
TCA名师讲堂 | 雅思写作快速秘诀




What is the PQRS technique?什么是PQRS?PQRS方法是一种有助于雅思考生数的策略,它强调了作文中的关键元素。以下是根据您提供的定义进行详细解释:The PQRS approach is a strategy designed to assist IELTS candidates in improving their writing scores by emphasising key elements in their essays. The following section provides a detailed explanation based on the definition provided.1. P is for Parts:  P (Parts) - 部分How many PARTS are there to the question? You must check the question carefully to make sure you address every part.   在雅思写作中,理解题目中的各个部分至关重要。考生需要仔细阅读题目,确保自己理解并回答了题目中的所有部分。例如,如果题目要求讨论一个观点并提出解决方案,那么考生的文章应包含这两个部分。2. Q is for Question words Q (Question words) - 问题词:

Essay questions use KEY WORDS that signal the essay type: for example, discuss, outline, compare. You must follow this instruction.   雅思写作题目中通常包含关键词,这些词指示了文章的类型和所需的写作方式。例如,“讨论”可能意味着需要从多个角度分析问题,“概述”可能意味着需要描述主要特征或事件,“比较”则要求对两个或多个事物进行对比。考生必须遵循这些指令来构建他们的作文。3. R is for Relevant R (Relevant) - 相关性:Your answer must be relevant to the question. A fascinating essay that doesn’t answer the question will always be marked down.   考生的答案必须与题目紧密相关。即使文章本身很吸引人,如果它没有回答题目,分数也会受到影响。考生需要确保他们的作文直接回应了题目的要求,并且所有论点都是针对题目的。4. S is for Structure S (Structure) - 结构Essays should be well-structured. This helps the examiner follow your argument, and shows you think clearly, and can organise information.   良好的文章结构对于雅思写作来说非常关键。这不仅帮助考官跟随考生的论证,而且展示了考生清晰的思维和信息组织能力。一篇文章通常包括引言、主体段落和结论。每个段落都应该有一个清晰的主题句,紧跟着支持细节和例证。By mastering the PQRS method, candidates can ensure that their essays meet the criteria for IELTS writing, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving a high score. This approach emphasises a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter, adherence to specific instructions, the maintenance of content relevance, and the presentation of a coherent essay structure.通过掌握PQRS方法,考生可以确保他们的文章满足雅思写作的标准,从而的可能性。这种方法强调了对题目的全面理解、遵循特定指令、保持内容的相关性以及展现清晰的文章结构。



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