


" 一朝沐杏雨,一生念师恩 "Happy Teachers...

" 一朝沐杏雨,一生念师恩 "Happy Teachers" Day!2024/09/10半师半友半知己,半慕半尊伴一程Half a teacher, half a friend, half a confidant; half of admiration, half of respect, accompanying for a part of the journey.

(Student Interview)>>>01互动时间."在评论区留下你想对老师说的祝福吧!""我*喜欢的老师是谁?"他有什么口头禅?你想对他说什么?Which teacher do you like the most? What are his or her catchphrases? What do you want to say to him or her?

“Don"t be shy, just try.”(别害羞,尽管尝试。)“Look at it from a different lens.”(从不同的角度来看。)“You"re on the right track!”(你的思路是对的!)“Settle down, everyone.”(大家安静下来。)“Eyes on me, please.”“This is crucial, don"t forget!”(这很关键,别忘啦!)“You"re almost there!”(你就快成功啦!)“What if we try this way?”(要是我们这样试试呢?)“You can do it!”“Believe in yourself. You have the ability.”“OK, class. Be quiet.”“Go for it!”

春晖四方,桃李天下,感谢您提灯引路,育梦成光。Your kindness spreads everywhere, and your students are all over the world.Thank you for leading the way with a lantern and cultivating our dreams into light.02教师节师生坦白局Teacher - Student Truth Session on Teacher"s Day

"我曾经向老师撒过得谎""我曾经知道学生撒过的谎""The lies I have ever told to my teachers""The lies I have known that students have told"

我有一次作业没写,跟老师撒谎说写了Once I didn"t finish my homework and lied to the teacher that I had finished it.

其实我都知道,但是我愿意给你时间,期待你能把作业重新交给我In fact, I know everything. But I"m willing to give you some time and expect you to hand in your homework to me again.同学:敢不敢评论区留下你曾经向老师撒过得谎?Classmates: Dare you leave a comment about the lies you have ever told to your teachers in the comment area?老师们:你看到敢不敢回复呢?Teacher: Do you dare to reply after seeing this?-END-排版文章:Shary一审一校:Shary二审二校:  Zoe三审三校:Annie

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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