


本期Part 2 话题描述学到新知识的视频Describe...

本期Part 2 话题 描述学到新知识的视频Describe an online video in which you learned something newYou should say:When and where you watched itWhat it wasWhy you watched itAnd explain what you have learned from it

本期话题参考文本作者:缪青青One online video that really stuck with me was a TED Talk about productivity and time management. I found it while browsing YouTube, and it immediately caught my attention because, like most people, I often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. The speaker was an expert in psychology, and she explained something I’d never thought of: rather than trying to do more in less time, we should focus on doing less, but doing it well.She introduced a technique called ‘time-blocking,’ which involves setting aside specific periods of time in your day for focused work on particular tasks. For example, instead of jumping between emails, calls, and work projects, you dedicate a set block of time to just one of those activities. This idea of deep focus made so much sense to me, and I was inspired to try it out.After watching the video, I started incorporating time-blocking into my daily routine, and it’s made a noticeable difference. I’m able to complete tasks more efficiently, and I feel less overwhelmed. It was a simple, straightforward tip, but it genuinely changed how I approach my work. Now, I always go back to similar videos whenever I need inspiration to boost my productivity.

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