




图源网络Jellycats have taken the world and social media by storm.Jellycat毛绒玩偶席卷了全球和社交媒体。I"m sure we"ve all seen these videos on TikTok of Jellycat stores in London, Paris and New York hosting their fish and chips, patisserie and diner events.我相信我们都在TikTok上看到过这类视频,视频中展示了伦敦、巴黎和纽约的Jellycat商店举办的“鱼和薯条”、“法式甜点”和“美式餐厅”等主题活动。Now, to anyone who isn"t a social media using girl...对于那些不用社交媒体的人来说……I"m sick.简直难以置信。The whole craze around Jellycats will sound kind of insane because spending £130 on a fish and chips experience where they wrap the toys up pretending they"re real fish and chips, it sounds pretty silly.围绕Jellycat流行起的这股热潮听起来可能有些疯狂,因为花130英镑体验一场“鱼和薯条”活动,商家将玩偶装成鱼和薯条,这看起来确实有点荒谬。But why does it work?但为什么它会风靡一时呢?I was in Selfridges the other day and the fish and chips event had accumulated a massive crowd and a massive queue.前几天我在Selfridges百货公司,发现他们的“鱼和薯条”主题活动聚集了大量人群排队。And today I"m going to be addressing the question, what"s all the hype about?今天我就来探讨一个问题:这股热潮炒作究竟是怎么产生的?First, let"s delve into a brief history of the company.首先,让我们深入了解一下这家公司的历史。So Jellycat was founded in 1999 by Thomas Jatica.Jellycat由托马斯·贾提卡(Thomas Jatica)于1999年创立。He was initially a toy retailer but after a while of working and being bored, he decided that he wanted to start a toy business of his own.他最初是个玩具零售商,但工作了一段时间后感到很无聊,于是决定创办自己的玩具公司。Thomas" brother, William, joined the bandwagon and their mutual passion for art and design got their business idea on a roll.随后托马斯的弟弟威廉也加入了这一潮流,他们对艺术和设计的共同热情使他们的商业理念顺利实现。So, exactly what makes JellyCats so great?那么,究竟是什么让Jellycat如此特别呢?Well, objectively speaking, JellyCats are high quality and consequently more expensive than its competitors.客观来说,Jellycat的产品质量很高,因此比竞争对手的价格更贵。The material they use for their toys are often described by Reddit users as being luxuriously soft.Reddit用户经常形容这些玩偶的材质“柔软得奢华”。They also tend to cost more than its competitors due to the diversity of materials they have to use to cater to their diverse range of designs.由于设计种类繁多,不同的Jellycat需要使用不同的材料,这也增加了成本。The reason why Jellycats are more expensive than their main competitor, Squishmallows, forexample, is due to the fact that while Squishmallows use the same fabrics and styles essentially across all of their designs, the diverse range of designs for Jellycats, on the other hand, i.e. there being different shapes and sizes, require different materials and different placements of stuffing and beans.与其主要竞争对手Squishmallows相比,Jellycat的价格更高,原因在于Squishmallows基本上所有设计都使用相同的面料和风格,而Jellycat的设计多样,例如有不同的形状和大小,这就需要用不同的材料、填充物和豆子(一种塑料豆,作用是调节玩具重心)进行制作。As such, the production process and designs are already more complicated.因此,它的生产工艺和设计更为复杂。Another reason for their high price point is due to Jellycat"s labour ethics.另一个高价的原因是基于Jellycat对劳动者的尊重。They are dedicated to anti-slavery labour, also meeting international labour standards, offering reasonable pay and reasonable working hours for their labourers.公司致力于反对奴役劳工,制定符合国际劳动法的标准,未劳工提供合理的薪资和工作时间。So unlike many companies, workers abroad are not being exploited.这意味着,与许多公司不同,Jellycat没有剥削海外工人。So overall, due to the quality of their toys and the ethical practice of the process, they cost much more to make and therefore are seemingly deserving of the price.因此,总体来说,由于玩偶的质量很高,且生产过程中遵守道德伦理,其定价较高是合理的。But still, why have Jellycats come to be so popular?但仍然存在一个问题,为什么Jellycat能变得如此流行?When you say teddy or toy, you usually assume that children are the obvious target audience.当提到毛绒玩具时,通常我们会认为孩子是主要的目标人群。However, when I went to the Jellycat store in London, there were plenty of people who were visibly 18 and over.然而,当我去伦敦的Jellycat商店时,看到的许多人显然都超过了18岁。Interestingly, I didn"t see many children there.有趣的是,我没怎么见到小孩子。Children meaning those under 10 for my standards.这里指的是10岁以下的孩子。So it"s quite clear to me that the target audience of Jellycat has now turned into those who are of an age to be using social media.很显然,Jellycat的目标人群现在已经变成了那些使用社交媒体的成年人。But why is Jellycat so appealing to young adults?那么,为什么Jellycat对年轻人如此有吸引力?First are their designs.首先是它们的设计。Many of Jellycat"s products are actually more appealing to adults than to kids.Jellycat的许多产品实际上对成年人比对孩子更有吸引力。Coffee, sushi, croissants, pain au chocolat, items that adults personally appreciate and so they can have a cute little toy to identify their likes with.咖啡、寿司、可颂、巧克力面包等,都是成年人喜欢的物品,因此他们可以用这些可爱的玩具表达自己的喜好。Many of their products, especially the food products, are everyday items that adults can resonate with.尤其是那些食物主题的产品,都是成年人日常生活中能产生共鸣的物品。They are personified in a cute way, being given legs and a simple smiley face.它们被拟人化得非常可爱,配上小腿和简单的笑脸。I think that adults nowadays like the idea of something so simple being turned into something cute and novel.我认为,现在的成年人喜欢那些将简单的东西变得可爱而新颖的物品。Secondly, Jellycat products also promote a more nostalgic and toned down feel.其次,Jellycat产品还散发出一种怀旧且低调的氛围。The colours used are not too bright and not too over the top like most children"s toys are.它们使用的颜色不过于鲜艳,也不像大多数儿童玩具那样过于张扬。They are timeless designs and timeless colours.基本都是经典的设计和经典的配色。I"ll share with you guys a reddit post that sums up this idea.我会给你们分享一个Reddit帖子,它很好地总结了这一点。When comparing the success of Jellycat and Squishmallows amongst adults, one reddit user said that Jellycat does cute and adorable better than any other stuffed toy line I know.当比较Jellycat和Squishmallows在成年人中的受欢迎程度时,一个Reddit用户说:“Jellycat是我见过的毛绒玩具系列中,*擅长做出可爱而迷人设计的品牌。They"re not saccharine and aggressively cute like squishmallows, but they"re still distinctively cute in a soft, endearing way.它们不像Squishmallows那样过分甜腻和卖萌,但依然有一种柔和而令人喜欢的可爱感。They are in some ways a throwback to before childhood was all neon colours and plastic throwaway toys.某种程度上,它们让人回想起童年旧时光的毛绒玩具,而不是现在那些充斥着霓虹色和一次性塑料的玩具。”They"re gentle.它们是温柔的。Interesting to me.充满趣味的。Jellycat"s simple designs evoke a sense of nostalgia.Jellycat 简约的设计唤起了一种怀旧感。They are unique and cute, but in a toned down, grounded kind of way.它们独特又可爱,但风格更加低调、平实。Something that has arguably been lost by many stuffed toys nowadays that bombard their designs with colour.这种特点在如今许多被色彩淹没的毛绒玩具中或许已经消失了。I would also say that social media aesthetics have also changed the wants of many young adults.我还想说,社交媒体的美学也改变了许多年轻人的喜好。We find cute things appealing, especially cute things that can be transformed into a quirky, albeit silly, event.我们觉得可爱的东西很有吸引力,尤其是那些被设计得古怪离奇,尽管有点傻气的东西。It"s something to post about.这样的东西很适合发布到社交媒体上。Many people who are just starting to get into Jellycats would have likely come across them from seeing Jellycats on TikTok.许多刚开始喜欢 Jellycat 的人,可能是在 TikTok 上看到它们的。I remember when I got my first one nearly two years ago.我还记得差不多两年前买到我的第*个 Jellycat 时的情景。I came from a TikTok that showcased the amusable Pan Chocolat.当时我刷到一个展示 “Amusable Pain au Chocolat” 玩偶的 TikTok 视频。It showed how cute the little guy was by sitting him down on a big bed with his legs crossed.视频中,这个小家伙被摆放在一张大床上,双腿交叉,看起来非常可爱。And myself, being a sucker for all things cute and novel, I caved in and got one.而我自己是个对可爱和新奇事物毫无抵抗力的人,于是就忍不住买了一个。Now, what do you guys think about Jellycats?那么,你们对 Jellycat 有什么看法呢?If you"ve seen them on social media, did you cave in and buy them?如果你在社交媒体上见到它们,有没有忍不住入手一个?Or did you keep an eye out for them whenever you went to the shops?或者你是否每次逛商店时都会特别留意它们?I"d be really interested to hear what you guys have to say.我很想知道你们的想法。来源:每日英语听力丨双语精读END【声明】内容整理自网络,版权归原作者或平台所有,如有侵权请联系删除。欢迎大家关注我们的新媒体平台: 微信公众号:星度国际翻译微信公众号:星度外语微信公众号:星度环球文化小红书:星度环球留学小红书:星度环球语言微博:星度环球文化微博:星度国际翻译知乎:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度国际翻译今日头条:星度环球文化


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