
科研喜讯 | 天辰学子的2篇科研论文被知网收录!


近日,喜讯传来,我校学生参与的 2 篇极具学术价值的论文 ...

 近日,喜讯传来,我校学生参与的 2 篇极具学术价值的论文 ——《Deep learning-based spatial vector point set partition model》和《Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Based on Minimum Steiner Tree》在知网这一权威学术期刊上成功发表。这两篇论文凝聚着我校师生的智慧与心血,是他们在学术道路上不懈探索与努力的结晶。论文的发表,不仅是对我校学生学术能力的高度认可,更是为我校的学术声誉增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。它彰显了我校在相关领域的深厚学术底蕴和卓越的研究实力。01《Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Based on Minimum Steiner Tree》论文链接:https://www.journal-eit.online/6/3/249发表平台:在知网《工程创新与技术杂志》期刊2024 年 第 6 期 - 第 3 期上发表收录学校:天辰国际书院参与人员:肖同学,陈同学李同学,龚同学,何同学指导教师: 李嘉豪论文介绍:This study explores the application and comparison of the Minimum Steiner Tree (STP) algorithm and the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm in optimizing the communication and transportation network in the central area of Kanazawa City. Through a detailed analysis of the classic STP problem and related algorithms, this paper proposes an optimized Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (IACO) and verifies its efficiency on standard datasets. The results show that this algorithm significantly reduces the total connection cost and improves network efficiency and robustness when connecting key nodes. Therefore, this paper suggests that the IACO algorithm has significant application value in urban network planning and recommends further exploration of its potential in larger and more complex networks to optimize the design of urban communication and transportation networks.

02《Deep learning-based spatial vector point set partition model》论文链接:https://www.journal-gsr.online/6/2/100发表平台:在知网《环球科学报告杂志》期刊2024 年 第 6 期 - 第 2 期上发表收录学校:天辰国际书院参与人员:陈同学,陈同学,石同学,肖同学,郑同学指导教师:李嘉豪论文介绍:In the era of big data, the scale and complexity of spatial data are continuously increasing, making the effective partitioning and classification of spatial vector point sets a critical and challenging problem. This study proposes a spatial vector point set partitioning model based on deep learning, which leverages techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and PointNet. Through an end-to-end learning process, the model automatically extracts the intrinsic structures and patterns of the data. The method employs 3D-CNN and PointNet models to process point cloud data, achieving efficient and accurate partitioning results. The findings indicate that the model demonstrates stronger robustness and higher accuracy when handling large-scale, high-dimensional data, with a classification accuracy reaching 100%. In conclusion, the spatial vector point set partitioning model based on deep learning holds significant theoretical and practical value, offering more precise and reliable technical support for related fields.


天辰书院是Alevel考试局授权考点,也是湖南省重点中学郴州二中深圳国际教学中心。强强联合 | 天辰国际书院与湖南省郴州市第二中学建立国际教育合作关系。书院以A-level/HKDSE课程体系为主,目前与美国石溪中学、加拿大唯雅国际高中、资兴市市立中学国际部、港世课程研发中心进行深度合作。


朱老师 @天辰国际书院


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