



亲爱的家长:    您好!    冬季是各种传染病的高发季节,随着气温逐渐下降,新冠、流感、百日咳和水痘等呼吸道疾病及诺如病毒感染性腹泻等肠道传染病发病风险逐渐增加,请您和孩子一起做好以下防护:针对呼吸道疾病,需要做到1.科学佩戴口罩,保持良好的个人卫生习惯,如勤洗手、咳嗽和打喷嚏时要用纸巾;2.保持居住或学习环境的清洁和通风;3.合理饮食,适量运动,充足睡眠,增强免疫力;4.减少与有呼吸道症状人群的密切接触,在人群密集的公共场所加强个人防护;5.做好孩子的健康监测,如出现发热等症状,应视情况及时就医;6.可以进行新冠、流感、肺炎球菌等疫苗的接种。 针对肠道传染病,需要做到1. 督促养成健康的生活习惯,勤洗手;2. 食用瓜果前要洗净去皮,海产品要煮熟煮透后再食用; 注意生熟分开,避免交叉感染;3.如果出现呕吐、腹泻症状,建议不要带病上学。 温馨提示      为了保护孩子的健康,学校也积极做好各种防范、防护工作,包括每天提前做好教室及公共区域的清洁、消毒、通风等相应措施,餐厅为孩子们提供健康营养饮食,班主任持续关注孩子们的健康状况。       希望家长和学校共同为孩子做好健康防护工作,感谢您的配合与支持!上海美高双语学校2024年12月Dear parents,Greetings!Winter is the season of high incidence of various infectious diseases as the temperature gradually drops. The risk of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, flu, whooping cough chickenpox. , intestinal infectious diseases, such as norovirus diarrheal is gradually increasing. Please take the following precautions with your child:For respiratory diseases, it is necessary to:1. Wear masks in the appropriate way and maintain good personal hygiene habits, such as washing hands frequently, using tissues when coughing and sneezing;2. Keep the living or learning environments clean and well ventilated;3. Eat a reasonable diet, moderate exercise and take sufficient sleep to enhanced immunity;4. Reduce close contact with people with respiratory symptoms and strengthen personal protection in crowded public places;5. Monitor the child"s health and seek medical attention promptly if symptoms such as fever occur;6. The vaccination of COVID-19, influenza, pneumococcus and other vaccines should be strengthened.For intestinal infectious diseases, it is necessary to:1. Encourage the development of healthy lifestyle habits and wash hands frequently;2. Wash and peel fruits before consumption and cook seafood thoroughly before consumption; Pay attention to separating raw and cooked food to avoid cross contamination;3. If vomiting or diarrheal symptoms occur, it is recommended not to attend school.In order to protect the health of children, schools should carry out various preventive and protective measures. This includes cleaning, disinfecting, and ventilating classrooms and public areas before the start of each day. The cafeteria provides healthy and nutritious food for children and the homeroom teacher continuously monitors the health status of children.Thank you for your cooperation and support!Living Word Shanghai Bilingual School Dec. 2024

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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