





听力部分Part 1 医保卡办理题型:填空难易度: 一般1. name: Prestney2. date of birth: 17th March3. Address and contact No.:34 Market Road4. Race: European5. citizen6. type of cards: New Zealand high user7. former company: castle hill8. location: north island9. hours: full-time10. specialist: sportPart 2:儿童俱乐部题型:选择+匹配难易度:一般11-14选择11. The summer programs are popular with children becauseA. The program leaders are young12. Whatis the most challenging task for the program director?B. Hiring the right staff13. New employees are trained in how toA. Advise young people14. To reserve a place on the right program, parents shouldC. Apply online15-20匹配15. Elm Camp: F. learning about plants16. Maple Camp: E. taking care of animals17. Willow Camp: G: learning to cook18. Cedar Camp: D. playing in a musical group19. Birch Camp: C. taking lessons from a writer20. Pine Camp: A. acting in a playPart 3:尼日利亚非洲艺术题型:单选+多选难易度:一般21-24单选21. Why they chose the Nigeria African arts for this presentation topicB. visited exhibitions22. What kind ofsculpture does he like most?C. people23. Where did he get money for this field trip?A. from an art organization24. What the highlight of this trip that impressed him most?B. talked to a professor25-30多选25-26. What parts should he make revision for next draftA. enlarge photosD. the techniques27-28. what researches should he spend more time on?B. additional information about the surroundingC. beliefs of locals29-30. what will be more specified in the future?B. who made the sculpturesD. sources of materialPart 4 : 橡胶制作流程难易度:一般题型:填空31. primitive rubber: it is collected from coconut shell32. transferred with mould/mold in acid33. pressed by hand34. NB is the only machinery in the process35. then itis dried and smoked in the special room36. with long traders purchase and trading history流程填空37. Brazilians made rubber for producing balls38. Europeans invented vulcanization to make rubber sooth, strong andmore elastic39. until the invention of car tires, which boosted the industry40. synthetic rubber was made and applied in Germany

阅读部分Passage 1:一个农耕机器及发明人Tull的经历和灵感来源难易度:较难题型:填图+简答+判断待回忆Passage 2:不用的建筑对人的影响难易度:较难题型:匹配+填空待回忆Passage 3:澳大利亚的濒危动物难易度:较难题型:选择+配对+判断27-32 多选27.C28.A29.C30.C31.C32.C33-36 配对待回忆37-40 判断37.Y38.N39.NG40.NG


大作文Some people believe children should have organized activities in their free time. Others believe children should decide what to do in their free time on their own. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 


新起航杨老师 @西安新起航国际


新起航国际语言学校路线指引 正月初三贴赤口,平安喜乐常相伴 灶神归来佑吉祥,美食满桌乐陶陶 喜迎财神财运旺,八方来财福满堂 出行平安福相伴 辞旧迎新好运连