
声动舞台,绽放未来 | “美高杯”第十二届演讲赛决赛(G1-G6)圆满落幕





备受瞩目的“美高杯”第十二届演讲赛决赛(G1-G6年级组)落下帷幕。一群怀揣梦想的小小演讲家们,用他们真挚的情感、独特的视角、激昂的语言,为我们带来了一场演讲盛宴!The highly anticipated finals of the 12th "Meigao Cup" Speech Contest (G1-G6 grade group) has come to a close.A group of young aspiring speakers, with their sincere emotions, unique perspectives, and passionate languages, brought us a feast of speeches!特邀评委及嘉宾美高教育集团董事长方正先生Living Word Group President Fang美高集团总校长 陈校长Living World Group Chief-principal Principal Chen 上海美高双语学校校长 汤菊 汤校长Living Word Shanghai Bilingual School Principal Tang苏州美高学校德育主任Nickie老师Living word Suzhou Moral Education Director Ms.Nickie上海美高学校学术写作老师Living Word Shanghai Academic Writing teacher Ms. Eva美高学校家长代表张媛女士Parent Representative Ms. ZhangMinerva教育科技创始人印隽先生Minerva Education Technology Founder Mr. Yin


舞台上,小选手们自信满满,他们用抑扬顿挫的语调、丰富多变的肢体语言,将一个个故事演绎得淋漓尽致。每一次掌声的响起,都是对他们精彩表现的*好肯定。On stage, the young contestants radiated confidence, using modulated tones and expressive body language to bring each story to life in a vivid and captivating way. Each round of applause was a testament to their outstanding performances.

在这方小小的舞台上,孩子们不仅是演讲者,更是梦想家、创造者。他们用自己的声音,描绘了一个个五彩斑斓的世界,让我们仿佛置身于其中,共同感受那份纯真与美好。On this small stage, the children were not only speakers, but also dreamers and creators. With their voices, they painted a colorful world, immersing us in it and allowing us to share in its purity and beauty.

很多美高宝宝全英文演讲,流利的英语和生动的描述,不仅展现了孩子们的语言才能,更是一次勇敢表达自我、分享生活乐趣的珍贵时刻。Many LWS students delivered their speeches entirely in English, displaying their fluent English and vivid descriptions. This not only showcased their linguistic abilities but also marked a precious moment of bravely expressing themselves and sharing the joys of life.

美高学校通过举办“美高杯”演讲赛,为孩子们提供了一个锻炼英语口语、提升思维表达能力的平台。孩子们在准备演讲的过程中,不仅学习了如何用语言清晰、准确地表达自己的想法,还学会了如何搜集资料、整理思路、构建逻辑框架,这些都是他们未来学习和生活中不可或缺的宝贵技能。By hosting the "LWS Cup" Speech Contest, LWS has provided an excellent platform for students to practice their English speaking skills and enhance their ability to express their thoughts. In the process of preparing for their speeches, the children not only learned how to express their ideas clearly and accurately in English, but also acquired essential skills such as researching materials, organizing their thoughts, and constructing logical frameworks. These are invaluable skills that will serve them well in their future studies and lives.


特邀嘉宾:ROST印隽MINERVA教育科技 创始人孪数科技 元宇宙与AI业务负责人中国传媒大学、西安理工大学 客座硕导全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会网络科技与智能媒体设计专业委员会 常务委员世界华人美术教育协会 数字艺术教育专业委员会 委员上海中本贯通教育理事会 专家 19年从业经验,用户体验、人机交互领域专家。先后服务过PCHOME、PPTV、分众传媒、GLODON等企业,带领产品与设计团队,擅长复杂产品业务的逻辑构建与创新。近十年专注于数字孪生、图形引擎、计算机视觉方向,为文创文旅、智慧城市、工业智造等业务提供元宇宙与AI解决方案。IXDC、UXPA 、RSG China、ThoughtWorks DDD、起点、MSUP、NCDA等产品、设计、技术峰会常驻主讲人。美团猫眼AI短片大赛总评委,上海国际AI提示词大赛评委,徐悲鸿杯青少年AI大赛评委 ,NCDA未来设计师大赛评委。多次为阿里妈妈、阿里国际、华为、搜狗、途虎、太平洋保险、哔哩哔哩、滴滴、百度金融、浦发银行、花旗银行、振华重工、中国电信、中国移动、中兴通讯、SMG等企业提供设计咨询与训练。 近年来,受邀为清华大学、北京大学、中国传媒大学、北京航空航天大学、广东工业大学、广州美院、中国计量大学、上海交通大学、上海东华大学、上海视觉艺术学院、上海财经大学、安徽财经大学、西安理工大学、四川音乐学院等各级高校提供AIGC概论课程和课题合作。上下滑动查看完整介绍活动中,MINERVA教育科技创始人印隽老师分享了关于人工智能在教育领域应用的深刻见解,提到了AI在创造力培养方面的应用,如AI绘画、音乐等生成艺术。他强调,AI教育不仅仅是教授学生如何使用AI工具,更重要的是培养他们的AI交互能力,包括如何与AI进行客观、工程化且富有想象力的沟通,从而创作出优秀的作品。During the event, ROST, the founder of MINERVA Education Technology, shared profound insights on the application of artificial intelligence in the field of education. He mentioned the use of AI in fostering creativity, such as in AI-generated art forms like painting and music. He emphasized that AI education is not merely about teaching students how to use AI tools; rather, it is more importantly about cultivating their AI interaction skills, including how to communicate with AI objectively, in an engineered way, and with imagination, in order to create excellent works.

在面向中小学的AI课程中,重要是的是培养学生的思维能力,引导学生将所学融入作品中,形成完整的创作。他强调,AI的应用能力只是托底的部分,更重要的是学生能够运用自己的文化理解和行业洞察力,创作出具有深度和广度的作品。In AI courses for primary and middle schools, the focus is on cultivating students" thinking abilities and guiding them to integrate what they have learned into their works, forming complete creations. He emphasized that while AI application skills are fundamental, it is even more crucial for students to utilize their own cultural understanding and industry insights to create works with depth and breadth.获奖选手

经过激烈的角逐,评委们根据演讲内容、语言表达、现场表现等多方面因素,评选出了一等奖,二等奖,三等奖,和优胜奖。After intense competition, the judges selected the first, second, third prizes, and the merit award based on various factors such as the content of the speeches, language expression, and on-site performance.※排名不分先后一等奖6C 孙旭呈、2A 黄   滨、3C 穆恩和

二等奖4D 韩熙媛、G6 齐思宇、3A 仵思翰2A 郑睎怡、5D 邹子萱、1A 付梓豪

三等奖6B 陈鸣谦、5B 喻槿萾、3A 赵苡旖2A 孔若璇、2B 朱成芮、3A 吕绘伦1B 翁若宸、G5 郭苇杭、3C 王嘉楠

优胜奖G6 袁令越、1A 石嘉一、G3 陈俊儒G6 付圣泽、4A 赵俊骅、3A 尹徐臻G4 刘一橙、1A 葛以恒、G4 吴玟萱3B 王明心、1A 李嘉硕、4B 潘子辰4C 刘沐菡、2A 尹   正

感谢所有参赛同学的精彩表现,感谢评委老师的辛勤付出,特别感谢老师们,是你们的精心指导,让孩子们的每一句话都闪耀着自信的光芒;也感谢每一位参与的组织者,是你们的默默付出,让这场活动得以顺利进行。让我们共同期待下一届“美高杯”的到来,相信那时的你们,会更加耀眼、更加出色!Thank you to all the participating students for their wonderful performances, and thank you to the judges for their hard work. Special thanks go to the teachers, whose meticulous guidance made every word of the children"s speeches shine with wisdom. Additionally, thank you to every organizer who contributed silently to the success of this event.Let us jointly look forward to the next "LWS Cup." I believe that by then, you will be even more dazzling and outstanding!编辑|Carlos审核|Jason、Luna、Cynthia、Principal Chen

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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