


Popeye the Sailor and the Bel...

Popeye the Sailor and the Belgian boy reporter Tintin lead the class of characters and works of art to enter public domain in 2025.大力水手波派与比利时少年记者丁丁是2025年进入公有领域的人物和艺术作品的代表。On January 1, 2025, the U.S. copyright ends on creations from 1929.到2025年1月1日,美国的版权将终止于1929年的作品。That means the early versions of the comic characters can be used without permission or payment.这意味着漫画角色的早期版本可以在未经许可或付费的情况下使用。They will be joined by the books A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway and The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner.欧内斯特·海明威的《永别了,武器》和威廉·福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》将与他们一起进入公版。Other works coming into the public domain include early films from Alfred Hitchcock and the Marx Brothers,其他进入公版的作品包括阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克和马克思兄弟的早期电影,and several more films starring Mickey Mouse, whose earliest version became public domain last year.以及另外几部由米老鼠主演的电影,其*早的版本去年进入公版。Here is a closer look from the Associated Press at this year"s crop of public domain works:以下是美联社对今年公版作品的详细介绍:Popeye the Sailor, with his big arm muscles and fighting spirit, was created by E.C. Segar大力水手波比是美埃尔克·西格尔创作的,他有着强壮的臂膀和斗争精神,and made his first appearance in the newspaper comic strip Thimble Theater in 1929.于1929年在报纸连载漫画《顶针剧场》出现。His first words were, ""Ja think I"m a cowboy?" when asked if he was a sailor.当被问及他是否是一名水手时,他的第*句话是:“是的,你以为我是牛仔吗?”It was supposed to be a one-time appearance for the character.他本来只是个“一次性角色”。Instead, he became the main character, and the strip would be renamed Popeye.后来他成为了主角,这部漫画也因此改名《大力水手》。But as with Mickey Mouse last year and Winnie the Pooh in 2022, only the earliest version is free for reuse.但与去年的米老鼠和2022年的小熊维尼一样,只有*早的版本可以免费重复使用。Popeye did not become a film character until 1933 and that version remains under copyright.大力水手直到1933年才成为电影角色,该版本仍受版权保护。The 1929 version of the character Tintin, the creation of Belgian artist Herge, will also come into the public domain.比利时艺术家艾尔吉创作的1929年版本丁丁角色也将进入公版。The simply drawn teenager with dots for eyes and hair shaped like an ocean wave, was among the most popular characters in Europe for much of the 20th century.这个画风简单的青少年,眼睛是圆点,头发形状像海浪,在20世纪的大部分时间里,他是欧洲最受欢迎的角色之一。However, in much of the world, Tintin will not become public property until 70 years after the 1983 death of his creator.然而,在世界上的许多地方,丁丁直到创作者1983年去世70年后才成为公共财产。The books entering the public domain this year read like a list for an American literature class.今年进入公版的书籍读起来就像美国文学课上的书单。The Sound and the Fury is arguably William Faulkner"s most famous book.《喧哗与骚动》可以说是威廉·福克纳*著名的一本书。Its special style of expression was a big hit although the book was widely considered difficult to read and understand.尽管人们普遍认为这本书难以阅读和理解,但它独特的表达方式却大受欢迎。The story is set in the southern state of Mississippi, where Faulkner was born and lived most of his life.故事以南部密西西比州为背景,福克纳出生并度过了大半生的地方。It tells about the ruin of a leading family there.它讲述了那里一个显赫家族的毁灭。And Ernest Hemingway"s A Farewell to Arms joins his earlier The Sun Also Rises in the public domain.欧内斯特·海明威的《永别了,武器》与他早期的《太阳照常升起》一起进入公版。The story about an ambulance driver is set in Italy during World War I.这个关于一名救护车司机的故事,故事发生在第一次世界大战期间的意大利。It was based in part on Hemingway"s real life.故事部分基于海明威的现实生活。It has been made into film, TV, and radio versions, and now can be done anew without permission.他曾多次被改编为电影、电视和广播剧,现在这些改编也无需获得许可了。American John Steinbeck"s first novel, A Cup of Gold, will also enter the public domain.美国人约翰·斯坦贝克的第一部小说《金杯》也将进入公版。Filmmaking was changing from silent to sound production during the late 1920s.20世纪20年代后期,电影制作从无声转向有声。The famous moviemaker Alfred Hitchcock was still living in Britain when he made the film Blackmail.著名电影制片人阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克拍摄电影《讹诈》时还住在英国。The movie began as a silent film but was turned to sound film during production.这部电影一开始是一部无声电影,但在制作过程中变成了有声电影。Two versions of Blackmail were released.《讹诈》发布了两个版本。One of the versions became Britain"s and Hitchcock"s first sound film.其中一个版本成为英国和希区柯克的第一部有声电影。American John Ford is probably best remembered for making the kind of films called Westerns.美国人约翰·福特可能*为人所知的是他制作的西部片。Those movies remain protected.这些电影仍然受到保护。But, Ford"s first sound film, 1929"s The Black Watch, enters the public domain next month.但是,福特的第一部有声电影、1929年的《苏格兰警卫团》将于下个月进入公版。The action movie includes a young John Wayne who appears in a small part.这部动作片中,年轻的约翰·韦恩出演了一个小角色。Years later, Wayne was the star of many Ford films.多年后,韦恩成为福特许多电影的明星。Another notable director, Cecil B. DeMille, already a Hollywood leader in silent films, made Dynamite his first sound film in 1929.另一位著名导演塞西尔·B·戴米尔已经是好莱坞无声电影的人物,他在1929年制作了他的第一部有声电影《轰动人物》。Groucho, Harpo, and the other Marx Brothers humor group had their first starring parts in 1929"s The Cocoanuts.格劳乔、哈波和马克思兄弟的幽默组合在1929年的《椰子果》中主演。The brothers went on to make the popular comedies, Animal Crackers and Duck Soup.兄弟俩接着制作了流行喜剧《动物饼干》和《鸭汤》。And The Broadway Melody will also enter the public domain on January 1.《百老汇的旋律》也将于1月1日进入公版。It became the first sound film and the second film ever to win the Oscar for best picture — then called "outstanding production."它成为首部荣获奥斯卡奖的有声电影,也是第二部获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的电影,当时被称为“杰出作品”。I"m Caty Weaver.我是凯蒂·韦弗。And I"m Dorothy Gundy.我是多萝西·甘迪。来源:VOA慢速英语END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化


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