
用精彩教学,培养各行各业的 LWS English Department


用精彩教学,培养各行各业的LWS English Depa...

用精彩教学,培养各行各业的LWS English Department

Living Word Shanghai English DepartmentLWS前言在教育的广袤天地里每堂课都像璀璨星辰照亮学生成长之路美高 - 英语系有一堂有趣课程它不只是传授知识更能触动心灵、塑造能力、拓展视野Living Word Shanghai In our English department, we are committed to fostering a deep understanding of our curriculum. Ms. Evie has implemented a collaborative exercise designed to enhance students" comprehension of the article "The Elephant Shepherd."      在我们的英语系,我们致力于培养对我们课程的深刻理解。Ms.Evie实施了一项合作练习,旨在提高学生们对《大象牧羊人》这篇文章的理解。

      从文章故事到实践研究 From the story in the article to practical research. 一.     这篇文章讲述了一个年轻的牧羊人遇到一头大象,成为象牙狩猎的受害者。这次遭遇促使这名男孩认识到保护野生动物的关键重要性,并促使他提高同伴的意识。This poignant article narrates the experience of a young shepherd who encounters an elephant that has fallen victim to ivory hunting. This encounter prompts the boy to recognize the critical importance of wildlife protection and motivates him to raise awareness among his peers.

     为了培养关于保护濒危物种的环境意识,艾维女士指派学生们对他们选择的一种濒危动物进行彻底的研究。随后,他们撰写了一些文章,详细说明了他们的发现。To cultivate environmental consciousness regarding the protection of endangered species, Ms. Evie has assigned students to conduct thorough research on an endangered animal of their choice. They subsequently crafted essays detailing their findings.

English Department      学生合作的多元收获  The diverse gains from students" cooperation.二.     根据老师的反馈,学生们合作参与同伴教学,分享关于他们所选择的动物的见解,包括相关的背景信息和人类可以采取的可行措施来帮助保护这些脆弱的物种。Following feedback from the teacher, students partnered to engage in peer teaching, sharing insights about their selected animals, including relevant background information and actionable steps humanity can take to help conserve these vulnerable species.

     在这些讨论之后,学生们合作做了一个海报展示,向课堂上展示他们的内容。通过这个参与的练习,学生们发展了团队合作、解决问题、研究、写作和公共演讲方面的基本技能。After these discussions, students collaborated on a poster presentation to showcase their content to the class. Through this engaging exercise, students developed essential skills in teamwork, problem-solving, research, writing, and public speaking.

English Department      英语课中的教学技巧     Teaching techniques in English classes.     三.在这节课中,Ms.Evie在她的英语课中运用了几种有效的教学技巧:In this lesson, Ms. Evie employed several effective teaching techniques in her English class:1.协作学习:她发起了一项合作练习,鼓励学生一起工作,培养团队合作和沟通技巧。1.Collaborative Learning: She initiated a collaborative exercise that encouraged students to work together, fostering teamwork and communication skills.2.研究任务:学生们对一种濒危动物进行了彻底的研究,在寻找相关信息时促进了独立学习和批判性思维。2. Research Assignments: Students conducted thorough research on an endangered animal, promoting independent learning and critical thinking as they sought out relevant information.3.同伴教学:在收到反馈后,学生们合作教授他们所选择的动物。当学生向同龄人解释概念时,这种技术增强了理解,加强了他们自己的知识。3. Peer Teaching: After receiving feedback, students partnered up to teach each other about their chosen animals. This technique enhances understanding as students explain concepts to their peers, reinforcing their own knowledge.4.创造性表达:海报展示可以让学生创造性地展示他们的发现,将视觉元素与他们的研究相结合,并提高他们的公开演讲技能。4. Creative Expression: The poster presentation allowed students to creatively showcase their findings, integrating visual elements with their research and improving their public speaking skills.5.现实世界的应用:通过关注环境意识和可操作的保护步骤,埃维女士将课堂学习与现实世界的问题联系起来,使材料对学生更相关和参与。5. Real-World Application: By focusing on environmental consciousness and actionable conservation steps, Ms. Evie connected classroom learning to real-world issues, making the material more relevant and engaging for students.English Department上海美高双语学校  期待您的到来!

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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