
冬至快乐! “冬至”用英语怎么说?




今日冬至?冬至是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第二十二个节气,英文表达为Winter Solstice。?冬至当天,太阳几乎直射南回归线(Tropic of Capricorn),北半球将经历一年中*短的白天和最长的黑夜。

据历史学者介绍,3000多年前,周朝以“日影”最长的一天作为新一年的开始。从这个意义上说,冬至就是曾经的年。所以中国有句古话说:“冬至大如年。”汉朝时,冬至成为了冬天的节日,朝廷会举行正式的庆祝活动。这一天,百官和庶民都会停工歇息。The Winter Solstice became a winter festival in Han Dynasty. The celebratory activities were officially organized. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest.在随后的朝代,如唐、宋、元朝,冬至这天要进行祭神祭祖。至明清时期,冬至依旧长盛不衰,民间又有“肥冬瘦年”之说,可见这一节气的重要。

冬至习俗俗话说,冬至到,吃水饺。你还记得么,有些地区是立冬日吃饺子呢。在你们那里,是哪个节气吃饺子?01吃饺子在中国北方地区,吃饺子是冬至的关键活动。俗话说:“冬至饺子夏至面。”During Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes "Have dumplings on the day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the day of Summer Solstice."

02吃汤圆冬至吃汤圆,是我国南方地区的传统习俗。汤圆也称汤团,“圆”意味着“团圆”,所以冬至汤圆又叫“冬至团”。每逢冬至,各家各户都会磨糯米粉,并用不同食材做馅,包成冬至团,不但自家人吃,也会赠送亲友以表祝福之意。It is a traditional custom to eat sticky rice balls (tangyuan) on Winter Solstice in south China. Tangyuan is also called tangtuan, which means "reunion". Therefore, Tangyuan on the winter solstice is also called "winter solstice dumpling". Every Winter Solstice, families in south China would grind glutinous rice flour and make them into balls with different fillings. Tangyuan is not only made for family members, but also for relatives and friends. It is a way to express one"s best wishes for others.

03喝羊汤冬至喝羊肉汤的习俗*早源于四川。在这天,四川地区都习惯祭祖,而祭祖的食物中就有羊肉。此外这一天小辈也要给长辈送祝福,准备的礼物中也有羊肉。再加上这时的羊肉味道肥美,有滋补的作用,所以非常适合在冬天吃。现在,不管是南方还是北方,在冬至节气,大家都会喝上一碗热腾腾的羊肉汤,庆祝冬至的到来。The custom of drinking mutton soup originated in Sichuan province. On this day, people would worship ancestors and younger members of the family would greet elders with wishes. Mutton is part of the offerings and gifts. In addition, mutton has a great taste in wintertime, and it is nourishing. It is a great food for the winter season. Nowadays, people both in the north or south would have mutton soup on Winter Solstice to celebrate this solar term.


邯郸冬至夜思家白居易邯郸驿里逢冬至,抱膝灯前影伴身。想得家中夜深坐,还应说着远行人。Thinking of Home on Winter Solstice Night at HandanBai JuyiAt roadside inn I pass the Winter Solstice Day, Clasping my knees, my shadow is my company,I think, till dead of night my family would stay,And talk about the poor lonely wayfaring me.——许渊冲译南汤圆,北水饺。不论是汤团或是水饺,都是团圆?祝大家冬至快乐~

S老师 @曼哈顿英语


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