
新年伊始 万象更新|星度环球文化祝大家元旦快乐!


2025元旦的传说In a legend about th...



In a legend about the prosperous era of Yao and Shun some 4000 years ago, when Yao was the king, he created many benefits for the people and was loved by them. However, since his son was not as capable as he, Yao did not pass on his throne to his son but to Shun, a wise and saintly man.相传在4000多年前远古的尧舜之时,尧天子在位时勤政于民,为老百姓办了很多好事,很受广大老百姓爱戴,但因其子无才太不成器,尧没把“天子”之位传给自己的儿子,而是传给了品德才能兼备的舜。Yao said to Shun: "You must pass the throne to the right person. Only then, will I feel at peace when I die." Shun passed his throne to Yu, who was a hero because he could control flooding. Just like Shun, Yu also did a lot of good deeds for the people and was revered by them. After Yao died, Shun set the day he made sacrifices to the heavens and gods, as well as to the late Yao, as the first day of the year.尧对舜说:“你今后一定要把帝位传给值得的人,待我死后也可安心瞑目了”。后来舜把帝位传给了治洪水有功的禹,禹亦像舜那样亲民爱民为百姓做了很多好事,都十分受人爱戴。后来人们把尧死后,舜帝祭祀天地和先帝尧的那一天,当作一年的开始之日。Previous dynasties would organize celebrations and sacrifices on this day, for example sacrificing to the immortals and their forefathers , writing Spring Festival scrolls, writing character fortunes and dragon dancing.历代皇朝都在元旦举行庆贺典仪祈祀等活动,如祭诸神祭先祖,写门对挂春联,书写福字、舞龙灯。


In ancient China, Yuan Dan was not on January 1st, as regulated in the Gregorian calendar. The date of Yuan Dan had been changed many times from the 1st of the 12th lunar month in Yin Dynasty to the 1st of the 1st lunar month in Han Dynasty. When Sun Yat-sen took office as the temporary President in Nanjing at the beginning of January of 1912, he set the 1st of the 1st lunar month as the Spring Festival while the 1st of January was set as the New Year, which was also called Yuan Dan. After liberation, the Central Government of China issued a National Festival and Memorial Day Holiday that set January 1st as Yuan Dan, which was a one-day holiday for the whole country.在古代,按公历来说,元旦不仅仅是一月一号这一天。元旦的日期从殷朝腊月初一改到汉朝的正月初一。公元1911年,孙中山领导的辛亥革命 ,推翻了满清的统治,建立了中华民国。各省都督代表在南京开会,决定使用公历,把农历的正月初一叫做“春节”,把公历的1月1日叫做“元旦”。新中国成立后,中国出台了关于全国假日和战争纪念日的放假规定时,定1月1号为元旦,全国放假一天。In order to distinguish the two New Years of both the lunar calendar and solar calendar, and as the "spring beginning" of the Lunar Calendar was always around the lunar New Year, the 1st of the 1st lunar month was called the Spring Festival.为了区别农历和阳历的两个新年,有鉴于农历二十四节气中的“立春”恰在农历新年的前后,因此便把农历正月初一改称为“春节”。Yuan means the beginning, the first. The beginning of a number is Yuan. Dan, which is a pictographic character in the Chinese language, means the day rises from the horizon, symbolizing the beginning of a day. When Yuan and Dan are combined, it means the first day of a New Year. Yuan Dan is also called Three Yuan, the beginning of a year, the beginning of a month and the beginning of an hour. The word Yuan Dan was first used during the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns era.“元”意为开始,第*,数字的第*个称元。“旦”在中国文字里是象形文字,其意思为太阳从地平线上升起,意为一天的开始。当“元”和“旦”相结合,意思就成了一年开始的第一天。元旦又称“三元”,即岁之元、月之元、时之元。 元旦*早可以追溯到“ 三皇五帝时期”( “三皇”指、地皇、人皇。“五帝”指木帝、火帝、土帝、金帝和水帝。 )In the Gregorian calendar, New Year"s Eve (also known as Old Year"s Day or Saint Sylvester"s Day in many countries), the last day of the year, is on December 31. 在公历中,新年前夜(在许多国家也被称为旧历年或圣西尔维斯特节)是一年中的最后一天,在12月31日。In many countries, New Year"s Eve is celebrated at evening social gatherings, where many people dance, eat, drink, and watch or light fireworks. Some Christians attend a watchnight service. 在许多国家,人们会举行晚会来庆祝新年前夜,许多人在那里跳舞、吃饭、喝酒、看或放烟花。一些基督徒参加守夜仪式。The celebrations generally go on past midnight into New Year"s Day, January 1st.庆祝活动通常在午夜过后持续到新年的1月1日。-END-【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,由星度小编进行综合整理,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化


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