




(图源:pixabay)双语原文A badge the size of a palm may seem like a useless piece of metal to outsiders, but Generation Z is willing to spend hundreds of yuan to buy it, for what they call an emotional value.一个手掌大小的徽章对于外人来说可能只是一个无用的金属片,但 Z 世代愿意花费数百元购买它,因为他们称之为情感价值。China"s generation Z has increasingly turned to spending their disposable income on collecting metal badges adorned with their beloved characters from anime, video games and idols.中国的 Z 世代越来越倾向于将可支配收入花在收集饰有他们喜爱的动漫、电子游戏和偶像角色的金属徽章上。The new trend has ignited discussions on social media platforms.这一新趋势在社交媒体平台上引发了讨论。A Chinese youngster told the Global Times on Thursday that the metal badges are worthwhile because of the emotional value they hold for her.一位中国年轻人周四告诉《环球时报》,金属徽章是值得的,因为它们对她来说具有情感价值。Liu Pei (alias), a university student, told the Global Times that she enjoys buying badges featuring her favorite anime characters, and spending money on these items is worthwhile, as they provide fun and satisfaction, making it a rational expense for her.大学生刘佩(化名)告诉《环球时报》,她喜欢购买带有她*喜欢的动漫角色的徽章,花钱买这些物品是值得的,因为它们带来了乐趣和满足感,对她来说是理性的消费。She noted that this trend is common among her friends.她指出,这一趋势在她的朋友中很常见。In the past, she was obsessed with collecting all the merchandise related to her favorite anime, but now she finds fulfillment in acquiring just one or two items.过去,她痴迷于收集与她*喜欢的动漫相关的所有商品,但现在她在获得一两件物品中找到了满足感。However, she acknowledged that this spending is ultimately about "purchasing happiness and emotional value."然而,她承认这种消费最终是关于“购买快乐和情感价值”。Not limited to badges, peripheral products derived from anime, games, and idols, including posters, and acrylic stands, and figurines, have also gained significant popularity among many young people in China.不仅限于徽章,从动漫、游戏和偶像衍生的周边产品,包括海报、亚克力立牌和手办,也在中国的许多年轻人中获得了显著的人气。Currently, badges are highly popular in the second-hand market, according to The Beijing News.据《新京报》报道,目前徽章在二手市场上非常受欢迎。These small metal badges are available for as little as a few dozen yuan, while the more popular ones can easily sell for hundreds or even thousands of yuan.这些小金属徽章售价低至几十元,而更受欢迎的则可以轻松卖到几百甚至几千元。Additionally, trading cards is also one of the most popular choices among young people.此外,交易卡片也是年轻人中最受欢迎的选择之一。In particular, My Little Pony trading cards have seen a significant rise in popularity among elementary school students in China.特别是,《小马宝莉》交易卡在中国的小学生中人气显著上升。This trend is largely due to the wide variety of cards offered and the blind-box sales method.这一趋势主要归因于提供的卡片种类繁多和盲盒销售方式。Fridge magnets, particularly those developed and inspired by original museum artifacts, have also become a favorite among young people.冰箱贴,特别是那些由原始博物馆文物开发和启发的,也成为年轻人中的最爱。On Chinese social media platforms like Xiaohongshu, a growing number of young enthusiasts of traditional Chinese culture are creating their own "fridge magnet museums" on magnetic boards, displaying their collections in creative and innovative ways.在小红书等中国社交媒体平台上,越来越多的传统中国文化爱好者在磁性板上创建自己的“冰箱贴博物馆”,以创造性和创新的方式展示他们的收藏。The trend surrounding fridge magnets has also contributed to the promotion of Chinese traditional culture.围绕冰箱贴的趋势也促进了中国传统文化的推广。At the National Museum of China, visitors lined up to see the actual renowned empress"s phoenix coronet, inspired by the allure of a fridge magnet.在中国国家博物馆,游客排队观看实际著名皇后的凤冠,这灵感来自于一个冰箱贴的吸引力。Another young collector Li Ran, who likes to collect trading cards and fridge stickers, told the Global Times that young people collect these items as a matter of their personal choice, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the process.另一位年轻收藏家李然(音译),喜欢收集交易卡和冰箱贴,他告诉《环球时报》,年轻人收集这些物品是个人选择的问题,强调享受过程的重要性。来源:中国日报双语新闻等END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化


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