项目概述Program Overview东华大学与加拿大卡...
项目概述 Program Overview东华大学与加拿大卡尔顿大学合作举办工商管理硕士(MBA)项目,创立于2003年,获得国家教育部与学位办的批准(批准书编号:MOE31CA1A20030512O)。项目致力于培养兼具国际视野与创新能力的高端工商管理人才,适应全球经济一体化的挑战与机遇。Established in 2003, the Carleton MBA in Collaboration with Donghua University has been approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China(Approval No.: MOE31CA1A20030512O). This program is committed to cultivating top-tier business management professionals with both international vision and innovative capabilities, ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of global economic integration.
项目亮点 Program Highlights ? 权威认证 Official Accreditation项目经国家教育部留学服务中心认证,确保学位全球认可。Certified by the Ministry of Education’s Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, ensuring global recognition of the degree. ? 核心方向:商业分析 Core Focus整合商业分析与工商管理课程,培养前沿商业洞察力。Business Analytics: An integrated curriculum combining business analytics and management courses, equipping students with cutting-edge business insights. ? 全球校友平台 Global Alumni Platform构建国际商界精英的高端人脉网络,提升职业发展机会。Build a high-level network of elite international business professionals, enhancing career development opportunities. ? 北美教育体验 North American Educational Experience在国内享受世界级教育,学习国际管理知识,紧跟全球经济脉搏。Enjoy world-class business education domestically, learn advanced international management practices, and stay connected to global economic trends. ? 世界级师资 World-Class Faculty 教授团队授课,采用国际原版教材,结合著名商学院案例教学。Courses taught by top professors using international original textbooks and renowned business school case studies. ? 自主招生,无需联考 Direct Admission 注重学生综合素质,选拔有潜力的未来商业领袖。No National MBA Entrance Exam: Focus on selecting high-potential candidates based on comprehensive evaluations rather than national exam results.?实践教学 Practical Teaching 多元化学习体验,强调理论与实践结合,注重解决实际商业问题的能力。Diverse educational experiences that emphasize the integration of theory and practice, with a focus on solving real-world business problems.?加拿大游学机会 Study Abroad Opportunity in Canada亲临北美,深度体验国际文化与商业环境。Experience North American culture firsthand through study opportunities in Canada.?小班教学 Small Class Sizes师生互动紧密,营造开放活跃的学习氛围。Enjoy close-knit interactions with faculty and peers in an engaging and dynamic learning environment.
招生对象 Who Should Apply企业、事业单位及政府部门的中高级管理人员Senior and mid-level managers from enterprises, institutions, and government departments.招生规模 Enrollment Scale每期40人40 students per cohort
项目学制 Program Duration1.5年1.5 years证书样本 Credentials Awarded
报名条件 ApplicationCriteria?拥有中国教育部认可的大学本科及以上学历,且有三年及以上管理经验Hold a bachelor"s degree (or higher) recognized by the Ministry of Education of China, with at least three years of management experience.?拥有国际同等学历(经中国教育部认证),且有三年及以上管理经验Hold an international degree of equivalent standing (certified by the Ministry of Education of China), with at least three years of management experience.?拥有中国教育部认可的三年制专科学历,并有五年及以上管理经验Hold a three-year diploma (recognized by the Ministry of Education of China), with at least five years of management experience.
项目申请流程 Application Time2024年11月-2025年3月:报名材料递交November 2024 - March 2025: Application materials submission2025年3月--4月:报名材料审核March - April 2025: Application review2025年5月:预修课程学习May 2025: Preparatory course study2025年6月:录取通知书发送June 2025: Issuance of admission letters
报名材料 Registration materials01《东华-卡尔顿MBA项目报名表》Carleton MBA in Collaboration with Donghua University Application Form02学位证书(或学历证书)英文认证报告Degree Certificate (or Graduation Certificate) English Authentication Report03英文*单(需学信网认证)English Transcript (certified by CHSI)04英文简历English Resume05两封英文推荐信Two English Recommendation Letters06英文自我陈述信English Personal Statement07身份证或护照复印件Copy of ID card or passport082寸证件照Two passport-size photos09名片Business card扫码添加下方老师微信免费获取25级东华-卡尔顿MBA提前面试 背景评估看看你拿东华-卡尔顿MBA提面优秀 的几率有多大
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