




介词Preposition (1) Preposition of time(时间)in/at /on /by /till/until /up to /since /during /for /throughout(2) Preposition of place(方位)after/among/at/behind/in/in-front-of/next-to/ besides/by/on/over/above/under / below / beneath(3) Preposition of movement (动作)across/along /around /away from/back /down /into /off/onto (on to) /out of /past /round /through /to /towards/under/up(4) Prepositions of possession(拥有)She is a friend of mine. My heart belongs to you. I saw a boy with brown eyes.现在我们来看剑4Test 3 Passage 3的一个summary填空题:

原文G. A representative sample of language, compiled for the purpose of linguistic analysis, is known as a corpus. A corpus enables the linguist to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage, and it provides accessible data for the use of different researchers. Its range and size are variable. Some corpora attempt to cover the language as a whole, taking extracts from many kinds of texts, others are extremely selective, providing a collection of material that deals only with a particular linguistic feature. The size of the corpus depends on practical factors, such as the time available to collect, process and store the data: it can take up to several hours to provide an accurate transcription of a few minutes of speech. Sometimes a small sample of data will be enough to decide a linguistic hypothesis; by contrast, corpora in major research projects can total millions of words. An important principle is that all corpora, whatever their size, are inevitably limited in their coverage, and always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation.Complete the summary of paragraph G below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on 37.           . Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a 38.          . The length of time the process takes will affect the 39.           of the corpus. No corpus can ever cover the whole language and so linguists often find themselves relying on the additional information that can be gained from the 40.           of those who speak the language concerned.

仔细看空格前后,我们会发现介词的存在:A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on 37.          . Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a 38.        . The length of time the process takes will affect the 39.          of the corpus. No corpus can ever cover the whole language and so linguists often find themselves relying on the additional information that can be gained from the 40.           of those who speak the language concerned.根据语法知识,我们可以知道,介词的前后通常是名词,所以我们可以预判37-40空都是名词或名词词组。而且,我们的介词技巧是:当题目中是“介词+名词”、“名词+介词+名词”的结构时,原文也很可能是相似的结构。因此,我们可以通过“定位词”锁定原文句子,再利用句子中的介词结构来解题。现在,我们圈出空格前后可以帮助我们定位的关键词,如下高亮单词(颜色标记):A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on 37.          . Some corpora  include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a 38.           . The length of time the process takes will affect the 39.        of the corpus. No corpus can ever cover the whole language and so linguists often find themselves relying on the additional information that can be gained from the 40.        of those who speak the language.

定位到原文:37空对应的原文:A corpusenables the linguist to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage……虽然有些同学不认识unbiased statements,但能够想到介词on和about都有“关于”的意思,所以37空对应原文about后面的名词词组:frequency of usage(注意字数限制是NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS不超过3个单词,所以尽量写全。)

同样地,38空对应的原文应为:Some corporaattempt to cover the language as a whole, taking extracts from many kinds of texts, others are extremely selective, providing a collection of material that deals only with a particular linguistic feature.这句话有不少介词,但38空前面是一个“动词+介词”的结构(focus on),后面还有一个冠词a,这与原文deals only with a 非常相似,focus on集中于=deals only with只处理,所以答案应该是 particular linguistic feature。根据填空题“顺序出题”的原则,我们再次通过关键词定位到了39空对应的原文:The size of the corpus depends on practical factors, such as the time available to collect, process and store the data...这里,很多同学立刻就得出答案应该是size。注意,我们常见的A of B (A, B都是名词)结构在原文中也可能是A of B结构。

同样的步骤,40空对应的原文应该是:An important principle is that all corpora, whatever their size, are inevitably limited in their coverage, and always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation..这里定位词 those who speak the language在原文的同义替换是 native speakers of the language,根据A of B结构,答案应该是intuitions。虽然这个单词也可能不认识,但一般tion后缀的单词是名词,再次验证答案是正确的。通过以上例题,你是否掌握了介词巧解雅思阅读填空题这个方法呢?当然啦,要获得高分,除了必要的解题技巧,我们还需要扎扎实实提升自己的阅读能力,包括词汇量的提升、长难句的理解、段落结构的分析,也需要知道每个题型的出题规律、选项设置的套路,这样不管遇到什么文章、什么题型,都能够轻松应对。


1. There were several reasons for the research into plastics in the nineteenth century, among them the great advances that had been made in the field of ________ and the search for alternatives to natural resources like ivory. (1 word)

原文1The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors - immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of‘luxury’ materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory.2. However, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the ________ of the seabed. (1 word)

原文2Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship.3. The Egyptians had wooden pulleys which could lift large pieces of ______, and they knew how to use the energy of the wind from their skill as accomplished sailors. (1 word)

原文3And they are known to have used, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone.4. In recent years, many of them have been obliged to give up their nomadic lifestyle, but they continue to depend mainly on __________ for their food and clothes. (1 word)

原文4Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in the territory"s 28 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing.5. By collecting the ______ of snails and analysing them. (1 word)

原文5The researchers gathered shells of Melanoides tuberculata snails from the sediments of an ancient lake and used geochemical analysis as a means of tracing the climate history of the region.简而言之,雅思阅读主要是考察对词汇的掌握、长难句的分析以及考生针对每个题型的解题方法和技巧的运用。想了解更多学习雅思阅读的方法,可持续关注“合肥卡尔顿国际教育”微信公众号或者添加小卡君微信了解哦!联系电话:19011349743(微信同号)赶紧扫描下方二维码添加合肥小卡君获取更多的学习资料吧!

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