


近期,美高校园迎来了一年一度的美高国际日(LWS GLOB...

近期,美高校园迎来了一年一度的美高国际日(LWS GLOBAL FAIR)活动,校园瞬间化身为一个小型的 “世界之窗”,处处洋溢着欢声笑语。Recently, the campus of Living Word Shanghai welcomed the annual LWS GLOBAL FAIR event. In an instant, the campus transformed into a small "Window on the World", filled with laughter and joy everywhere. 

美高国际日△活动视频活动当日,校园里仿若开启了一场盛大的世界文化巡游。同学们和老师们纷纷响应号召,各国美食的香气也在校园中交织弥漫。各个国家的特色点心,从摩洛哥的香浓塔吉锅,到意大利的经典披萨,再到中国的美味饺子,每一道佳肴都承载着独特的地域风味,吸引着大家纷纷驻足品尝,开启了一场舌尖上的环球之旅。On the day of the event, it seemed that a grand world cultural parade had been launched on the campus. Students and teachers responded to the call one after another. Meanwhile, the aromas of various cuisines from different countries intertwined and filled the campus. There were specialty snacks from different countries, ranging from the fragrant tagine in Morocco, to the classic pizza in Italy, and then to the delicious dumplings in China. Each delicacy carried a unique regional flavor, attracting everyone to stop and taste them, thus embarking on a global culinary journey.

△Sea food pastilla



△中国特色美食文化展位无疑是本次活动的一大亮点,一个个展位宛如一扇扇通往世界各国的大门。同学们化身文化小使者,热情洋溢地为大家讲解各个国家的历史、习俗与传统,让每一位参与者都能深入领略到世界文化的多元魅力,每一个展位前都围满了好奇的目光,大家在交流互动中感受着文化碰撞的奇妙火花!The cultural booths were undoubtedly one of the highlights of this event. Each booth was just like a door leading to countries all over the world. The students became little cultural ambassadors and enthusiastically introduced the history, customs and traditions of various countries to everyone, enabling every participant to deeply appreciate the diverse charm of world cultures. Every booth was surrounded by curious eyes, and everyone felt the wonderful spark of cultural collisions during the exchanges and interactions!

活动现场,大家身着不同国家的传统服饰,手持各国特色标志物,在镜头前留下了一张张充满纪念意义的照片,仿佛真的完成了一次环球旅行,将这些美好的瞬间定格。At the event site, people were dressed in traditional costumes of different countries and held characteristic emblems of various nations. They took a series of commemorative photos in front of the camera, as if they had truly completed a journey around the world, preserving these beautiful moments.

在社科系 Mr. Johnny 与 Ms. Zineb Habchi 的悉心引领下,本次活动全程由学生自主操办。从深入探究各国文化的调研之旅,到精心绘制摊位海报;从亲手烹制特色摊位美食,到学生会全力投入活动海报制作与宣传推广,学生们的每一步都彰显着以学生为中心的教育理念,充分展现出无限的创造力与潜能,让教育在实践中焕发出独特而耀眼的光芒。Under the careful guidance of Mr. Johnny and Ms. Zineb Habchi  from the Department of Social Sciences, this activity was organized independently by the students throughout. From the research journey of deeply exploring the cultures of various countries to carefully drawing posters for the booths; from personally cooking the special cuisines for the booths to the Student Union"s full dedication to making posters for the activity and promoting it, every step taken by the students demonstrated the student-centered educational concept, fully showing their infinite creativity and potential, and making education shine with a unique and dazzling light in practice.

感谢师生助力最后,让我们向此次负责的社科组老师:Mr. Johnny 与 Ms.Zineb Habchi ,以及所有为此次国际日活动精心策划、积极参与的学生、家长和老师们致以最诚挚的感谢!正是因为有了你们的热情投入与有力支持,才使得这一天如此精彩纷呈,成为美高校园中一段令人难忘的美好回忆!Finally, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the teachers from the Social Science group, Zineb Habchi  and Johnny, as well as all the students, parents and teachers who carefully planned and actively participated in this International Day event. It is precisely because of your enthusiastic dedication and strong support that this day has been so wonderful and has become an unforgettable and pleasant memory in the campus of Living Word Shanghai.△唐校长和 Johnny介绍国际日活动

朱老师 @上海美高双语学校


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