


这是一场速度与激情的盛宴This is a feast o...

这是一场速度与激情的盛宴 This is a feast of speed and passion一次团队精神与个人才能的展示。A showcase of team spirit and individual talent.???♂??? 上海美高双语运动会 Living Word Shanghai速度与激情的碰撞 A collision of speed and passion,团队与荣耀的盛宴 A feast of teams and glory!?? 挑战自我,展现风采Challenge yourself, show your style让我们在运动中见证青春的力量!Let"s witness the power of youth in sports!??运动会视频在充满活力的金秋十月,上海美高学校举办了一年一度的运动会,主要目的在于让学生们认真学习的同时,也不要忘记通过适当的运动保持身体健康。这不仅是竞技的舞台,更是友谊和拼搏的见证。从个人的奋勇争先到团队的默契协作,美高学子在运动场上挥洒着汗水,为赛场增添了无数精彩的瞬间与难忘的回忆。赛后,老师们还为优胜者们颁发了奖牌和奖杯作为鼓励。In the vibrant golden autumn month of October, Living Word Shanghai School held its annual sports meeting. The main purpose is to let students not forget to keep their bodies healthy through proper exercise while studying hard. This is not only a stage for competition, but also a witness to friendship and hard work. From individual striving for the lead to the tacit cooperation of the team, students of Living Word Shanghai School shed sweat on the sports field, adding countless wonderful moments and unforgettable memories to the stadium. After the competition, the teachers also presented medals and trophies to the winners as encouragement.活力启幕,青春燃动Opening ceremony of the sports meet.

△方爷爷发表致辞方爷爷的到来为本次运动会增添了别样的色彩。站在兴奋的学生们面前,方校长发表了他的致辞。他强调了体育运动在学生生活中的重要性,鼓励学生们在比赛中全力以赴,尊重对手,展现体育精神。方校长还提醒大家,获胜不是的目标,参与的过程以及从中获得的成长同样宝贵。他的话语激励着学生们,为这场充满激情、友谊与成就的运动会奠定了基调。The arrival of Grandpa Fang added a different color to this sports meeting. Standing in front of the excited students, Principal Fang delivered his speech. He emphasized the importance of sports in students" lives and encouraged students to go all out in the competition, respect their opponents and show sportsmanship. Principal Fang also reminded everyone that winning is not the only goal. The process of participation and the growth obtained from it are equally precious. His words inspired the students and set the tone for this sports meeting full of passion, friendship and achievement.

在方校长致辞后,汤校长和罗校长也相继发表了致辞。他们的讲话进一步激发了学生们的热情,为精彩的一天奠定了基础。紧接着,学生们带来了一场精彩的开场舞表演。这场开场舞是优雅与活力的完美结合,象征着团结和欢庆的精神,这种精神将贯穿整个运动会,让观众们惊叹不已,也让大家对即将开始的比赛充满了期待。After Principal Fang"s speech, Principal Tang and Principal Luo also delivered speeches one after another. Their speeches further inspired the enthusiasm of the students and laid the foundation for a wonderful day.  Immediately after that, the students presented a wonderful opening dance performance. This opening dance is a perfect combination of elegance and vitality, symbolizing the spirit of unity and celebration. This spirit will run through the entire sports meeting, astonishing the audience and making everyone full of expectations for the upcoming competition.

萌宝竞技,活力开启Cute kids compete.

在篮球会场,1 至 3 年级的孩子们正在激烈地进行各项比赛,跳绳、飞盘、接羽毛球等。空气中充满了跳绳的有节奏的声音、飞盘在空中飞过的嗖嗖声以及接羽毛球时的快速动作声。他们的脸上洋溢着兴奋和坚定,在这些活动中全力以赴。每个孩子都充满活力,努力做到*好,为他们的团队带来荣誉。周围的观众被他们的热情所吸引,为他们加油打气。In the basketball venue, children from grades 1 to 3 are engaged in various intense competitions, such as rope skipping, frisbee throwing, and catching badminton.The air is filled with the rhythmic sound of rope skipping, the whooshing sound of frisbees flying through the air, and the rapid movement sound when catching badminton. Their faces are filled with excitement and determination as they go all out in these activities. Each child is full of energy and tries their best to bring honor to their team. The surrounding audience is attracted by their enthusiasm and cheers for them.操场飞步,青春加速Running race

运动会自然少不了跑步比赛。跑道上,小选手们如同离弦之箭般飞驰而出。他们迈着坚定的步伐,目光紧紧盯着前方的终点线。每一次的冲刺都伴随着观众们的呐喊与加油声,那声音仿佛给了孩子们无尽的动力。他们在奔跑中展现出了顽强的毅力和拼搏的精神,无论最终*如何,他们都是赛场上的勇士。The sports meeting naturally cannot do without running races. On the runway, the young contestants dashed out like arrows leaving the bowstring. They took firm steps and stared closely at the finish line ahead. Every sprint was accompanied by the shouts and cheers of the audience. That sound seemed to give the children endless power. They showed tenacious perseverance and a fighting spirit in running. No matter what the final result is, they are all warriors on the field.慢骑竞技,乐在其中Slow bicycle race.

小编发现一个非常有趣的自行车慢骑比赛。这场比赛选手们不再追求速度,而是比谁能骑得更慢。他们小心翼翼地控制着自行车的速度,保持着平衡,每一步都显得格外谨慎。The editor found a very interesting slow bicycle race. In this race, the contestants no longer pursue speed, but compete to see who can ride more slowly. They carefully control the speed of the bicycle and maintain balance. Every step seems extremely cautious.齐心协力,绳聚力量Tug of war

能把赛场热度拉向高潮的当然是拔河啦!两支队伍在场地两端严阵以待,粗实的绳子横在中间,仿佛一条紧绷的弦。选手们个个摩拳擦掌,目光中透露出坚定与决心。随着一声哨响,比赛开始,双方队员都卯足了劲往后拉。他们双脚用力地蹬着地面,身体后仰,脸庞因用力而涨得通红。观众们也被这紧张激烈的场面所感染,加油声、呐喊声此起彼伏,整个赛场如同一片沸腾的海洋!What can surely bring the excitement of the competition to a climax is tug of war! Two teams stand ready on opposite ends of the field. The thick rope lies across the middle, like a taut string. The contestants are all rubbing their hands in anticipation, and their eyes reveal firmness and determination.With the sound of a whistle, the competition begins. Players on both sides pull with all their might. They push hard on the ground with their feet, lean back, and their faces turn red from exertion. The audience is also infected by this intense and exciting scene. Cheers and shouts rise and fall one after another. The entire competition field is like a boiling ocean!足球友谊赛,师生燃青春Teacher-student football friendship match

临近傍晚时分,大家激动的心也并未平静,反而愈加热烈。因为在这个场地即将开始一场师生之间的足球比赛。阳光斜照,为赛场披上一层温暖的金色光辉。学生们和老师们都在积极地做着准备,眼神中满是对即将到来的比赛的期待。哨声响起,比赛正式开始。足球在双方队员的脚下飞速传递,场边的观众们欢呼声此起彼伏。每一次精彩的传球、射门都能引发一阵热烈的喝彩。最终,学生们凭借着出色的团队配合和顽强的拼搏精神,赢得了比赛的胜利。这场师生足球赛不仅展现了大家对体育运动的热爱,更增进了师生之间的情谊。运动会在学生们胜利的欢呼声中落下帷幕,但那充满激情与活力的画面将永远留在大家的心中。As dusk approached, everyone"s excited hearts had not calmed down. Instead, they became even more intense. Because a football match between teachers and students was about to begin on this field. The sun slanted down, casting a warm golden glow over the field. Both students and teachers were actively preparing, and their eyes were full of anticipation for the upcoming match. The whistle sounded and the game officially began. The football was passed quickly under the feet of the players on both sides, and the cheers of the audience on the sidelines rose and fell one after another. Every wonderful pass and shot could trigger a burst of enthusiastic applause.  In the end, the students won the game with excellent teamwork and tenacious fighting spirit. This teacher-student football match not only showed everyone"s love for sports, but also enhanced the friendship between teachers and students. The sports meeting came to an end amid the victorious cheers of the students, but the passionate and energetic scenes will always remain in everyone"s hearts.

本次活动不仅锻炼了我们的身体,更展示了我们团结、拼搏的精神。美高学子们在运动场上精彩的表现令人难忘,感谢大家的对运动会的认真对待,才让本次运动会如此精彩绝伦!This activity not only exercises our bodies, but also shows our spirit of unity and hard work. The wonderful performances of students from Meigao on the sports field are unforgettable. Thank you all for taking the sports meeting seriously, which makes this sports meeting so wonderful!?

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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