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Swipe left or right to switch languages←左右滑动切换语言→Since the launch of MIS Winter and Summer Camps, we have won the favor of numerous students and parents with our innovative curriculum, strong faculty, and unique learning experiences. At MIS Winter and Summer Camps, children can not only interact closely with foreign teachers from all over the world and immerse themselves in a multicultural atmosphere but also significantly improve their English proficiency, learn French, and understand French culture, enhancing their cross-cultural adaptability. More importantly, children"s holiday lives become more colorful and enriching.▲Previous Winter Camp Video ReviewThis winter, the MIS Winter Camp is fully upgraded and sets sail again! Limited spots, a rare opportunity. First come, first served!

Exploration and GrowthIB Feature-Themed Winter CampImmersive experience of IB curriculum: "Who are we" Unit of InquiryHow popular is IB? As the international curriculum that is internationally recognized, truly borderless, globally applicable, and comprehensive talent cultivation-focused, IB is favored by more and more schools and parents! The internationalization of the IB curriculum is not about wholly accepting foreign cultures but is centered on the national culture and advocates cultural integration, which is why IB has been widely applied globally.What"s more valuable is that as a high-level international curriculum system, IB focuses not only on the teaching of basic knowledge but also on the cultivation of students" qualities and abilities, and the development of their interests. IB can be said to be a true practitioner of holistic education. As its educational philosophy is Education for Life, IB cultivates lifelong learners who are inquisitive, knowledgeable, proactive, and caring.

As one of the six major IB-PYP thematic subjects, "Who am I" aims to help students comprehensively understand themselves through interdisciplinary inquiry, including self-nature, beliefs and values, personal, physical, mental, social, and spiritual health, etc. Through these inquiries, students can not only better understand themselves but also actively take on various roles in group discussions, and learn to care and communicate, thus cultivating comprehensive development abilities.

▲Click on the image above to review the MIS IB Celebration.Multicultural Experience, Language EnhancementThis IB Feature-Themed Winter Camp adopts an all-foreign-teacher instruction to ensure that students can be exposed to the most authentic language environment, with English as the main teaching language and featured French courses, combining language learning with professional knowledge. Moreover, in this Winter Camp, students will also communicate with those from different backgrounds, allowing students to understand and respect different cultures and cultivate cross-cultural communication skills.Featured Course Experience, Comprehensive Quality ImprovementThis Winter Camp will also offer art, sports, science, music, and other authentic international courses, allowing students to experience a real international education. These courses not only enrich students" holiday lives but also provide them with a platform to fully engage with and understand global cultures, knowledge, and skills. Through these courses, students will not be limited to book knowledge but will learn in practice and grow in play, preparing for the future global stage.

Inspiration and BloomingEnglish Drama-Themed Winter CampDrama education, with its unique charm, opens a new door for the comprehensive development of children. Through role-playing, exploration, experience, and feeling, children can awaken the soul of the character in the world of drama while discovering and interpreting their self-worth.MIS Winter Camp is designed for students who love English and drama. Here, students will improve their English language skills through drama games, role-playing, scriptwriting, and stage performances, while also cultivating confidence, creativity, and teamwork. Through the contextual approach, children"s self-confidence, creativity, expressive abilities, and empathy are fully cultivated.

All-English environment, enhancing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skillsWith all-foreign-teacher English teaching, the Winter Camp creates an authentic English learning environment to encourage students to communicate and express themselves in English. In addition to English drama and movie appreciation, they will also comprehensively improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through play script research, story creation, and drama performances.Script analysis and creation, enhancing creativity and imaginationIn this Winter Camp, we will lead students on a cross-cultural script exploration journey. We have carefully selected a series of excellent scripts from countries around the world, aiming to allow students not only to learn and understand the dramatic arts under different cultural backgrounds but also to master the key skills of script analysis through in-depth analysis of these classic works. Students will learn how to interpret characters, plot development, themes, and symbolic meanings, as well as how to express complex emotions and ideas through the power of language. They will also learn to analyze and try creative writing, enhancing their English proficiency, imagination, and creativity.Enhancing stage presentation skills, boosting self-confidenceIn this Winter Camp, we have carefully planned an artistic feast of stage performances for students. Students will not only absorb theoretical knowledge of scripts but also have the opportunity to step onto the stage and transform theory into practice. This is not only an experience of artistic expression but also an opportunity to challenge oneself and unlock potential. Through the practice of role-playing and stage expressiveness, students will enhance their speech and expression skills, learning to convey their thoughts and emotions clearly and persuasively. This teaching method aims to shape students" self-confidence while cultivating their creativity, teamwork spirit, and cross-cultural communication abilities.▲Previous Summer Camp Video ReviewRegistration InformationThe Themed Winter Camps of MIS are recruiting students aged 5-13 who wish to experience international education, with 60 spots available. First come, first served!

ScheduleJanuary 20-22, 2025 (Monday-Wednesday)·IB Feature-Themed Winter Camp (Ages 5-7): 20 ppl·IB Feature-Themed Winter Camp (Ages 8-10): 20 ppl·English Drama-Themed Winter Camp (Ages 11-13): 20 pplFees·IB Feature-Themed Winter Camp2380/term, early bird price 1980 yuan/term (registration before December 15th)(The fee includes meals, snacks, learning fees, and possible material fees during the Winter Camp.)·English Drama-Themed Winter Camp2680 yuan/term, early bird price 2280 yuan/term (registration before December 15th)(The fee includes meals, snacks, learning fees, and possible material fees during the Winter Camp.)RegistrationScan the QR code below or on the poster to register.

MIS Winter CampLimited spotsA rare opportunitySign up now!


自MIS推出冬令营和夏令营以来,我们凭借创新的课程设计、雄厚的师资和独特的学习体验,赢得了众多学生和家长的喜爱。在MIS冬夏令营,孩子们不仅能与来自世界各地的外籍教师亲密互动,沉浸在多元文化的氛围中,还能显著提升英语水平以及学习法语和了解法国文化,增强跨文化适应能力。更重要的是,通过参与MIS的活动,孩子们的假期生活变得更加丰富多彩。▲往期冬令营视频回顾在这个冬天 ,MIS冬令营全新升级,再次启航!名额有限,机会难得,抓紧时间抢占先机吧!

探索与成长IB特色主题冬令营沉浸式体验IB课程:“我们是谁”主题探究学习IB究竟有多火?作为目前国际上认可度*高、真正无国界全球通用的、且旨在培养*全面人才的国际课程,IB正在为越来越多的学校和家长所青睐!而IB课程的国际化,并非全盘接受外来的内容,而是以本国文化为核心,提倡文化融合,也正因如此,IB能够在全球范围内得到广泛的应用。更可贵的是,作为一个高水平的国际课程体系,IB既注重基础知识的教学,也关注学生素质和能力的培养,还要发展他们的兴趣,可以说IB是真正意义上的全人教育的践行者。它的教育哲学是Education for Life(终身的教育)。IB培养的是探究真知、知识渊博、积极进取、富有爱心的终身学习者。

而作为IB-PYP 6大主题之一的“我是谁”主题的主要目的是通过超探究,帮助学生全面理解自我,包括自我本质、信仰与价值观、个人、身体、心智、社交和精神健康等方面。?通过这些探究,学生不仅能够更好地认识自己,还能在小组讨论中主动担任各种角色,学会关爱和交流,从而培养全面发展的能力?。

▲点击上方图片回顾MIS IB庆典多元文化感受,语言技能提升此次IB 主题冬令营,采用全外教的授课教学方式,确保学生能够接触到*纯正的语言环境,全程教学以英语为主,设置特色法语课程,将语言学习与专业知识有机结合。并且此次冬令营,还将和不同背景的学生交流沟通,让学生了解和尊重不同文化,培养跨文化的交流能力。特色课程体验,综合素质提升此次冬令营,我们还将开设艺术、体育、科学、音乐等原汁原味国际课程,让学生体验真实国际教育。这些课程不仅丰富了学生的假期生活,还为他们提供了一个全面接触和理解全球文化、知识与技能的平台。通过这些课程,学生将不仅限于书本知识,而是在实践中学习,在游戏中成长,为未来的全球舞台做好准备。



时间安排2025年1月20-22日(星期一——星期三)·IB 特色主题冬令营(5-7岁):20人·IB 特色主题冬令营(8-10岁):20人·英语戏剧主题冬令营(11-13岁):20人收费情况·IB特色主题冬令营2380/期 ,早鸟价1980元/期(截止12月15日前报名)(该费用包含冬令营期间的餐费、间餐费、学习费以及可能产生的材料费等。)·英语戏剧主题冬令营2680元/期,早鸟价2280元/期(截止12月15日前报名)(该费用包含冬令营期间的餐费、间餐费、学习费以及可能产生的材料费等。)报名方式长按扫描下方二维码或海报二维码即可报名



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