听力部分Part 1:酒店预订题型:填空1.Power2....
听力部分Part 1:酒店预订题型:填空1.Power2.04163340823.Ascot4.6 July5.2506.river7.Value8.East9.Beach10.MapPart 2:The Barry Caves 题型:选择+匹配11-15 选择11-12 CB13-14 AC 15. B16-20 匹配16.E 17.A18.D 19.F 20.C Part 3:澳洲艺术家 题型:匹配+选择21-25 匹配21.urban scene22.empty landscape23.individual portrait24.flow water25.colorful food26-30选择26. surprising action27. disagreement of realism 28.the painting was donated by his wife28. the artist was successful due to his logo design30.he was criticized for his attitude towards the warPart4:国际空间站生活题型:填空31. fresh32. variety33. communication34. sleep35. water36. tools37. instructions38. testing39. accent40. safety阅读部分Passage 1:Rubber题型:判断+填空1-6判断1. FALSE2. TRUE3. NOT GIVEN4. TRUE5. NOT GIVEN6. FALSE7-13填空7. waterproof cloth8. waste strips9. rigid10. stabilize11. steam engines12. first pneumatic tyre13. mass productionPassage 2:Herbal medicine题型:匹配+填空14-17匹配14. D15. A16. E17. D18-21填空18. pain19. book20. law21. course22-26匹配22. A23. B24. D25. A26. CPassage 3:Star performers题型:匹配+简答+判断27-32匹配27. A28. E29. B30. F31. C32. B33-35简答33. 1634. Bach35. coaches36-40判断36. FALSE37. NOT GIVEN38. FALSE39. TRUE40. NOT GIVEN写作部分Task1:流程图易拉罐回收的流程Task2:Some think most crime is the result of circumstances (eg. poverty and other social problems). Others believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your opinion.以上答案与顺序均为考试回忆还原,可能存在些许误差,欢迎各位同学补充~
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