
家校共育,关注成长每一步 —— TCA家长会营造高效沟通生态圈



“以学生为中心”的育人理念体现在TCA每处细节,今天,让我们走进TCA家校空间,感受不一样的家校合作模式。The “student-centered” philosophy of parenting is reflected in every detail of TCA. Today, let"s walk into the TCA homeschool space and experience a different model of homeschool cooperation.TCA家长会以学生为中心

精准对接  深度沟通

TCA家长会全部采用VIP式,家长可以灵活选择到校或线上进行参与,老师针对不同学生的具体情况,提供更详尽的分析和总结,家长将全面了解孩子在校情况。TCA Parent-Teacher Conferences are all VIP-style. Parents can flexibly choose to participate either on-site or online, and teachers are able to provide more detailed analysis and summaries for different students, so that parents will have a comprehensive understanding of their children"s situation at school.

超强阵容  个性化反馈

每位同学都有属于自己的家长会。学校鼓励父母共同为孩子成长出谋划策。由教学主管、班主任、升学指导老师不少于三人的沟通小组与家长进行针对性深入交流。Each student has his or her own parent-teacher conference. The school encourages parents to work together to contribute to their child"s development. A communication team of no less than three members, comprising the Head of Teaching, the class teacher and the Careers Guidance Counselor, will have targeted and in-depth conversations with parents.

精细筹备   内容全面

TCA教师团队对学生日常综合表现进行综合评估,给予家长详细的学情报告。家长可了解到孩子目前各科学习进度、作业完成情况及*。以及学生在校表现、出勤情况、能力发展等内容。TCA"s team of teachers conducts a comprehensive assessment of the student"s overall daily performance and gives parents a detailed report on the academic situation. Parents will be informed of their child"s current learning progress, homework completion and grades in all subjects. They will also have a comprehensive understanding of the student"s school performance, attendance and ability development.

携手沟通  全面护航

老师在为学生提供个性化学校升学帮助的同时,更关注青春期学生的心理变化,并积极与家长探讨适合孩子的沟通方式,共同护航学生健康成长。Teachers provide personalized help for students to go to prestigious schools, while paying more attention to the psychological changes of adolescent students, and actively discussing with parents the appropriate communication methods for their children, so as to escort the healthy growth of students together.???家长会不仅是学校向家长反馈的平台更是了解家长需求的窗口泛洋文华学校重视每一位家长的反馈诚挚地欢迎您提出更多建议和诉求让我们家校携手教育合力共助学生未来发展





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