11月1日,英国的老牌权威词典《柯林斯英语词典》(Collins English Dictionary)夺取先机,率先公布其2024年的年度热词 brat,从而拉开了英语世界年终热词评选的华丽大幕。
每年的年度热词都是各大词典、语言研究机构的岁末头等大事。今年柯林斯推出的 brat究竟是什么?它又如何有此殊荣,摘得桂冠呢?双语原文
Brat is a word you"ve probably seen just about everywhere over the last couple of months and now it"s officially Collins Dictionary word of the year.在过去的几个月里,你可能随处可见“Brat”这个词,现在它正式被选为柯林斯词典的年度词汇。Defined as someone with a "confident, independent and hedonistic attitude" it has been inspired by Charli XCX.它被定义为具有“自信、独立和享乐主义态度”的人,灵感来自 Charli XCX。What started as the name of her number one album has arguably grown into a cultural movement for some, with people adopting the brat way of life.这最初是她第*张专辑的名字, 可以说已经发展成为一种文化运动,人们采用了小孩般随性的生活方式。
Even the team for US presidential candidate Kamala Harris decided to give her social media a brat rebrand, to attract younger voters at the start of her campaign this summer.就连美国总统候选人卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的团队也决定对她的社交媒体进行一次全新的品牌重塑,以便在今年夏天的竞选活动开始时吸引年轻选民。Collins" lexicographers, who put together their dictionaries, look at social media and other sources to determine which words should be added to their annual list of new and notable words.柯林斯的词典编纂者将这些热词放在一起,查看社交媒体和其他来源, 以确定哪些单词应该添加到他们的年度新词和热词列表中。Brat is the name of Charli"s sixth studio album, which has built momentum since its release in June this year, through not only its original tracks, but remixes too.Brat 是 Charli 的第六张录音室专辑的名字,自今年 6 月发行以来,这张专辑在原创曲目和混音版中都建立了势头。The song with most commercial success has been Guess, which went to number one in August after a remix with Billie Eilish was released.*成功的商业歌曲是《Guess》,该歌曲与 Billie Eilish 合作的混音版发布后于 8 月登上榜首。Brat is, in the words of the singer, a girl who "has a breakdown, but kind of like parties through it", who is honest, blunt, "a little bit volatile".用这位歌手的话来说,“Brat”是一个“精神崩溃, 但喜欢参加派对”的女孩,她诚实、直率, “有点反复无常” 。Brat is also about being hedonistic and rebellious, something Charli says was inspired by her early days of performing at illegal raves, which is again in stark contrast to other popular aesthetics that focus on staying at home and living a wholesome life.Brat 也代表着享乐主义和叛逆,Charli说这是受到她早年在非法狂欢派对上表演的启发,这与其他注重待在家里过健康生活的流行美学形成了鲜明对比。Another word that has made it onto this year"s list is era - which is inspired by Taylor Swift"s Eras Tour, which visited the UK and Europe this year.今年上榜的另一个词是“era”,灵感来自泰勒·斯威夫特今年在英国和欧洲举办的“时代巡演”。
The Collins team have defined it as "a period of one"s life or career that is of a distinctive character".柯林斯团队将其定义为“一个人生命或职业生涯中具有鲜明特色的时期”。A lot of the words on this year"s list have been popularised by Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2012 and even Generation Alpha - who are only as old as 10 or 11.今年榜单上的很多词汇都是由 Z 世代(出生于 1995 年至 2012 年之间)甚至 “阿尔法世代”年龄只有 10 或 11 岁)推广的。Once again social media apps like TikTok and Snapchat have a lot to answer for when it comes to the growth of new words and phrases,according to Collins.柯林斯表示,TikTok 和 Snapchat 等社交媒体应用在新词汇和短语的增长方面要充当一个很大的作用。Yapping, which means talking about length about things that don"t really matter that much and delulu,喋喋不休(意思是长篇大论地谈论一些其实并不那么重要的事情)being unrealistic with your expectations, also make it onto this year"s list.和不切实际(期望不切实际)也进入了今年的榜单。
Despite it being the year of elections globally, only one political term makes it onto this list - supermajority.尽管今年是全球选举之年,但只有一个政治术语进入了这个名单——多数。It is defined as a "large majority in a legislative assembly that enables a government to pass laws without effective scrutiny" and became popular around the UK general election in July.它的定义是“立法议会中的绝大多数票使政府能够在未经有效审查的情况下通过法律”,这在 7 月的英国大选前后流行起来。END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,由星度小编进行综合整理,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化