据学员反馈,此次考试阅读、语法非常“丝滑”,数道原题做得信心倍增。谁曾想过,“拦路虎”⁉️这次考试到底考了哪些词汇、阅读原题、数学知识点?快来一探究竟⬇️8月SAT考情复盘据新橙老师得到的考情反馈来看,此次同学们共做到两套卷子。1卷考情回顾 阅读原题 亚瑟王Arthurian legends (tales related to the character of King Arthur) derive from many sources, such as Annaies Cambriae, composed around 970, and the Mabinogion from the 12th and 13th centuries. One of the most significant sources, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, was written in Latin in the 1130s; some material from it was later adapted by the Norman poet Wace into the Roman de Brut in 1155. But while no source before 1155 includes references to the famous Round Table at which Arthur’s knights assembled, both the Roman de Brut and Sir Thomas Malory’s 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends, Le Morte d'Arthur, do. It can therefore be inferred that.Which choice most logically completes the text?✅A.Malory did not use Annales Cambriae as a source for information [when] he presented about the Round Table.B.Geoffrey of Monmouth's accounts of Arthurian legends in his History are more similar overall in content to the accounts in the Mabinogion than they are to the accounts in Roman de Brut. C.Geoffrey of Monmouth was unaware of stories of the Round Table when composing his History, though historians know that works containing such stories were available to him. D.Le More d'Arthur is more historically accurate than History, because the Mabinogion had not been written when Geoffrey of Monmouth was writing his work. 其他阅读原题包括Q:一个人评价另一个人在岛上的记忆✅Miranda能够记起她到达9岛的回忆暗示她或许也能回忆到达岛上后的细节。Q:纽约的交通堵塞(图表题)✅虽然在1990年至2000年期间,纽约州奥尔巴尼地区每位通勤者的年交通延误小时数始终低于纽约州纽约市地区,但1996年的数量几乎相同。Q:Yupno时间轴✅当在户外的Yupnp演讲者使用手势来指代未来时,无论他们面对哪个方向,他们都会从当前位置指向上坡。 词汇题recommendedpossibletranquilindicationsoddityilluminateconjecturecounterfactualevident 数学题Q:三条直线构成方程组的解有几个✅0个Q:x增加300%是36✅x=9Q:desmos画图取f(r)=4✅a<r<b and r>cQ:三条直线构成方程组的解有几个✅0个2卷考情回顾 阅读题Q:主人公Mercedes的情绪✅传达了Mercedes与Clarence分离时如何处理自己的强烈情绪。Q:date sources对时尚业的seller有什么用?✅增强sellers预测需求的能力。 阅读原题Q:胖头鱼和瘦头鱼遇到了漩涡✅一项使用障碍物在低能见度条件的研究发现,intermediate-headed Lobocheilos rhabdoura 撞到障碍物的次数与wide-headed Synodontis macropunctate 一样多。Q:不同年龄的狗分辨人说话的能力✅The difference between the pattern of brain activity a dog showed whenhearing the language it was accustomed to and the pattern of brain activity it showed when hearing the language it was not accustomed to was greatest among older dogs. 词汇题efficacytraditional rectifyindicationsaccentuateregardconsequences fororthodoxnebulous 数学题难题:三点共圆,直角所对的边为圆的直径Q:sqaure centimeters per hour和square maters per minute的转换✅.0021🍊8月的SAT阅读部分难度非常友好、语法保持中规中矩、数学M2加大了难度。数学M2据说是亚太限定,不知道这算不算对亚洲学生的一种歧视和不公平呢?数学好也不能这么逮着折磨😩小橙子祝愿大家阅读语法都满分💯💯数学做的全对!新橙秋季SAT课程