“我的英语基础一般,说不出来”“六级荒废十年,我想捡回英语”“我想锻炼口语,但找不到搭子” ......惠州团委最新一期的“青年夜校”推出“英语角”,帮助那些不敢开口说英语的小伙伴找到志同道合的搭子们。10月21日,第一期英语角(即练练英语角第93期)在野岛文化社区“青年之家”举办,惠州青年跃跃欲试。本期主题【生存环境(Circumstance)】,惠州环球教育的优秀学员大雄作为本期英语角的主持人,引导大家从每个人自身独特的职业、经历出发,进行了交流和分享,也碰撞出更多生活和工作的灵感。
向左滑动查看图集● 【主题】:CircumstanceGiven that the post-epidemic era and changes in social needs, many industries have encountered unprecedented crises and challenges in recent years. As young generations in the new era, our survival mode has long been very different from that of our predecessors. Thus we intend to discuss the topic 'Circumstance'. Welcome to the 'wild island', where the atmosphere of youth, to talk about the circumstances of young people. How can we strive for a better circumstance? Do you have any worthwhile advice for it? In the face of difficulties, are there any breakthrough paths to choose?●