



不少烤鸭认为,由于雅思写作中有一个评分是词汇丰富程度,所以要多背一些难词、偏僻词来彰显自己的能力。殊不知,其实考官在阅卷中更愿意看到的是一些native speaker常用的地道表达。今天小曼老师就给大家整理了雅思写作中常考的10个话题表达,包括教育、科技、环境、文化、犯罪、工作、交通、媒体、政府、健康,赶快一起来看看吧~1教育1. something be an arduous process中文释义:某事是一个艰难过程例句:Attending a university with a top-tier reputation often is an arduous but rewarding process.2. use lateral thinking中文释义:用发散性思维例句: Using lateral thinking, the student can solve problem in unconventional manner.3. rely on linear thinking中文释义:受到思维局限例句: The student should not rely on linear thinking habits. Instead, they should think more innovatively.4. rote memorisation中文释义:机械记忆,死记硬背例句: Rote memorisation is not entirely useless. It can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables.5. read extensively中文释义:广泛地阅读例句: Some people argue that the examinations do not motivate students to read extensively.6. role model中文释义:榜样例句: My elder brother has always been a role model for me.7. self-discipline中文释义:自制力例句: My friend lacks self-discipline and is unable to finish anything.8. self-paced learning中文释义:自主学习例句: Self-paced distance learning offers students convenience and flexibility.9. put theory into practice中文释义:把理论运用到实践中去例句: The workshop helps students to put theory into practice.10. study intensively中文释义:高强度地学习例句: Many parents are concerned that exam-oriented education may restrict students" creativity and cause students to study too intensively.2科技1. become widely available中文释义:得到广泛的普及例句: The internet had become widely available to households in the UK by 2000.2. break new ground中文释义:开拓新的领域例句: They have been breaking new ground in genetic research.3. minimise the risk of something中文释义:尽可能减小某种风险的可能性例句: By minimising human involvement, the idea was to minimise the risk of flawed results.4. satisfied human curiosity中文释义:满足人类的好奇心例句:A good reason to support space exploration is to satisfy human curiosity.5. be mechanised中文释义:机械化的例句: Mechanised farming has reduced the cost of production of various crops.6. speed up the pace of something中文释义:加快某事物的节奏例句: The agency"s services have helped laboratories to speed up the pace ofscientific discovery.7. information highway中文释义:信息高速路例句: There is a huge amount of information on the information highway, ranging from government services to technical support.8. popularise something中文释义:让某种新生事物得到普及例句: The government has been trying to popularise these eco-friendly cars.9. supersede something中文释义:取代(过去的某种事物)例句: In the future, robots will supersede human beings for very heavy work.10. mass production中文释义:大规模生产例句: Some people argue that mass production of standardised goods on assembly lines is uncreative.3环境1. dispose of something中文释义:处理掉,扔掉例句: Some waste is disposed of under the sea.2. recyclable material中文释义:可以被重复利用的材料例句: When recyclable material is not disposed of correctly, it may add to the mass of polluting waste.3. cause irreversible damage中文释义:导致不可逆转的破坏例句: In some countries, air pollution is causing irreversible damage to the environment.4. be permanently damaged中文释义:遭到性的破坏例句: The ecosystem that plays a part in natural processes such as climate or the food chain may be permanently damaged.5. car emissions中文释义:汽车的尾气排放例句: Cities across the country are cracking down on air pollution by enforcing strict car emission control.6. upset the ecosystem中文释义:扰乱生态系统例句: The Gulf of Mexico oil spill has greatly upset the ecosystem.7. at the expense of something中文释义:以...为代价例句: They accused BP (英国石油公司) of pursuing profit at the expense of the environment.8. be in short supply中文释义:处在短缺状态中例句: Raw materials are in short supply.9. redress the ecological balance中文释义:恢复生态平衡例句: In these circumstances, government intervention is important to redress the ecological balance.10. be saturated with中文释义:过度饱和,充斥着例句: The air has been saturated with harmful chemicals, dust and other contaminants.4文化1. multicultural society中文释义:多元文化社会例句: We live in a multicultural society.2. be customary中文释义:(在某种文化中)按照惯例某人会如何做例句: In the UK, a handshake is customary when a person is introduced to somebody new.3. core values中文释义:核心价值观例句: In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share the core values.4. unspoken rules中文释义:不成文的规定例句: There are many unspoken rules that we live by.5. a bonding mechanism中文释义:具有很强社会凝聚力的因素例句: A shared ideology is a strong social bonding mechanism.6. assimilate into a new culture中文释义:融入到一种新的文化当中例句: Some immigrants can assimilate into the local culture immediately.7. has a resurgence in popularity中文释义:(一度过时的东西)重新又流行起来。例句: Acoustic music has had a resurgence in popularity due to the recent popularity of musicians playing without electric amplification on TV.8. regain its vitality中文释义:重新获得生命力例句: It seems the high-tech media can help the traditional culture to regain its vitality.9. remain intact中文释义:保持完好无损的例句: It is difficult for a place to draw tourists while remaining its cultural heritage intact.10. preserve the individuality of cultures中文释义:保留多种文化各自特色例句: A single international language may make it difficult to preserve the individuality of cultures.5犯罪1. law-abiding citizens中文释义:遵纪守法的公民例句: The judicial system is set up to benefit law-abiding citizens.2. pass new legislation中文释义:通过新的立法例句: Britain has passed new legislation to regulate research on human cloning.3. be tempted into 中文释义:被引诱去做某事例句: Those at the bottom of society may be more likely to be tempted into a life of crime as a solution to their problems.4. deter sb. from doing something中文释义:让某人不敢去做某种违法的事情例句: The government is bringing in stricter laws to deter drivers from speeding.5. have proliferated中文释义:(某种犯罪)大量出现例句: Online crimes have proliferated in society during the last 5 years.6. harden sb. against society中文释义:让某人仇视社会例句: Jail terms may harden a convict against society as a result of the brutalising treatment he/she receives.7. crack down on something中文释义:严厉查处某事例句: The police are cracking down on illegal parking.8. uphold an ordered society中文释义:维持社会稳定与安全例句: Some people argue that the death penalty is essential for upholding an ordered society.9. curb lawless behaviour中文释义:遏制违法行为例句: The police will aim to curb lawless behaviour without using excessive force.10. crime prevention中文释义:预防犯罪例句: Neighbourhood watch groups have been an effective means of crime prevention.6工作1. job security中文释义:工作稳定性例句:It"s a choice between higher pay and job security.2. a sense of fulfilment中文释义:(从工作中获得的)成就感例句: Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement.3. flexible arrangement中文释义:灵活的安排例句: Flexible work arrangements can promote better work-life balance.4. be an indicator of ability 中文释义:工作能力的体现例句: Age is not of itself an indicator of ability.5. be entitled to something中文释义:享有某种权利例句: The majority of the workers have been entitled to paid holidays. 6. brain drain中文释义:人才流失例句: This brain drain was casued by highly-skilled people only offering their services to the highest bidder.7. excessive workload中文释义:过重的工作负担例句: The employees have been complaining about the excessive workload—they had to do too much in too little time.8. an employee-friendly environment中文释义:让员工感到舒服且能够实现自我价值的工作环境例句: The company will build an employee-friendly environment, with various programmes from childcare and family care to leisure support.9. be well-staffed中文释义:员工素质高的例句: A properly designed programme should be well-staffed and well-managed.10. occupational hazard中文释义:从事某种职业可能带来的危害例句: Every company should have goals to eliminate occupational hazardin the workplace.7交通1. transport infrastructure中文释义:交通设施例句: Developing international tourism in this area may add to the burdens on the already-overburdened transport infrastructure.2. the volume of traffic中文释义:交通量例句: The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically.3. road network中文释义:公路网例句: Some people complain that the quiet countryside has been ruined by road networks.4. traffic density中文释义:交通密度例句: Some people suggest building more streets and roads to reduce traffic density.5. fuel consumption中文释义:燃料消耗例句: Driving at high speeds significantly increases your fuel consumption.6. reckless driving中文释义:不考虑后果的驾驶行为例句: Deaths caused by reckless driving are avoidable.7. drunk driving中文释义:酒后驾车例句: Drunk driving may cause bodily harm or death and thus should be legally prohibited.8媒体1. pop-up advertising windows中文释义:弹出式的网络广告例句: We have plenty of ways to disable pop-up advertising windows, but we cannot really screen TV advertisements out of our lives.2. be intensively advertised中文释义:得到密集的广告宣传例句: The new product is being intensively advertised on TV.3. peak time中文释义:黄金时段例句: The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time.4. spoil someone"s enjoyment中文释义:很扫兴例句: TV advertising interrupts exciting programmes and spoils our enjoyment.5. well-worn themes中文释义:已经被滥用的题材例句: Today many TV programmes pursue well-worn themes that are sommon to all cultures, such as romance and crime.6. current affairs中文释义:政治、社会、经济等方面的时事例句: The BBC offers its audiences a wide range of current affairsprogrammes.7. newsworthy events中文释义:有新闻价值的事件例句: The journalist is always looking for newsworthy events to report on.8. distort the truth中文释义:(媒体在报导时候)歪曲事实例句: The newspaper has been accused of distorting the truth.9. court media publicity中文释义:刻意地去吸引媒体的关注例句: Celebrities tend to court media publicity because media attention is important to their career.10. exaggerate something中文释义:过度夸张地描述某事物例句: The seriousness of the situation has been exaggerated in the press.11. arouse someone"s desire to...中文释义:让某人产生想去做某事的冲动例句: TV  advertising arouses the viewers" desire to buy new products.9政府1. play a regulatory role中文释义:发挥监管者的作用例句: It remains highly controversial whether the government should play a regulatory role in this industry.2. impose a ban on something中文释义:禁止某事物例句: Some think that the government should impose a ban on the sale of tobacco.3. impose a burden on sb.中文释义:给某人或某事物造成负担例句: The new proposal will impose a financial burden on taxpayers.4. should abolish something中文释义:(政府官方)废除某事物例句: Some people argue that capital punishment should be abolishedbecause life imprisonment can serve the same purpose just as effectively.5. high on the government"s agenda中文释义:某事是政府的首要任务例句: Education is high on the governement"s agenda.6. counteract something中文释义:(政府)应对某事例句: Some governments are encouraging consumer spending to counteract recessions.7. a recurring problem中文释义:持续出现问题例句: The crisis in banking and the high unemployment rate have been two recurring problems in this country.8. It is short-sighted to...中文释义:做某事是目光短浅的例句: They believed it was a short-sighted tax policy.9. safeguard social stability中文释义:保障社会稳定例句: Some people argue that international aid promotes growth indirectly in less developed countries by safeguarding social stability.10. have the authority to do something中文释义:获得授权去做某事例句: These missions are projects that only governemnts have the authority to undertake.11. should implement something中文释义:应该实施某个计划例句: Government agencies should be encouraged to implement the new system.12. translate something into action中文释义:将某种想法或计划付诸行动例句: The governemnt should translate its strategies into action.10健康1. life expectancy中文释义:人口的预期寿命例句: Many developing countries have seen an improvement in life expectancy.2. be health-conscious.中文释义:(某人)是很注重健康的例句: People generally believe that women are more health-conscious than men.3. a sedentary job中文释义:需要久坐的工作例句: Overweight people whose work is sedentary will find it much harder to lose weight.4. feel refreshed中文释义:感觉焕然一新的例句: People can feel refreshed both physically and mentally after a period of idling.5. has taken its toll on one"s health 中文释义:对某人的健康造成了伤害例句: 20 years of smoking has taken its toll on his health.6. be deficient in...中文释义:缺乏某种营养例句: These children tend to eat food that is deficient in iron.7. self-discipline中文释义:自制力例句: Without proper self-discipline, children may end up eating too much junk food.以上这些话题表达你记住了吗?如果没记住也不要紧,先收藏起来吧!

S老师 @曼哈顿英语


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