实现这个愿望。”"Making it to my first WTA 1000 final was not easy, especially since it happened in Wuhan, where my dream began. It"s a pity that I couldn"t bring home the trophy this time, but I hope that one day in my career, I"ll be able to achieve that dream."

郑钦文在赛后新闻发布会复盘这场总决赛,萨巴伦卡称:“和美网相比,郑钦文有明显进步,更有攻击力,反手、发球等都有进步。面对这样的她,很开心我能取得胜利。日后,在郑钦文努力的时候,我也会不断努力。”"She definitely improved," Sabalenka told reporters, referring to Zheng’s form in 2023. "There is more consistency in her game. Probably playing a little bit more aggressive. I think she improved her backhand a little bit. She"s moving well, serving well. I"m really glad that still with these improvements I"m able to get these wins against her. Even if she is improving, I"m gonna be improving more."







沈老师 @星度环球文化


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