点击上方公号卡片,获取更多留学考试资讯在雅思口语考试中,如果描述从事医疗行业的人,你会怎么进行描述呢?一起来看看老师给出的示例回答吧。01口语题目Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse)You should say:Who he/she isWhat he/she doesWhy he/she chose this careerAnd explain how you feel about him/her02示例范文 I’d like to talk about my grandmother, who worked as a nurse for many years before she retired. She is in her 80s now, but she still has a very caring nature, which I think comes from her years in the medical field. Even though she is no longer working, she continues to be very attentive and responsible, just like she was when she was a nurse.Interestingly, being a nurse wasn’t her first choice. When she was younger, there weren’t many career options available to her, so she ended up choosing nursing because it was one of the few professions open to women at the time. Even though it wasn’t her dream job, she embraced it with dedication. She often said that once she started working, she learned to love the job. She liked helping people and felt proud when her patients recovered and thanked her for her care.As a nurse, she was known for being very careful and responsible. She paid great attention to detail and always made sure her patients were well taken care of. Her colleagues and patients respected her for her kindness and commitment. She would often stay late if someone needed extra care, and she took pride in doing her job well.I really admire my grandmother for her hard work and the way she turned a job that wasn’t her first choice into something she loved. Her dedication to helping others and her ability to adapt to her circumstances is something that inspires me. It shows me that no matter what path you take, with the right attitude, you can find fulfillment in your work.欢迎添加下方二维码咨询更多课程
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