


同学们步入校园 九月的天空,金风送暖,丹桂飘香,仿佛是大...

同学们步入校园     九月的天空,金风送暖,丹桂飘香,仿佛是大自然为新学期的到来而特意准备的一幅美丽画卷。在这美好的季节里,美高双语学校的校园也显得格外温馨祥和,充满了希望与活力。The sky in September is warm with golden winds and fragrant osmanthus, as if it is a beautiful painting specially prepared by nature for the arrival of the new semester. In this beautiful season, the campus of The LWS also appears particularly warm and peaceful, full of hope and vitality.

升旗仪式     2024年秋季学期的开学典礼在这样一个美好的日子里盛大开幕。新学期就像是一本刚刚翻开的新书,那整洁的封面上,写满了老师、家人和同学们的殷切期望和美好祝福。每一个字句都透露着对你们未来的美好憧憬,希望你们能够在新的学期里书写出更加精彩的篇章。The opening ceremony of the 2024 autumn semester is grandly inaugurated on such a beautiful day. The new semester is like a newly opened book, with a neat cover filled with the earnest expectations and good wishes of teachers, family, and classmates. Every word and phrase conveys a beautiful vision for your future, and I hope you can write even more wonderful chapters in the new semester.

运营校长方伟德先生发言     集团运营校长方伟德先生在开幕词中表达了对同学们的深深思念,同时也送上了新学期的美好寄语。他祝愿同学们在新的起点、新的航程中能够扬起前进的风帆,勇敢地迎接挑战,不断超越自我,取得更加辉煌的*。Jason Fang, Excutive Principal of Living Word Education Group, expressed his deep longing for the students in his opening speech and also sent a beautiful message for the new semester. He wished his classmates to raise the sails of progress in the new starting point and new journey, bravely embrace challenges, constantly surpass themselves, and achieve even more brilliant results.     方伟德先生的演讲给同学们带来了深刻的思考和积极的启示,激发了大家对学习的热爱和对未来的信心。Jason Fang"s speech brought profound thinking and positive inspiration to the students, inspiring their love for learning and confidence in the future.

汤校长发言     汤校长介绍了新学期学校的可喜变化,在新学期对同学们寄予了深切的期望。希望同学们在新学期树立远大梦想和目标,学会自我管理,从遵守校规开始,养成遵守规则的习惯。教导同学们做一个自律的孩子,珍惜时光、努力学习,向着目标前进,为梦想而努力。Principal Tang introduced the gratifying changes of the school in the new semester and placed deep expectations on the students in the new semester. I hope students can set lofty dreams and goals in the new semester, learn self-management, and cultivate the habit of following school rules from the beginning. Teach students to be self disciplined children, cherish time, study hard, move towards goals, and strive for their dreams.     汤校长向同学们表达了美好的祝愿。希望同学们能够在新的学期里,健康快乐地成长,充实而有意义地度过每一天。汤校长相信,只要同学们有信心,有决心,有毅力,就一定能够创造出属于自己的精彩人生。Principal Tang expressed his best wishes to the students. I hope that students can grow up healthy and happy in the new semester, and spend every day fulfilling and meaningful. Principal Tang believes that as long as students have confidence, determination, and perseverance, they will definitely be able to create their own wonderful lives.

Paul校长发言     在Paul校长看来,今年,对于同学们来说,是一个充满机遇和挑战的时期。在这个阶段,他们有机会去探索全新的课题,发掘自己内心深处的热爱,并且进一步发展自己的才能。这是一个至关重要的时刻,因为每一个伟大的成就都是从决定尝试的那一刻开始的。In Principal Paul"s opinion, this year is a period full of opportunities and challenges for students. At this stage, they have the opportunity to explore new topics, uncover their inner passions, and further develop their talents. This is a crucial moment because every great achievement starts from the moment you decide to try.     同学们迈出的每一步都显得格外重要,无论是在学习上的进步,还是在个人成长上的突破,都需要我们不断地尝试和努力。这些尝试可能伴随着失败和挫折,但正是这些经历塑造了我们的坚韧和毅力,让我们更加成熟和自信。Every step taken by classmates is particularly important, whether it is progress in learning or breakthroughs in personal growth, it requires us to constantly try and work hard. These attempts may be accompanied by failures and setbacks, but it is these experiences that shape our resilience and perseverance, making us more mature and confident.

罗校长发言     德育罗校长以“‘规则’引领我们前行”为主题发表讲话,强调了规则在塑造良好班风和培养学生道德素养中的重要性。他提到,作为美高人,我们共享着这一身份,并肩负着共同的责任来营造积极向上的班级氛围。每个人都是班风的建设者,通过遵守规则、尊重他人、积极参与班级活动等方式,我们可以共同营造出一个和谐、有序的学习环境。Principal Luo of Moral Education delivered a speech on the theme of "Rules Lead Us Forward", emphasizing the importance of rules in shaping a good class atmosphere and cultivating students" moral literacy. He mentioned that As a member of LWS, we share this identity and shoulder a common responsibility to create a positive and uplifting classroom atmosphere. Everyone is a builder of class atmosphere. By following rules, respecting others, and actively participating in class activities, we can jointly create a harmonious and orderly learning environment.     希望大家能够成为有道德素养、有社会责任感的人,不仅在学业上取得成功,更在人生道路上不断成长、进步。I hope everyone can become a person with moral literacy and a sense of social responsibility, not only achieving success in their studies, but also constantly growing and improving on their life path.     校长们的教育理念和实践经验将有助于同学们更好地应对社会的变化和挑战,实现自己的人生价值。相信在他们的引领下,同学们一定能够在新学期取得更加优异的*和进步。The educational philosophy and practical experience of principals will help students better cope with social changes and challenges, and realize their own life values. I believe that under their guidance, students will definitely achieve even better grades and progress in the new semester.

Gina老师发言     外籍教师Gina作为教师代表,表达了对学校的深厚情感,这份情感不仅仅是对这个学习、工作单位的热爱,更是对教育事业的执着追求。她的话语中充满了对教师职业的自豪和敬意。她和所有老师希望同学们在新学期茁壮成长,取得优异的*。As a representative teacher, foreign teacher Gina expressed her profound emotions towards the school, which are not only her love for the learning and work unit, but also her persistent pursuit of the education cause. Her words were filled with pride and respect for the teaching profession. She and all the teachers hope that their classmates will grow strong and achieve excellent results in the new semester.

学生代表Jenny同学发言     Jenny同学作为学生代表发言,她代表所有同学表达了对未来的期待和决心。她强调,每个同学都应该在新学期开始时,对自己提出更高的要求,不仅要在学业上有所进步,更要在品德、能力等各个方面全面提升。Jenny同学鼓励大家要有勇气面对困难,有毅力克服挑战,只有这样,才能在新学期取得更大的进步。Jenny spoke as a student representative, expressing her expectations and determination for the future on behalf of all her classmates. She emphasized that every student should set higher requirements for themselves at the beginning of the new semester, not only to make progress in their studies, but also to comprehensively improve their morality, abilities, and other aspects. Jenny encourages everyone to have the courage to face difficulties and the perseverance to overcome challenges. Only in this way can we make greater progress in the new semester.     “万事开头难”,这句话道出了许多人的心声。确实,无论是学习、工作还是生活中的任何事情,开始的时候总是最难的。因为我们需要克服内心的恐惧,需要打破旧有的习惯,需要适应新的环境和规则。但正是这些困难,才让我们有机会去挑战自己,去超越自己,去实现自己的梦想。The saying "The beginning of everything is difficult" expresses the feelings of many people. Indeed, whether it"s studying, working, or anything in life, the beginning is always the most difficult. Because we need to overcome our inner fears, break old habits, and adapt to new environments and rules. But it is precisely these difficulties that give us the opportunity to challenge ourselves, surpass ourselves, and achieve our dreams.

荣获“管理之星”的同学合影     学校对于在“自主管理”活动中表现出色的同学进行了表彰。他们被评为“管理之星”,并在台上接受了颁奖。The school commended students who performed outstandingly in the "self-management" activity. They were awarded the title of "Star of Management" and received the prize on stage.

     在这个崭新的起点上,每一位同学都怀揣着梦想和希望,准备迎接新的挑战和机遇。学校也将继续提供优质的教育资源和培养环境,为同学们的成长和发展提供坚实的支持。相信在师生们的共同努力下,美高双语学校将会迎来更加美好的明天!At this brand new starting point, every student carries dreams and hopes, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities. The school will also continue to provide high-quality educational resources and training environment, providing solid support for the growth and development of students. I believe that with the joint efforts of teachers and students, LWS will usher in a better tomorrow!


、排版文章:Marshall一审一校:Marshall二审二校:  Zoe     三审三校: Annie 

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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