


红领巾在美高双语闪耀少先队员入队仪式的光荣时刻The Re...

红领巾在美高双语闪耀少先队员入队仪式的光荣时刻The Red Scarves Shine at LIVING WORD Shanghai在 2024 年 9 月 9 日这个特别的日子里,上海美高学校的少先队员入队仪式正式开始。On this special day, September 9th, 2024, the Young Pioneers" enrollment ceremony at Shanghai Living Word School officially began.

首先进行的是庄严的升国旗仪式,鲜艳的五星红旗在朝阳的映照下冉冉升起。升起的不仅仅是一面旗帜,更是一种爱国情怀的传递。First of all, a solemn flag - raising ceremony was carried out. The bright Five - Starred Red Flag rose slowly under the illumination of the morning sun. What was raised was not just a flag, but also the transmission of a patriotic sentiment.

孩子们肃立着,目光紧紧跟随着国旗,在这一时刻孩子们的爱国之情深深扎根于心中。The children stood at attention, their eyes closely following the national flag. At this moment, the children"s patriotic feelings were deeply rooted in their hearts.

校长谆谆教诲,寄予深切期望The Principal"s Earnest Inculcation and Deep Expectation

升完国旗后,罗校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话。校长的话语中满是对孩子们即将成为少先队员的祝贺。After the flag - raising ceremony, Principal Luo delivered a passionate speech. The principal"s words were full of congratulations to the children on their upcoming status as Young Pioneers.这祝贺的背后,蕴含着对孩子们成长的期待。罗校长告诉孩子们,少先队员是光荣的称号,它意味着孩子们要更加努力地学习,培养自己的品德,像一颗颗小树苗,在校园里茁壮成长,将来成为对社会有用的人。Behind this congratulation lies the expectation for the children"s growth. Principal Luo told the children that being a Young Pioneer is a glorious title, which means that they should study harder, cultivate their own virtues, and grow up healthily on the campus like little saplings, and become useful people in society in the future.书记语重心长,明确责任担当The Secretary"s Sincere Words Emphasize the Responsibility and Obligation

紧接着,沈书记进行了讲话。她表达了对孩子们的祝贺,着重强调了少先队员肩负的责任和义务。Immediately after that, Secretary Shen delivered a speech. She expressed her congratulations to the children and emphasized the responsibilities and obligations that the Young Pioneers shouldered.让孩子们意识到,戴上红领巾后,要时刻以少先队员的标准要求自己。在生活中,要关爱他人,帮助弱小;在学习上,要勤奋刻苦,勇于探索。Make the children realize that after wearing the red scarf, they should always demand themselves according to the standards of a Young Pioneer. In life, they should care about others and help the weak; in study, they should be diligent, hard - working and brave in exploration.队旗庄严入场,激励学生成长The Team Flag Enters Solemnly and Inspires the Growth of Students

随后,鲜艳的队旗在少先队员的护送下缓缓入场,这队旗象征着少先队的光荣历史和先辈们的奋斗精神。Subsequently, the bright team flag entered slowly under the escort of the Young Pioneers. This team flag symbolizes the glorious history of the Young Pioneers and the fighting spirit of the predecessors.红领巾传递,骄傲与使命同行The Red Scarf Is Passed on, with Pride and Mission Going Hand in Hand

接着是佩戴红领巾的环节。五年级的大哥哥大姐姐们认真地为三年级的小朋友们戴上红领巾,鲜艳的红领巾在小朋友们的胸前飘扬。Then came the step of wearing red scarves. The elder brothers and sisters from the fifth grade carefully tied red scarves for the children in the third grade, and the bright red scarves fluttered on the chests of the little ones.

这一刻,小朋友们的脸上洋溢着骄傲的笑容,他们感受到了成为少先队员的荣耀。同时,他们也明白,这红领巾是一种使命的象征,他们要带着这份使命,在成长的道路上不断进步。At this moment, the children"s faces were filled with proud smiles. They felt the honor of becoming Young Pioneers. At the same time, they also understood that this red scarf was a symbol of a mission. They should carry this mission and keep making progress on the road of growth.

队旗飘扬,祝福满溢The Team Flag Is Flying, and Blessings Are Overflowing

伴随着退旗曲的响起,上海美高学校少先队员入队仪式圆满画上句号。让我们共同祝福新入队的少先队员们,愿他们在红领巾的陪伴下心怀梦想、努力拼搏,在成长道路上绽放光彩、传承红色基因,为祖国的繁荣富强贡献力量。With the playing of the flag - retreating music, the Young Pioneer enrollment ceremony at Shanghai Living Word School has successfully come to an end. Let"s jointly send our best wishes to the newly - enrolled Young Pioneers. May they, accompanied by the red scarves, carry their dreams in their hearts, work hard, shine brightly on the path of growth, inherit the red genes, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland.END排版文章:Shary一审一校:Shary二审二校:  Zoe     三审三校:Annie

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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